Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Protozoa
Euglenozoa –
Kinetoplastida –
Rhizopoda –
Microspora –
Protozoa incertae sedis
Protozoa Goldfuss, 1817
Goldfuss, Georg August: Ueber die Entwicklungsstufen des Thieres, Nürnberg, Leonhard Schrag (1817) [1].
Additional references
See also
Alternative classifications
[Note: in most classifications, Protozoa is currently considered a polyphyletic taxon. Some authors (e.g. Cavalier-Smith) still use it as a paraphyletic taxon, although most taxonomists prefer to use only monophyletic taxa. See Eukaryota for more modern classifications of the groups previously placed here.]
Goldfuss (1820)
From Handbuch der Zoologie.
Class Protozoa
von Siebold (1848)
Lehrbuch der vergleichenden. Vol. 1, Wirbellose Thiere, von C. Th. v. Siebold, 1848. Vol. 2, Wirbelthiere, von H. Stanius, 1846, [4].
Phylum Protozoa
Owen (1860)
From Palæontology or a Systematic Summary of Extinct Animals and Their Geological Relations.
Kingdom Protozoa
- Class Amorphozoa
- Class Rhizopoda
- Subclass Polycystineæ
- Class Infusoria
Hogg (1860)
Hogg, J. (1860). On the distinctions of a Plant and an Animal and on a Fourth Kingdom of Nature. Edinburgh New Phil. J., N.S. 12: 216–225 [5].
- Mineral kingdom
- Vegetal kingdom
- Animal kingdom
- Primigenal kingdom (Regnum Primigenum)
- Protoctista
- Amorphoctista (Sponges)
Haeckel (1874)
From Haeckel E (1874). Die Gastrea-Theorie, die phylogenetische Classification des Tierreiches und die Homologie der Keimblatter. Jenaische Zeitschrift fur Naturwissenschaft, 8, 1–55, [6]. See See Kluge (2004-2014), [7].
[P. 32:]
1. Ablasteria | Protozoa | Protozoa | Protozoa |
2. Diblasteria | Gastraeada | Zoophyta | Metazoa |
Spongiae | |||
3. Triblasteria | Acalephae | ||
4. Tetrablasteria | Acoelomi | Vermes | |
5. Pentablasteria | Coelomati | ||
Mollusca | Typozoa | ||
Echinoderma | |||
Arthropoda | |||
Vertebrata |
[P. 33:]
- Bilateria = Sphenota
- Vermes I + Vermes II [Sammtlische Würmer]
- Mollusca [Molluscken]
- Echinoderma [Echinotermen]
- Arthropoda [Arthropoden]
- Vertebrata [Vertebraten]
[P. 52:]
- Thierreichs
- Protozoa
- Metazoa [= Blastozoa, p. 19]
- Anaemaria
- Haemataria = Pentablasteria
Lankester (1877)
Lankester, E. R. 1877. Notes on the embryology and classification of the animal kingdom: Comprising a revision of speculations relative to the origin and significance of germ layers. Quartely Journal of Microscopical Science, 68:399-454, [8].
- Animalia [p. 442]
- Plastidozoa
- Protozoa
- Grade A. Gymnomyxa
- Class Gymnomyxa
- Grade B. Corticata
- Class Corticata
- Grade C. Stomatodea
- Class Suctoria
- Class Ciliata
- Class Proboscidea
- Grade A. Gymnomyxa
- Protozoa
- Enterozoa
- Plastidozoa
Saville-Kent (1880-1882)
From Saville-Kent, W. (1880-1882). A manual of Infusoria. London: D. Bogue, 3 vols., [9].
Sub-kingdom Protozoa [p. 36]
- Section A. Pantostomata
- Class I. Rhizopoda
- Order 1. Amoebina (Amoeba)
- Order 2. Gregarinida (Gregarina)
- Order 3. Arcellinida (Gromia, Arcella)
- Order 4. Foraminifera (Rotalia, Nummulina)
- Order 5. Labyrinthulida (Labyrinthula)
- Order 6. Radiolaria (Actinophrys, Collosphaera)
- Order 7. Mycetozoa (Aethalium, Didymium)
- Class II. Flagellata [in part]
- Order 8. Trypanosomata (Trypanosoma)
- Order 9. Rhizo-Flagellata (Mastigamoeba, Podostoma)
- Order 10. Radio-Flagellata (Actinomonas, Euchitonia)
- Order 11. Flagellata-Pantostomata (Spumella, Anthophysa)
- Class I. Rhizopoda
- Section B. Discostomata
- Class II. Flagellata [in part]
- Order 12. Choano-Flagellata (vel Discostomata-Gymnozoida) (Codosiga, Salpingoeca, Protospongia)
- Order 13. Spongida (vel Discostomata-Cryptozoida) (Halisarca, Grantia, Spongilla)
- Class II. Flagellata [in part]
- Section C. Eustomata
- Class II. Flagellata [in part]
- Order 14. Flagellata-Eustomata (Euglena, Noctiluca)
- Order 15. Cilio-Flagellata (Peridinium, Heteromastix)
- Class III. Ciliata
- Order 16. Holotricha (Paramecium)
- Order 17. Heterotricha (Stentor, Spirostomum)
- Order 18. Hypotricha (Euplotes, Oxytricha)
- Order 19. Peritricha (Vorticella, Ophrydium)
- Class II. Flagellata [in part]
- Section D. Polystomata
- Class IV. Tentaticulifera
- Order 20. Actinaria (Ephelota)
- Order 21. Suctoria (Acineta, Dendrosoma)
- Class IV. Tentaticulifera
Sub-kingdom Protozoa [p. 211]
- Legion Infusoria
- Class Flagellata
- Class Ciliata
- Class Tentaticulifera
Bütschli (1880-1889)
From Bütschli, O. (1880–1889). Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs: wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild: wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild. Erster Band: Protozoa. Abt. I, Sarkodina und Sporozoa, 1880-82 [10]. Abt. II, Mastigophora, 1883-87 [11]. Abt. III, Infusoria und System der Radiolaria, 1887-89 [12]. C.F. Winter, Leipzig.
Phylum Protozoa
- Class Sarkodina
- Subclass Rhizopoda
- Subclass Heliozoa
- Subclass Radiolaria
- Class Sporozoa
- Subclass Gregarinida
- Subclass Myxosporidia
- Subclass Sarcosporidia
- Class Mastigophora
- Order Flagellata
- Order Choanoflagellata
- Order Dinoflagellata
- Order Cystoflagellata
- Class Infusoria
Lankester (1885, 1891)
Lankester, E. R. (1885). Article "Protozoa". In: Encyclopaedia Britannica (9th ed.), 19: 830–866, [13].
Lankester, E. R. (1891). Article "Protozoa". In: Zoological Articles Contributed to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, [14].
- Protozoa
- Grade A. Gymnomyxa Lankester, 1878
- Class I. Proteomyxa Lankester
- Class II. Mycetozoa De Bary
- Class III. Lobosa Carpenter
- Class IV. Labyrinthulidea
- Class V. Heliozoa Haeckel, 1866
- Class VI. Reticularia Carpenter, 1862
- Class VII. Radiolaria Haeckel, 1862
- Grade B. Corticata Lankester, 1878
- Class I. Sporozoa Leuckart
- Class II. Flagellata Ehrenberg
- Class III. Dinoflagellata Bütschli
- Class IV. Rhychoflagellata Lankester
- Class V. Ciliata Ehrenberg
- Class VI. Acinetaria Lankester
- Grade A. Gymnomyxa Lankester, 1878
Blochmann (1886)
Die mikroskopische Tierwelt des Süßwassers, 1st ed., 1886, [15].
- Klasse Rhizopoda
- Klasse Heliozoa
- Sporozoa
- Klasse Mastigophora
- Klasse Suctoria (Infusoria)
- Klasse Ciliata (Infusoria)
Haeckel (1889)
Haeckel, E. 1889. Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte, 8th ed, [16]. See p. 452, 453, 462, 508.
- Protistenreich
- Protophyta (Protista vegetalia)
- Klass I. Phytarcha
- Phytomonera
- Ordnung 1. Probiontes
- Chromaceae
- Ordnung 2. Chroococceae
- Ordnung 3. Nostochineae
- Phytomonera
- Klass II. Diatomeae
- Klass III. Cosmariae (Desmidieae)
- Klass IV. Palmellariae (Palmellaceae)
- Klass V. Siphoneae (Coeloblastae)
- Klass I. Phytarcha
- Protozoa (Protista animalia)
- Zoarcha (Zoocytoda)
- Zoomonera
- Lobomonera
- Rhizomonera
- Bacteria
- Sphaerobacteria
- Rhabdobacteria
- Zoomonera
- Cytarcha
- Lobosa (Amoebina)
- Gregarinae (Sporozoa)
- Infusoria
- Flagellata (Mastigophora)
- Ciliata
- Acinetae (Suctoria)
- Rhizopoda
- Mycetozoa (Myxomycetes)
- Heliozoa
- Thalamaria (Foraminifera)
- Radiolaria
- Zoarcha (Zoocytoda)
- Protophyta (Protista vegetalia)
- Pflanzenreich
- Thallota (Thallophyta)
- Algae (Phycophyta)
- Zygnemaceae
- Conferveae
- Fucoideae
- Florideae
- Characeae
- Fungi (Inophyta)
- Mycetes
- Lichenes
- Algae (Phycophyta)
- Prothallota (Mesophyta)
- Bryophyta
- Pteridophyta
- Phanerogamae (Anthophyta)
- Gymnospermae
- Cycadeae
- Coniferae
- Gnetaceae
- Angiospermae
- Monocotylae
- Dicotylae
- Gymnospermae
- Thallota (Thallophyta)
- Thierreich
- Coelenteria (Coelenterata, Zoophyta, Anaemaria)
- Gastraeades
- Spongiae
- Cnidaria
- Platodes
- Coelomaria (Bilaterata, Bilateria, Haemataria)
- Helminthes
- Mollusca
- Echinoderma
- Articulata
- Tunicata
- Vertebrata
- Coelenteria (Coelenterata, Zoophyta, Anaemaria)
Claus (1891)
From Lehrbuch der zoologie.
Haeckel (1894)
From Systematische phylogenie, 3 vols (vol. 1, Protisten und Pflanzen, 1894; vol. 2, Invertebrata, 1896; vol. 3, Vertebrata, 1895). [17].
[Vol. 1, p. 90-91:]
- Protophyta (Protista plasmodoma) [Vol. 1, p. 96]
- Archephyta (Progonella)
- Probiontes
- Chromaceae (Phycochromaceae)
- Algariae (Paulosporata)
- Paulotomeae
- Conjugatae
- Diatomeae
- Algettae (Zoosporata)
- Mastigota
- Melethallia
- Siphoneae
- Archephyta (Progonella)
- Metaphyta (Histones plasmodomi) [Vol. 1, p. 256]
- Thallophyta
- Algae, [Vol. 1, p. 302]
- Chlorophyceae
- Charaphyceae
- Phaeophyceae
- Rhodophyceae
- Mycetes [Vol. 1, p. 316]
- Ascomycetes (Ascodiomycetes)
- Basimycetes (Basidiomycetes)
- Lichenes [Vol. 1, p. 325]
- Algae, [Vol. 1, p. 302]
- Diaphyta [Vol. 1, p. 330]
- Bryophyta [Vol. 1, p. 336]
- Pteridophyta
- Anthophyta
- Gymnospermae
- Angiospermae
- Thallophyta
- Protozoa (Protista plasmophaga) [Vol. 1, p. 138]
- Archezoa (= Zoarchega)
- Bacteria (= Bactromonera)
- Coccillida
- Bacillida
- Spirillida
- Zoomonera (= Monera s. str.)
- Lobomonera
- Rhizomonera
- Bacteria (= Bactromonera)
- Fungilli (= Sporozoa)
- Rhizopoda
- Infusoria
- Archezoa (= Zoarchega)
- Metazoa (Histones plasmophagi)
- Coelenteria (Acoelomia)
- Gastraeades
- Spongiae
- Cnidaria
- Platodes
- Bilateria (Coelomaria)
- Helminthes
- Mollusca
- Articulata
- Echinoderma
- Tunicata
- Vertebrata
- Coelenteria (Acoelomia)
Levander (1894)
Levander, K.M. (1894). Materialien zur Kenntnis der Wasserfauna in der Umgebung Helsingfors, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Meeresfauna. I: Protozoa. Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 12(2): 3–155, 3 pls, 1 table, [18].
- I. Sarcodina
- II. Mastigophora
- III. Infusoria
Blochmann (1895)
Blochmann, F. (1895). Die mikroskopische Tierwelt des Süßwassers. Abt. I, Protozoa. In: Kirchner, O. & Blochmann, G., Die mikroskopische Pflanzen- und Tierwelt des Süßwassers. 2. Aufl., Teil II. Hamburg: Gräfe & Sillem, [19].
- I. Klasse Rhizopoda
- II. Klasse Heliozoa
- Sporozoa
- III. Klasse Mastigophora
- IV. Klasse. Infusoria
Delage & Hérouard (1896)
Traité de zoologie concrète, t. 1, [20].
- Protozoa
- Classe Rhizopodia
- Classe Sporozoaria
- Classe Flagellia
- Classe Infusoria
Kalberlah & Schoenichen (1900)
Kalberlah, A. & Schoenichen, W. B. (1900). Eyferth's Einfachste Lebensformen des Tier- und Pflanzenreiches: Naturgeschichte der mikroskopischen Süsswasserbewohner. 3rd ed. Braunschweig: B. Goeritz, [21].
- Pflanzliche Organismen
- I. Schizophytae
- II. Euphyceae (Echte Algen)
- III. Fungi
- Tierische Organismen
- I. Einzellige Lebewesen – I. Protozoa
- I. Sarcodina
- II. Mastigophora (Flagellata)
- I. Protomastigina
- II. Polymastigina
- III. Euglenoidina
- I. Euglenida
- II. Astasiida
- III. Peranemida
- IV. Chloromonadina
- V. Holomastigina
- VI. Chromomonadina
- Anhang: Hydrurina
- III. Ciliata
- A. Gymnostomata
- B. Trichostomata
- I. Aspirotricha
- II. Spirotricha
- A. Heterotricha
- B. Oligotricha
- C. Hypotricha
- D. Peritricha
- IV. Suctoria
- II. Mehrzellige Lebewesen (Metazoa) – II. Rotatoria
- I. Einzellige Lebewesen – I. Protozoa
Doflein (1901)
Doflein, F. (1901). Die Protozoen als Parasiten und Krankheitserreger, 1st ed. Further editions: Lehrbuch der Protozoenkunde.
- Stamm: Protozoa
- I. Unterstamm: Plasmodroma
- II. Unterstamm: Ciliophora
Doflein (1902)
Doflein, F. (1902). Das System der Protozoen. Archiv für Protistenkunde 1: 169—192, [22].
- Stamm: Protozoa
- I. Unterstamm: Plasmodroma Doflein
- I. Unterstamm: Ciliophora Doflein
Lankester et al. (1903, 1909)
Lankester, E. R. (ed.) A treatise on zoology, vol. 1, fasc. 1 (1909), fasc. 2 (1903), [23].
- Proteomyxa
- Heliozoa
- Mycetozoa
- Lobosa
- Radiolaria
- Mastigophora
- Appendix (Chlamydomyxa, Labyrinthula, Xenophyophoridae)
- Foraminifera
- Sporozoa
- Infusoria
Hartog (1906)
Hartog, M. (1906). Protozoa. In: The Cambridge Natural History. Vol. 1, Protozoa, Porifera, Coelenterata and Echinodermata. (eds. S. F. Harmer and A. E. Shipley). London: Macmillan, [24].
Doflein (1911)
From Lehrbuch der Protozoenkunde, 3rd ed, 1911. (1st ed. named Die Protozoen als Parasiten und Krankheitserreger, 1901).
Minchin (1912)
An introduction to the study of the Protozoa, with special reference to the parasitic forms, 1st ed., [25].
Lühe (1913)
From Lühe, M. 1913: Erstes Urreich der Tiere. In: Lang A, editor. Handbuch der morphologie der wirbellosen Tiere. Jena: G. Fischer. 416 p.
Poche (1913)
Poche, F. 1913. Das System der Protozoa. Archiv für Protistenkunde 30: 125–321, [26].
Phylum Protozoa Goldfuss, 1817
- I. Superklasse: Plasmodroma Doflein (1901, p. 3)
- I. Klasse: Flagellata Cohn (1853, p. 273).
- I. Unterklasse: Euflagellata
- II. Unterklasse: Dinoflagellata
- II. Klasse: Rhizopoda
- I. Unterklasse: Chaoinea, nom. nov.
- II. Unterklasse: Radiolares
- III. Klasse: Cnidosporidia
- IV. Klasse: Sporozoa Leuckart (1897, p. 241).
- V. Klasse: Haplozooidea
- I. Klasse: Flagellata Cohn (1853, p. 273).
- II. Superklasse: Ciliophora
- VI. Klasse: Monomastigoidea
- VII. Klasse: Infusoria
- VIII. Klasse: Acinetoidea
Hartmann (1919)
From Hartmann, M. "Allgemeine Morphologie und Physiologie der Protozoen". In: Lehrbuch der Mikrobiologie. Friedberger, E; Pfeiffer, R. [eds.] G. Fischer, 1919, [27], [28].
Calkins (1926)
From The biology of the Protozoa.
Phylum Protozoa
- Subphylum Mastigophora Diesing
- Class Phytomastigoda Doflein
- Order Chrysomonadida
- Order Cryptomonadida Stein
- Order Dinoflagellida Stein
- Order Phytomonadida Blochmann
- Order Euglenida Stein
- Order Chloromonadida Klebs
- Class Zoomastigoda Doflein
- Order Pantastomatida Minchin
- Order Protomastigida
- Order Polymastigida Blochmann
- Order Hypermastigida
- Class Phytomastigoda Doflein
- Subphylum Sarcodina
- Class Actinopoda Calkins
- Class Rhizopoda von Siebold
- Subphylum Infusoria
- Subphylum Sporozoa
Wenyon (1926)
Wenyon, C. M. 1926. Protozoology, a manual for medical men, veterinarians and zoologists. Baillière, Tyndall and Cox: London; New York: W. Wood. Vols. 1 and 2, [29].
Phylum Protozoa
- Subphylum Plasmodroma
- Class Rhizopoda
- Class Mastigophora
- Class Cnidosporidia
- Class Sporozoa
- Subphylum Ciliophora
Sandon (1927)
Sandon, H., 1927. The composition and distribution of the protozoan fauna of the soil. London: Oliver and Boyd, [30].
- flagellates
- ciliates
- naked rhizopods (amoebae, heliozoa)
- testaceous rhizopods
Wailes (1937-1943)
Wailes, G.H. (1937). Canadian Pacific fauna: 1. Protozoa. 1a. Lobosa; lb. Reticulosa; 1c. Heliozoa; 1d. Radiolaria. pp. 1-14. Toronto: Univ. Toronto Press, Fisheries Research Board of Canada.
Wailes, G.H. (1939). Canadian Pacific fauna. 1. Protozoa. 1e. Mastigophora. pp. 1-45, Fig. 138. Toronto: Univ. Toronto Press, Fisheries Research Board of Canada.
Wailes, G.H. (1943). Canadian Pacific fauna: 1. Protozoa. 1f. Ciliata; 1g. Suctoria. pp. 1-46. Toronto: Univ. Toronto Press, Fisheries Research Board of Canada.
Barkley (1949)
Barkley, Fred A. "Un esbozo de clasificación de los organismos." Revista de la Facultad Nacional de Agronomia, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín. 10: 83–103, [31].
- Mychota (Monera, Anucleobionta)
- Protista
- Euthallophyta
- Rhodophyta
- Chrysophyta
- Pyrrophyta
- Euglenophyta
- Gonidiophyta
- Charophyta
- Phaeophyta
- Myxophyta
- Mycophyta
- Protozoa
- Sarcodina
- Foraminifera
- Actinopoda
- Fungilli
- Ciliata
- Suctoria
- Mesozoa
- Parazoa
- Porifera
- Euthallophyta
- Euplanta
- Euanimalia
Jahn & Jahn (1949)
From Jahn, T.L. and F. F. Jahn, 1949. How to know the Protozoa. Brown, Dubuque, lowa.
- Kingdom Monera
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Metaphyta
- Kingdom Metazoa
- Kingdom Archetista
- Kingdom Protista
- Subkingdom Protozoa
Grassé et al. (1952-1994)
From Grassé, P.-P. (Ed.), 1952-1994. Traité de Zoologie. Vol. 1, pt. I, Protozoaires: Flagellés, 1952. Vol. 1, pt. II, Protozoaires: Rhizopodes, Actinopodes, Sporozoaires, Cnidosporidies, 1953. Vol. 2, pt. I, Infusoires ciliés, 1984. Vol. 2, pt. II, Infusoires ciliés, 1994. Masson, Paris. See Fernández-Galiano (1964), [32].
Règne animal
Hall (1953)
From Hall, R.P., 1953. Protozoology. Prentice-Hall, New York, [33]
Pennak (1953)
Pennak, R.W. 1953. Freshwater invertebrates of the United States. 1st ed. Ronald, New York, [34].
Phylum Protozoa
- Subphylum Plasmodroma
- Class Mastigophora
- Class Sarcodina
- Class Sporozoa
- Subphylum Ciliophora
Kudo (1954)
From Protozoology, 4th ed.
Phylum Protozoa Goldfuss
- Subphylum Plasmodroma Doflein
- Class Mastigophora Diesing
- Class Sarcodina Hertwig and Lesser
- Class Sporozoa Leuckart
- Subphylum Ciliophora Doflein
Edmondson (1959)
Edmondson, W.T. (ed). 1959. Freshwater biology. 2nd ed. Wiley, New York, [35].
Levine (1961)
Levine, N. D. 1961. Protozoan parasites of domestic animals and of man. Minneapolis, Burgess Pub. Co., [36]. 2nd ed., 1973, [37]. 3r ed., 1985, renamed as Veterinary Protozoology, [38].
- Protozoa
- Class Mastigida
- Class Sarcodasida
- Class Telosporasida
- Class Piroplasmasida
- Class Toxoplasmasida
- Class Cnidosporasida
- Class Ciliasida
- Class Protociliasida
Mackinnon & Hawes (1961)
Mackinnon, D.C. e Hawes, R.S.J. An Introduction to the Study of Protozoa. Oxford, RU: Oxford University Press, 1961, [39].
- Protozoa
- Class Rhizopoda
- Class Mastigophora
- Class Sporozoa
- Class Ciliata
Honigberg et al. (1964)
- Honigberg, B.M., Balamuth, W., Bovee, E.C., Corliss, J.O., Gojdics, M., Hall, R.P., Kudo, R.R., Levine, N.D., Loeblich, A.R.Jr., Weiser, J. & Wenrich, D.H. 1964. A Revised Classification of the Phylum Protozoa. Journal of Protozoology 11(1): 7–20. DOI: 10.1111/J.1550-7408.1964.TB01715.X Reference page.
Phylum Protozoa
- Subphylum Sarcomastigophora
- Subphylum Sporozoa
- Subphylum Cnidospora
- Subphylum Ciliophora
Dogiel (1965)
General protozoology, 2nd ed.
Type Protozoa
- Subtype Plasmodroma
- Class Sarcodina
- Subclass Rhizopoda
- Order Amoebida
- Order Piroplasmida
- Suborder Piroplasmina
- Suborder Theileriina
- Order Testacea
- Order Foraminifera
- Subclass Heliozoa
- Order Actinophryda
- Order Centrohelida
- Order Desmothoraca
- Subclass Radiolaria
- Order Acantharia
- Order Spumellaria
- Order Nassellaria
- Order Phaeodaria
- Order Sticholoncha
- Subclass Rhizopoda
- Class Mastigophora (= Flagellata)
- Subclass Phytomastigina
- Order Chrysomonadida
- Order Silicoflagellida
- Order Cryptomonadida
- Order Heterochloridida
- Order Chloromonadida
- Order Euglenida
- Order Phytomonadida
- Order Dinoflagellata
- Subclass Zoomastigina
- Order Protomonadida
- Order Diplomonadida
- Order Polymastigida
- Order Hypermastigida
- Subclass Opalinina
- Subclass Phytomastigina
- Class Sporozoa
- Subclass Gregarina
- Order Schizogregarinida
- Order Eugregarinida
- Subclass Coccidia (= Coccidiomorpha)
- Order Protococcidia
- Order Adeleida
- Order Coccidiida
- Suborder Eimeriidea
- Suborder Haemosporidia
- Subclass Gregarina
- Class Cnidosporidia
- Order Myxosporidia
- Order Microsporidia
- Order Actinomyxidia
- Class Sarcodina
- Subtype Ciliophora
- Class Ciliata (= Infusoria)
- Subclass Holotricha
- Order Gymnostomata
- Order Trichostomata
- Order Hymenostomata
- Order Astomata
- Order Apostomata
- Order Thigmotricha
- Subclass Spirotricha
- Order Heterotricha
- Order Oligotricha
- Order Tintinnoidea
- Order Entodiniomorpha
- Order Ctenostomata
- Order Hypotricha
- Subclass Peritricha
- Order Sessilida
- Order Mobilida
- Subclass Chonotricha
- Subclass Suctoria
- Subclass Holotricha
- Class Ciliata (= Infusoria)
- "Addendum. Groups of uncertain systematic position: (1) Sarcosporidia and (2) Toxoplasmida, both representing groups of Protozoa related to Sarcodina; Biocca (1956) unites them into one class, Toxoplasmatea; (3) Haplosporidia, which probably do not belong to the Protozoa; (4) Anaplasmida, which are not Protozoa but probably represent Rickettsias."
Grell (1968)
From Grell K.G. (1968): Protozoologie. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2nd ed., 511 pp., [40], [41].
- Flagellata
- Rhizopoda
- Sporozoa
- Ciliata
- Incertae sedis: Cnidosporidia
Manwell (1968)
Manwell, R. D. Introduction to Protozoology. 2nd rev. ed. NY: Dover, 1968.
Lepinis et al. (1973)
Lepinis, A. K., Geltser, Yu. G., Chibisova, O. I. & Geptner, V. A. (1973). A key of soil Protozoa of European part of USSR. Mintis, Vilnius (in Russian), [42].
- Mastigophora
- Sarcodina
- Ciliata
- Sporozoa [not treated]
Westphal (1974)
Westphal, A. (1974). Protozoen. In: Spezielle Zoologie, Band 1. Stuttgart: Verlag Eugen Ulmer. English translation, 1976, [43].
- Class I: Flagellata or Mastigophora
- Class II: Rhizopoda
- Class III: Sporozoa
- Class IV: Ciliata or Ciliophora
Lauckner (1980)
Lauckner, G. (1980). Diseases of protozoa. In: Diseases of Marine Animals. Kinne, O. (ed.). Vol. 1, p. 75-134., John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK, [44].
Levine et al. (1980)
Levine, N. D.; J. O. Corliss; F. E. G. Cox; G. Deroux; J. Grain; B. M. Honigberg; G. F. Leedale; A. R. Loeblich, III; J. Lom; D. Lynn; E. G. Merinfeld; F. C. Page; G. Poljansky; V. Sprague; J. Vavra; and F. G. Wallace (1980). A newly revised classification of the Protozoa. J. Protozool., 27:37–58, [45], [46].
Subkingdom Protozoa
- Phylum Sarcomastigophora
- Subphylum Mastigophora
- Class Phytomastigophorea
- Class Zoomastigophorea
- Subphylum Opalinata
- Class Opalinatea
- Subphylum Sarcodina
- Superclass Rhizopoda
- Class Lobosea
- Class Acarpomyxea
- Class Acrasea
- Class Eumycetozoea
- Class Plasmodiophorea
- Class Filosea
- Class Granuloreticulosea
- Class Xenophyophorea
- Superclass Actinopoda
- Class Acantharea
- Class Polycystinea
- Class Phaeodarea
- Class Heliozoea
- Superclass Rhizopoda
- Subphylum Mastigophora
- Phylum Labyrinthomorpha
- Class Labyrinthulea
- Phylum Apicomplexa
- Phylum Microspora
- Class Rudimicrosporea
- Class Microsporea
- Phylum Ascetospora
- Class Stellatosporea
- Class Paramyxea
- Phylum Myxozoa
- Class Myxosporea
- Class Actinosporea
- Phylum Ciliophora
- Class Kinetofragminophorea
- Class Oligohymenophorea
- Class Polyhymenophorea
Cavalier-Smith (1981)
- Cavalier-Smith, T. 1981. Eukaryote kingdoms: seven or nine? Biosystems 14(3–4): 461–481. DOI: 10.1016/0303-2647(81)90050-2. PMID 7337818. Reference page.
Nine eukaryote kingdoms proposal [p. 462]
- Superkingdom Eukaryota
- Kingdom 1. Eufungi
- Kingdom 2. Ciliofungi
- Kingdom 3. Animalia
- Kingdom 4. Biliphyta
- Kingdom 5. Viridiplantae
- Kingdom 6. Euglenozoa
- Kingdom 7. Protozoa
- Kingdom 8. Cryptophyta
- Kingdom 9. Chromophyta
Five eukaryote kingdoms proposal [p. 476-477]
- Superkingdom Eukaryota
- Kingdom 1. Fungi (Ciliofungi + Eufungi)
- Kingdom 2. Chromista (Cryptophyta + Chromophyta)
- Kingdom 3. Plantae (Viridiplantae + Biliphyta)
- Kingdom 4. Protista (Euglenozoa + Protozoa)
- Kingdom 5. Animalia
Seven eukaryote kingdoms proposal [p. 478]
- Superkingdom Eukaryota
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Viridiplantae
- Kingdom Biliphyta
- Kingdom Chromista
- Kingdom Animalia
- Kingdom Euglenozoa
- Kingdom Protozoa
- Phylum Proterozoa (proteromonads, cyathobodonids, Opalinida)
- Phylum Dinozoa (dinoflagellates)
- Phylum Parabasalia (trichomonads and hypermastigids)
- Phylum Metamonadina (retortomonads, diplomonads, and oxymonads)
- Phylum Sporozoa (cregarines, coccidlans, and piroplasms)
- Phylum Infusoria (Ciliophora)
- Phylum Foraminifera
- Phylum Sarcodina (amoebae, amoeboflagellates, slime moulds (Mycetozoa), Radiolaria, Heliozoa, Acantharia, Myxosporea, Microsporea)
Parker et al. (1982)
Parker, S. P. (ed.). 1982. Synopsis and classification of living organisms. 2 vols. McGraw-Hill, New York, [47], [48]. See Brands (1989-2005), [49]
Superkingdom Prokaryotae
Superkingdom Eukaryotae
- Kingdom Plantae
- Subkingdom Thallobionta
- Division Rhodophycota
- Division Chromophycota
- Division Euglenophycota
- Division Chlorophycota
- Division Myxomycota
- Division Eumycota
- Subkingdom Embryobionta
- Genus Echites
- Subkingdom Thallobionta
- Kingdom Protista (Haeckel, 1866)
- Phylum Euprotista [“containing the grat majority of protistans”]
- Phylum Gymnomyxa
- Subphylum Mycetozoa
- Subphylum Plasmodiophorina
- Subphylum Labyrinthulina
- Kingdom Animalia 1758
- Subkingdom Protozoa (Goldfuss, 1818)
- Phylum Sarcomastigophora (Honigberg & Balamuth, 1963)
- Phylum Labyrinthulata
- Phylum Apicomplexa Levine, 1970
- Phylum Microspora Sprague, 1977
- Phylum Myxozoa Grassé, 1970
- Phylum Ascetospora
- Phylum Ciliophora Doflein, 1901
- Subkingdom Phagocytellozoa
- Phylum Placozoa Grell, 1971
- Subkingdom Parazoa (Sollas, 1884)
- Phylum Porifera Grant, in Todd, 1836
- Subkingdom Eumetazoa (Butschli, 1910)
- Subkingdom Protozoa (Goldfuss, 1818)
[Note: this classification is redundant for some ambiregnal protists. See Taylor et al. (1986), [50].]
Honigberg (1984)
Honigberg, B.M. (Chairman and Rapporteur) 1984. Phylogenetic relationships among protozoa (A round-table discussion), in Progress in Protozoology. VI Cong. Protozool., Warsaw, Poland, July 1981, [51].
Subkingdom Protozoa
- Phylum Sarcomastigophora
- Subphylum Mastigophora
- Class Phytomastigophorea
- Class Zoomastigophorea
- Subphylum Sarcodina
- Superclass Rhizopoda
- Superclass Actinopoda
- Subphylum Mastigophora
- Phylum Apicomplexa
- Phylum Microspora
- Phylum Myxozoa
- Phylum Ciliophora
Lee et al. (1985)
From J.J. Lee, S.H. Hutner and E.C. Bovee, (eds.), An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa, Society of Protozoologists, 1st ed., 1985, [52]. See Fernández-Galiano, 1990, [53].
Subkingdom Protozoa (Goldfuss, 1818) von Siebold, 1846
- Phylum Sarcomastigophora Honigberg & Balamuth, 1963
- Subphylum Mastigophora Diesing, 1866
- Class Phytomastigophorea Calkins, 1909
- Order Cryptomonadida
- Order Dinoflagellida
- Order Euglenida
- Order Chrysomonadida
- Order Heteromonadida
- Order Raphidomonadida
- Order Prymnesiida
- Order Volvocida
- Order Prasinomonadida
- Order Silicoflagellida
- Class Zoomastigophorea Calkins, 1909
- Order Choanoflagellida
- Order Cercomonadida
- Order Proteromonadida
- Order Retortamonadida
- Order Trichomonadida
- Order Oxymonadida
- Order Diplomonadida
- Order Rhizomastigida
- Order Hypermastigida
- Order Ebriida
- Order Kinetoplastida
- Subphylum Opalinata Corliss & Balamuth, 1963
- Class Opalinatea Wenyon, 1926
- Subphylum Sarcodina Schmarda, 1871
- Superclass Rhizopodea von Siebold, 1845
- Class Lobosea Carpenter, 1861
- Class Acarpomyxea Page, 1976
- (Class Acrasea Schroter, 1886)
- Class Mycetozoea de Bary, 1859
- (Class Plasmodiophorea Cook, 1928)
- Class Filosea Leidy, 1879
- Class Granuloreticulosea de Saedeler, 1934
- (Class Xenophyophorea Schulze, 1904)
- Superclass Actinopodea Calkins, 1902
- Class Acantharea Haeckel, 1881
- Class Polycystina (Ehrenberg, 1838) Riedel, 1967
- Class Phaeodarea Haeckel, 1879
- Class Heliozoea Haeckel, 1866
- Phylum Labyrinthomorpha Page, 1980 (= Class Labyrinthulea Levine & Corliss, 1963)
- Phylum Apicomplexa Levine, 1970
- Class Perkinsida Levine, 1978
- Class Sporozoasida Leuckart, 1879
- Phylum Microspora Sprague, 1969
- Class Metchnikovellidea Weiser, 1977 (= Class Rudimicrosporea Sprague, 1977)
- Class Microsporididea Corliss & Levine, 1963 (= Class Microsporea Delphy, 1963)
- Phylum Myxozoa Grasse, 1970
- Class Myxosporea Butschli, 1881
- Class Actinosporea Noble, 1980
- Phylum Ciliophora Doflein, 1901
- Subphylum Postciliodesmatophora Gerassimova & Seravin, 1976
- Class Karyorelictea Corliss, 1974
- Class Spirotrichea Butschli, 1889
- Subphylum Rhabdophora Small, 1976
- Class Prostomatea Schewiakoff, 1896
- Class Litostomatea Small & Lynn, 1981
- Subphylum Cyrtophora Small, 1976
- Class Phyllopharyngea de Puytorac et al., 1974
- Class Nassophorea Small & Lynn, 1981
- Class Oligohymenophorea de Puytorac et al., 1974
- Class Colpodea de Puytorac et al., 1974
Cavalier-Smith (1987)
Cavalier-Smith, T. (1987). The origin of eukaryote and archaebacterial cells. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 503, 17–54.
- Superkingdom 1. Prokaryota
- Superkingdom 2. Eukaryota
Kreier & Baker (1987)
Kreier, J.P. and J.R. Baker. Parasitic Protozoa. London: Allen & Unwin, 1987, [54].
parasitic protozoa
- Kingdom Protista
- Phylum Sarcomastigophora
- Subphylum Mastigophora
- Class Phytomastigophorea
- Class Zoomastigophorea
- Order Kinetoplastida
- Suborder Bodonida
- Suborder Trypanosomatina
- Order Retortamonadida
- Order Diplomonadida
- Order Trichomonadida
- Order Hypermastigida
- Order Kinetoplastida
- Subphylum Opalinata
- Order Opalinida
- Subphylum Sarcodina
- Superclass Rhizopoda
- Class Lobosea
- Subclass Gymnamoebia
- Order Amoebida
- Order Schizopyrenida
- Subclass Gymnamoebia
- Class Lobosea
- Superclass Rhizopoda
- Subphylum Mastigophora
- Phylum Labyrinthomorpha
- Phylum Apicomplexa
- Class Sporozoea
- Subclass Gregarinia
- Subclass Coccidia
- Order Eucoccidiida
- Suborder Adeleina
- Suborder Eimeriina
- Suborder Haemosporina
- Subclass Piroplasmia
- Order Piroplsamida
- Order Eucoccidiida
- Class Sporozoea
- Phylum Microspora
- Class Microsporea
- Order Bivalvulida
- Class Microsporea
- Phylum Ciliophora
- Phylum Sarcomastigophora
Harrison & Corliss (1991)
Harrison, F. W. and Corliss, J. O. (eds.) 1991. Microscopic Anatomy of Invertebrates, Vol. I, Protozoa. Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York. 493 pp., [55], [56].
- Mastigophora
- Sarcodina
- "Sporozoa": Apicomplexa, Microsporidia, Haplosporidia, Paramyxea, Myxosporidia and Actinosporidia
- Ciliophora
Kreier (1991-1995)
Kreier, J.P. (ed.). 1991-1995. Parasitic Protozoa, 2nd ed. 10 vols. (1-3 coedited by Baker, J.R.). Academic Press, San Diego, California, [57], [58]. (1st ed.: 1977, 4 vols.).
"parasitic protozoa"
- [vol. 1-2]
- [vol. 3]
- Rumen protozoa
- Balantidium coli
- Parasitic amebas of the intestinal tract
- Opportunistically pathogenic free-living amebae
- opalines
- [vol. 4]
- [vol. 5]
- [vol. 6]
- [vol. 7]
- [vol. 8]
- Flagellate parasites of fish
- Parasitic protozoa of molluscs and crustacea
- Myxosporea
- [vol. 9]
- [vol. 10]
- Leishmania
- Kinetoplastid hemoflagellates of reptiles
- Giardia
Cavalier-Smith (1993)
From Kingdom Protozoa and its 18 phyla, [59].
Empire Eukaryota
- Superkingdom 1. Archezoa
- Kingdom Archezoa
- Phylum 1. Archamoebae Cavalier-Smith, 1983
- Phylum 2. Metamonada Grassé, 1952 stat. nov. et emend. Cavalier-Smith, 1981
- Phylum 3. Microsporidia Balbiani, 1882 stat. nov. Weiser, 1977
- Kingdom Archezoa
- Superkingdom 2. Metakaryota
- Kingdom 1. Protozoa
- Subkingdom 1. Adictyozoa subking. nov.
- Phylum 1. Percolozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1991
- Subphylum 1. Tetramitia Cavalier-Smith, 1993
- Superclass 1. Percolomonada supercl. nov.
- Class 1. Percolomonadea Cavalier-Smith, 1993 (order Percolomonadida Cavalier-Smith, 1993)
- Superclass 2. Striatorhiza supercl. nov.
- Class 1. Heterolobosea Page and Blanton, 1985 emend. (syn. Acrasea Olive, 1975 emend. Cavalier-Smith, 1987)
- Order Schizopyrenida Singh, 1952
- Order Acrasida Shroter, 1886 emend. Page & Blanton, 1985
- Class 2. Lyromonadea cl. nov. (order Lyromonadida ord. nov.)
- Class 1. Heterolobosea Page and Blanton, 1985 emend. (syn. Acrasea Olive, 1975 emend. Cavalier-Smith, 1987)
- Superclass 1. Percolomonada supercl. nov.
- Subphylum 2. Pseudociliata Cavalier-Smith, 1993
- Class 1. Pseudociliatea Cavalier-Smith, 1981 (sole order Pseudociliatida Corliss and Lipscomb, 1982; family Stephanopogonidae Corliss, 1961)
- Subphylum 1. Tetramitia Cavalier-Smith, 1993
- Phylum 1. Percolozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1991
- Subkingdom 2. Dictyozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1991
- Branch 1. Parabasalia new branch
- Phylum 1. Parabasalia Honigberg, 1973 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith, 1981
- Class 1. Trichomonadea Kirby, 1947 stat. nov. Margulis, 1974 (order Trichomonadida Kirby, 1947)
- Class 2. Hypermastigea Grassi & Foa, 1911 stat. nov. Margulis, 1974
- Order Lophomonadida Light, 1927
- Order Trichonymphida Poche, 1913
- Phylum 1. Parabasalia Honigberg, 1973 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith, 1981
- Branch 2. Bikonta new branch
- Infrakingdom 1. Euglenozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1981 stat. nov.
- Phylum 1. Euglenozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1981
- Subphylum 1. Diplonemia subph. nov.
- Class 1. Diplonemea cl. nov. (order Diplonemida ord. nov. [Diplonema = Isonema])
- Subphylum 2. Euglenoida Butschli, 1884 (as Euglenoidina) emend. Senn, 1900 stat. nov.
- Class 1. Petalomonadea cl. nov. (order Petalomonadida ord. nov.)
- Class 2. Peranemea cl. nov. (orders Ploeotiida ord. nov.; Peranemida Butschli, 1884 stat. nov.)
- Class 3. Aphagea cl. nov.
- Subclass 1. Euglenia subcl. nov. (orders Astasida Ehrenberg, 1831 stat. nov.; Eutreptiida Leedale, 1967)
- Subclass 2. Rhabdomonadia subcl. nov. (order Rhabdomonadida Leedale, 1967)
- Subphylum 3. Kinetoplasta Honigberg, 1963 stat. nov.
- Class 1. Kinetoplastea Honigberg, 1963 emend. Vickerman, 1976 stat. nov. Margulis, 1974 (= subcl. Bodonidea Hollande, 1958)
- Order Bodonida Hollande, 1952 emend. Vickerman, 1976, Krylov et al., 1980
- Order Trypanosomida Kent, 1880 stat. nov. Hollande, 1952)
- Class 1. Kinetoplastea Honigberg, 1963 emend. Vickerman, 1976 stat. nov. Margulis, 1974 (= subcl. Bodonidea Hollande, 1958)
- Subphylum 1. Diplonemia subph. nov.
- Phylum 1. Euglenozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1981
- Infrakingdom 2. Neozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1983
- Parvkingdom 1. Ciliomyxa parvking. nov.
- Superphylum 1. Opalomyxa superphyl. nov.
- Phylum 1. Opalozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1991
- Subphylum 1. Proterozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1981 emend. stat. nov. 1993
- Class 1. Heteromitea Cavalier-Smith, 1993
- Subclass 1. Sarcomonadia Cavalier-Smith, 1993
- Superorder 1. Jakobidea Cavalier-Smith, 1993 {orders Cercomonadida Poche, 1913 emend. Grasse, 1952 [Cercomonas, Heteromita, Massistenia, Discocelis]; Jakobida Cavalier-Smith, 1993 [Jakoba Patterson, 1990]}
- Superorder 2. Thaumatomonadidea Cavalier-Smith, 1993 (order Thaumatomonadida Shirkina, 1987)
- Superorder 3. Proteomyxidea Lankester, 1885 emend. stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith, 1993 (orders Pseudosporida Cavalier-Smith, 1993; Leucodictyida Cavalier-Smith, 1993)
- Subclass 2. Thecomonadia Cavalier-Smith, 1993 {orders Apusomonadida Karpov & Mylnikov, 1989 [Amastigomonas and Apusomonas (incl. Rostromonas); Cryomonadida Cavalier-Smith, 1993 (Cryothecomonas)]}
- Subclass 3. Anisomonadia Cavalier-Smith, 1993 (orders Diphylleida Cavalier-Smith, 1993; Proteromonadida Grassé, 1957 emend. Cavalier-Smith, 1993)
- Subclass 4. Phagodinia subcl. nov. {order Phagodinida ord. nov. [Phagodinium]}
- Subclass 1. Sarcomonadia Cavalier-Smith, 1993
- Class 2. Telonemea Cavalier-Smith, 1993 (orders Telonemida Cavalier-Smith, 1993; Nephromycida Cavalier-Smith, 1993 [Nephromyces Giard, 1888])
- Class 3. Cyathobodonea Cavalier-Smith, 1993 (orders Pseudodendromonadida Hibberd, 1985; Spongomonadida Hibberd, 1983 [including Phalansteriida Hibberd, 1983]; Kathablepharida Cavalier-Smith, 1993)
- Class 4. Ebridea Lemmermann, 1901 emend. Deflandre, 1936 stat. nov. Loeblich III, 1970 orthog. emend. (order Ebriida Deflandre, 1936)
- Class 5. Phytomyxea Engler & Prantl, 1897 orthog. emend. (orders Phagomyxida Cavalier-Smith, 1993; Plasmodiophorida Cook, 1928)
- Class 1. Heteromitea Cavalier-Smith, 1993
- Subphylum 2. Opalinata Wenyon, 1926 stat. nov. emend. Cavalier-Smith, 1993
- Class 1. Opalinea Wenyon, 1926 stat. nov. emend. Cavalier-Smith, 1993 (orders Karotomorphida Cavalier-Smith, 1993; Opalinida Poche, 1913 stat. nov. Hall, 1953)
- Subphylum 3. Kinetomonada Cavalier-Smith, 1993.
- Class 1. Kinetomonadea Cavalier-Smith, 1993 (orders Histionida Cavalier-Smith, 1993; Heliomonadida Cavalier-Smith, 1993)
- Subphylum 4. Hemimastigophora Foissner, Blatterer & Foissner, 1988 stat. nov.
- Class 1. Hemimastigea Foissner, Blatterer & Foissner, 1988 (order Hemimastigida Foissner, Blatterer & Foissner, 1988 [Spironema, Stereonema, Hemimastix])
- Subphylum 1. Proterozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1981 emend. stat. nov. 1993
- Phylum 2. Mycetozoa de Bary, 1873 stat. nov. Engler & Prantl, 1888
- Subphylum 1. Eumyxa nomen novum pro Plasmodiogymnomycotina Martin, Alexopoulos & Farr, 1983
- Class 1. Protostelea Olive & Stoianovitch, 1966
- Class 2. Myxogastrea Fries, 1829 stat. nov.
- Subclass 1. Gastromyxia nomen novum pro Myxogastromycetidae
- Subclass 2. Stemonitia Ross, 1973 orthog. emend.
- Subphylum 2. Dictyostelia Lister, 1909 stat. nov.
- Class 1. Dictyostelea Lister, 1909 stat. nov.
- Subphylum 1. Eumyxa nomen novum pro Plasmodiogymnomycotina Martin, Alexopoulos & Farr, 1983
- Phylum 1. Opalozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1991
- Superphylum 2. Choanozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1983 stat. nov.
- Phylum 1. Choanozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1981 emend. 1983
- Class 1. Choanomonadea Krylov et al., 1980 (syn. Craspedophyceae Chadefaud, 1960, Craspedomonadophyceae Hibberd, 1976; both unsuitable for a purely zoological taxon) (order Choanoflagellida Kent, 1880 emend. Hibberd, 1983 = family Craspedomonadina Stein, 1878)
- Phylum 1. Choanozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1981 emend. 1983
- Superphylum 1. Opalomyxa superphyl. nov.
- Parvkindgdom 2. Alveolata Cavalier-Smith, 1991 stat. nov.
- Superphylum 1. Miozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1987
- Phylum 1. Dinozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1981 emend.
- Subphylum 1. Protalveolata Cavalier-Smith, 1991
- Class 1. Colponemea cl. nov. (order Colponemida ord. nov.)
- Class 2. Oxyrrhea Cavalier-Smith, 1987 (order Oxyrrhida orthog. emend. pro Oxyrrhinales Sournia in Taylor, 1990)
- Class 3. Ellobiopsea orthog. emend. pro Ellobiophyceae Loeblich III, 1970
- Subphylum 2. Dinoflagellata Butschli, 1885 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith, 1991 (originally a class) (syn. Cilioflagellata Müller, Dinophyta auct., Dinophyceae Pascher, 1914)
- Superclass 1. Syndina supercl. nov.
- Class 1. Syndinea Chatton, 1920 stat. nov. Loeblich, 1976 orthog. emend. Corliss, 1984
- Superclass 2. Hemidinia supercl. nov.
- Class 1. Noctilucea Haeckel, 1866 stat. nov. (order Cystoflagellata Haeckel, 1873 stat. nov. Butschli, 1887)
- Class 2. Haplozooidea Poche, 1911 (syn. Blastodiniphyceae Fensome et al., 1993 orthog. emend.) (order Blastodinida Chatton, 1906)
- Superclass 3. Dinokaryota supercl. nov.
- Class 1. Peridinea Ehrenberg, 1830 stat. nov. Wettstein, 1901 emend.
- Subclass 1. Gymnodinoidia Poche, 1913 stat. nov. (syn. Gymnodiniphycidae Fensome et al., 1993)
- Subclass 2. Peridinoidia Poche, 1913 stat. nov. Fritsch, 1935 (syn. Peridiniphycidae Fensome et al., 1993)
- Subclass 3. Prorocentroidia Lemmermann, 1899, stat. nov. (syn. Prorocentrophycidae Fensome et al., 1993)
- Subclass 4. Desmocapsoidia Pascher, 1941 stat. nov.
- Subclass 5. Thoracosphaeroidia subcl. nov.
- Class 2. Bilidinea Cavalier-Smith, 1993 (orders Dinophysida Lindemann, 1928 and Nannoceratopsida)
- Class 1. Peridinea Ehrenberg, 1830 stat. nov. Wettstein, 1901 emend.
- Superclass 1. Syndina supercl. nov.
- Subphylum 1. Protalveolata Cavalier-Smith, 1991
- Phylum 2. Apicomplexa Levine, 1970 emend.
- Subphylum 1. Apicomonada subph. nov.
- Class 1. Apicomonadea cl. nov. (orders Perkinsida Levine, 1978; Colpodellida ord. nov. pro Spiromonadida Krylov & Mylnikov, 1986)
- Subphylum 2. Gamontozoa subph. nov.
- Infraphylum 1. Sporozoa Leuckart, 1879 stat. nov.
- Superclass 1. Gregarinia Dufour, 1828 stat. nov.
- Class 1. Eogregarinea cl. nov.
- Class 2. Neogregarinea cl. nov.
- Superclass 2. Coccidia Leuckart, 1879 stat. nov.
- Class 1. Coelotrophea cl. nov.
- Class 2. Eucoccidea cl. nov.
- Superclass 1. Gregarinia Dufour, 1828 stat. nov.
- Infraphylum 2. Hematozoa Vivier, 1982 stat. nov.
- Class 1. Haemosporea Danilewsky, 1885 stat. nov. Sleigh, 1989
- Class 2. Piroplasmea Wenyon, 1926 stat. nov. Levine, 1971
- Infraphylum 1. Sporozoa Leuckart, 1879 stat. nov.
- Subphylum 1. Apicomonada subph. nov.
- Phylum 1. Dinozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1981 emend.
- Superphylum 2. Heterokaryota Hickson, 1903 stat. nov.
- Phylum 3. Ciliophora Doflein, 1901 stat. nov. Copeland, 1956 emend. auct.
- Class 1. Spirotrichea Butschli, 1889 stat. nov.
- Subclass 1. Heterotrichia Stein, 1859 stat. nov.
- Subclass 2. Choreotrichia Small & Lynn, 1985
- Subclass 3. Stichotrichia Small & Lynn, 1985
- Class 2. Prostomatea Schewiakoff, 1896
- Class 3. Litostomatea Small & Lynn, 1981
- Subclass 1. Haptoria Corliss, 1974
- Subclass 2. Trichostomatia Butschli, 1889
- Class 4. Phyllopharyngea de Puytorac et al., 1974
- Subclass 1. Phyllopharyngia de Puytorac et al., 1974
- Subclass 2. Chonotrichia Wallengren, 1895
- Subclass 3. Suctoria Butschli, 1889
- Class 5. Nassophorea Small & Lynn, 1981
- Subclass 1. Nassophoria Small & Lynn, 1981
- Subclass 2. Hypotrichia Stein, 1859 stat. nov.
- Class 6. Oligohymenophorea de Puytorac et al., 1974
- Subclass 1. Hymenostomatia Delage & Herouard, 1896 stat. nov.
- Subclass 2. Peritrichia Stein, 1859 stat. nov.
- Subclass 3. Astomatia Schewiakoff, 1896
- Subclass 4. Apostomatia Chatton & Lwoff, 1928
- Subclass 5. Plagiopylia Small & Lynn, 1985
- Class 7. Colpodea de Puytorac et al., 1974
- Class 8. Karyorelictea Corliss, 1974
- Class 1. Spirotrichea Butschli, 1889 stat. nov.
- Phylum 3. Ciliophora Doflein, 1901 stat. nov. Copeland, 1956 emend. auct.
- Superphylum 1. Miozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1987
- Parvkingdom 3. Actinopoda Calkins, 1902 stat. nov. (originally a class)
- Phylum 1. Heliozoa Haeckel, 1866 emend. stat. nov. Margulis, 1974
- Class 1. Nucleohelea cl. nov. (orders Desmothoracida Hertwig & Lesser, 1874; Actinophryida Hartmann, 1913)
- Class 2. Centrohelea Kuhn, 1926 (orders Axoplasthelida Febvre-Chevalier, 1984 stat. nov.; Centroplasthelida Febvre-Chevalier, 1984 stat. nov.)
- Phylum 2. Radiozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1987
- Subphylum 1. Spasmaria subph. nov.
- Class 1. Acantharea Haeckel, 1881 stat. nov.
- Subclass 1. Holacanthia subcl. nov. (orders Holacanthida Schewiakoff, 1926; Plegmacantha, Rechetniak, 1981)
- Subclass 2. Euacanthia subcl. nov. (3 orders)
- Class 2. Sticholonchea Poche, 1913 stat. nov. Petrushevskaja, 1977
- Class 1. Acantharea Haeckel, 1881 stat. nov.
- Subphylum 2. Radiolaria Muller, 1858 emend. stat. nov.
- Class 1. Polycystinea Ehrenberg, 1838 stat. nov.
- Subclass 1. Spumellaria Ehrenberg, 1875
- Subclass 2. Nassellaria Ehrenberg, 1875
- Class 2. Phaeodarea Haeckel, 1879
- Class 1. Polycystinea Ehrenberg, 1838 stat. nov.
- Subphylum 1. Spasmaria subph. nov.
- Phylum 1. Heliozoa Haeckel, 1866 emend. stat. nov. Margulis, 1974
- Parvkingdom 4. Neosarcodina parvking. nov.
- Phylum 1. Rhizopoda Dujardin, 1835 stat. nov. Haeckel, 1866 emend.
- Class 1. Lobosea Carpenter, 1861 stat. nov. emend.
- Subclass 1. Gymnamoebia Haeckel, 1862 stat. nov. (orders Euamoebida Lepsi, 1960; Leptomyxida Pussard & Pons, 1976 emend. Page, 1987; Copromyxida ord. nov.; Acanthopodida Page, 1976; Loboreticulatida Page, 1987).
- Subclass 2. Testacealobosia de Saedeleer, 1934 (orders Arcellinida Kent, 1880, Trichosida Mobius, 1889 Himatismenida Page, 1987)
- Class 2. Filosea Leidy, 1879 emend.
- Subclass 1. Cristidiscoidia Page, 1987 stat. nov. (orders Nucleariida ord. nov.; Fonticulida ord. nov.)
- Subclass 2. Cristivesiculatia Page, 1987 stat. nov. (order Vampyrellida Starobogatov ex Krylov et al., 1980)
- Subclass 3. Testaceafilosia De Saedeleer, 1934 (order Gromiida Claparede & Lachmann, 1859)
- Class 1. Lobosea Carpenter, 1861 stat. nov. emend.
- Phylum 2. Reticulosa Carpenter, 1862 emend. stat. nov. (syn. Granuloreticulosa) de Saedeleer, 1834
- Subphylum 1. Athalamia subph. nov.
- Class 1. Athalamea Haeckel, 1862 stat. nov. Lee, 1990 (orders Athalamida Haeckel, 1862; Promycetozoida Grell, 1985)
- Subphylum 2. Foraminifera (D'Orbigny, 1826) Eichwald, 1830 stat. nov. Mikhalevich, 1980
- Class 1. Monothalamea Haeckel, 1862 stat. nov.
- Class 2. Polythalamea Ehrenberg, 1838 stat. nov. Mikhalevich, 1980
- Subclass 1. Allogromioidia Chapman & Parr, 1936 stat. nov. Mikhalevich, 1980
- Subclass 2. Textularidia Lankester, 1885 stat. nov. Mikhalevich, 1980 (orders Ammodiscida; Lituolida)
- Subclass 3. Fusulinidia Fursenko, 1958 stat. nov. (orig. order)
- Subclass 4. Miliolidia Lankester, 1885 stat. nov. Saidova, 1981 (order Miliolida)
- Subclass 5. Rotalidia Lankester, 1885, stat. nov. (orders Nodosariida; Buliminida; Discordida; Spirillinida; Globigerinida; Orbiloidida; Cassidulinida; Certerinida; Robertinida)
- Subphylum 1. Athalamia subph. nov.
- Neosarcodina incertae sedes
- Class Xenophyophorea Schulze, 1904
- Class Schizocladea Cedhagen & Mattson, 1992
- Class Holosea cl. nov. (order Luffisphaerida ord. nov.)
- Phylum 1. Rhizopoda Dujardin, 1835 stat. nov. Haeckel, 1866 emend.
- Parvkingdom 5. Entamoebia parvking. nov.
- Phylum 1. Entamoebia phyl. nov.
- Class 1. Entamoebea Cavalier-Smith, 1991 (order Entamoebida ord. nov.)
- Phylum 1. Entamoebia phyl. nov.
- Parvkingdom 6. Myxozoa Grassé, 1970 stat. nov. emend.
- Phylum 1. Myxosporidia Butschli, 1881 stat. nov. Grasse, 1970
- Pseudoclass 1. Myxosporea Bütschli, 1881 stat. nov.
- Pseudoclass 2. Actinomyxea Štolc, 1899 stat. nov. (syn. Actinosporea Noble, 1980)
- Phylum 2. Haplosporidia Caullery & Mesnil, 1899 stat. nov. Corliss, 1984
- Class 1. Haplosporea Chatton, 1911 stat. nov. Desportes and Nashed, 1983
- Phylum 3. Paramyxia Chatton, 1911 stat. nov.
- Class 1. Paramyxea Chatton, 1911, stat. nov. emend. Desportes, 1981 (orders Paramyxida Chatton, 1911; Marteiliida Desportes & Ginsburger-Vogel, 1977)
- Phylum 1. Myxosporidia Butschli, 1881 stat. nov. Grasse, 1970
- Parvkingdom 7. Mesozoa van Beneden, 1876 stat. nov.
- Phylum 1. Mesozoa van Beneden, 1876
- Class 1. Rhombozoa van Beneden, 1876 (orders Dicyemida van Beneden; Heterocyemida van Beneden)
- Class 2. Orthonectea Giard, 1879 stat. nov. (order Orthonectida Giard, 1879)
- Phylum 1. Mesozoa van Beneden, 1876
- Parvkingdom 1. Ciliomyxa parvking. nov.
- Infrakingdom 1. Euglenozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1981 stat. nov.
- Branch 1. Parabasalia new branch
- Subkingdom 1. Adictyozoa subking. nov.
- Kingdom 2. Plantae
- Subkingdom 1. Viridiplantae
- Subkingdom 2. Biliphyta
- Kingdom 3. Animalia
- Kingdom 4. Fungi
- Kingdom 5. Chromista
- Subkingdom 1. Chlorarachnia
- Subkingdom 2. Euchromista (cryptomonads, Goniomonas, heterokonts, and haptophytes)
- Kingdom 1. Protozoa
Cavalier-Smith (1996/97)
From Amoeboflagellates and mitochondrial cristae in eukaryote evolution: megasystematics of the new protozoan subkingdoms eozoa and neozoa, [60], [61].
Kingdom Protozoa
- Subkingdom Eozoa Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Phylum Trichozoa Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Subphylum Anaeromonada Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Class Anaeromonadea Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Order Anaeromonadida Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Class Anaeromonadea Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Subphylum Parabasala Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Subphylum Anaeromonada Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Phylum Percolozoa
- Phylum Euglenozoa
- Phylum Trichozoa Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Subkingdom Neozoa Cavalier-Smith 1993 stat. nov.
- Infrakingdom 1. Sarcodina Hertwig & Lesser 1874 infrak. nov.
- Superphylum 1. Eosarcodina superph. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Phylum 1. Reticulosa Carpenter 1862 emend. stat. nov. de Saedeleer 1934
- Phylum 2. Mycetozoa de Bary 1873 stat. nov. Engler & Prantl 1888
- Superphylum 2. Haplosporida Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Phylum Haplosporidia Caullery & Mesnil 1899 stat. nov. Corliss 1984
- Superphylum 3. Neosarcodina Cavalier-Smith 1993 emend. 1996
- Phylum 1. Rhizopoda Dujardin 1835 stat. nov. Haeckel 1886 emend. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Subphylum 1. Phytomyxa subphy. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Class Phytomyxea Engler & Prantl 1897 orthog. emend. Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Order 1. Phagomyxida Cavalier-Smith 1993 (e.g. Phagomyxa)
- Order 2. Plasmodiophorida Cook 1928 (e.g. Plasmodiophora)
- Class Phytomyxea Engler & Prantl 1897 orthog. emend. Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Subphylum 2. Reticulofilosa subphy. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Class 1. Chlorarachnea Hibberd & Norris 1984 orthog. emend Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Order Chlorarachnida Hibberd & Norris 1984 orthog. emend. (e.g. Chlorarachnion, Cryptochlora)
- Class 2. Proteomyxidea Lankester 1885 emend. Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Order 1. Pseudosporida Cavalier-Smith 1993 (e.g. Pseudospora)
- Order 2. Leucodictyida Cavalier-Smith 1993 (e.g. Leucodictyon)
- Class 1. Chlorarachnea Hibberd & Norris 1984 orthog. emend Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Subphylum 3. Monadofilosa subphy. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Class 1. Sarcomonadea Cavalier -Smith 1993 stat. nov. 1995 emend.
- Order 1. Cercomonadida Poche 1913 emend. Vickerman in Honigberg 1983 (e.g. Cercomonas, Heteromita, Massisteria)
- Order 2. Thaumatomonadida Shirkina 1987 (e.g. Thaumatomonas, Thaumatomastix)
- Class 2. Filosea Leidy 1879 emend. Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Subclass 1. Cristidiscoidia Page 1987 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Order 1. Nucleariida Cavalier-Smith 1993 (e.g. Nuclearia)
- Order 2. Fonticulida Cavalier-Smith 1993 (Fonticula)
- Order 3. Ministeriida ord. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996 (Ministeria)
- Subclass 2. Cristivesiculatia Page 1987 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Order Vampyrellida Starobogatov ex Krylov et al. 1980 (e.g. Vampyrella)
- Subclass 3. Testaceafilosia De Saedeleer 1934
- Order 1. Gromiida Claparède & Lachmann 1856 (e.g. Gromia)
- Order 2. Euglyphida stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996 (Euglypha, Paulinella)
- Subclass 1. Cristidiscoidia Page 1987 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Class 1. Sarcomonadea Cavalier -Smith 1993 stat. nov. 1995 emend.
- Subphylum 1. Phytomyxa subphy. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Phylum 2. Amoebozoa Lühe 1913 stat. nov. Corliss 1984 emend. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Subphylum 1. Lobosa Carpenter 1861 stat. nov.
- Class 2. Amoebaea Ehrenberg 1830 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Order 1. Euamoebida Lepşi 1960 (e.g. Amoeba)
- Order 2. Leptomyxida Pussard & Pons 1976 emend. Page 1987 (e.g. Leptomyxa)
- Order 3. Copromyxida Cavalier-Smith 1993 (Copromyxa)
- Order 4. Acanthopodida Page 1976 (e.g. Acanthamoeba, Hartmannella)
- Order 5. Loboreticulatida Page 1987 (Corallomyxa)
- Class 2. Testacealobosea De Saedeleer 1934 stat. nov.
- Order 1. Arcellinida Kent 1880 (e.g. Arcella, Difflugia)
- Order 2. Trichosida Möbius 1889 (Trichosphaerium)
- Order 3. Himatismenida Page 1987 (e.g. Cochliopodium)
- Class 2. Amoebaea Ehrenberg 1830 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Subphylum 2. Holomastiga subphy. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Class Holomastiga cl. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Order Holomastigida Lauterborn 1895 (as suborder Holomastigina) stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996 (Multicilia)
- Class Holomastiga cl. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Subphylum 3. Archamoebae Cavalier-Smith 1983 stat. nov.
- Class 1. Pelobiontea Page 1976 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1981 emend. 1991
- Order 1. Mastigamoebida Frenzel 1892 (syn. Rhizoflagellata Kent 1880) (e.g. Mastigina, Mastigamoeba, Mastigella, Pelomyxa)
- Order 2. Phreatamoebida Cavalier-Smith 1991 (Phreatamoeba)
- Class 2. Entamoebea Cavalier-Smith 1991
- Order Entamoebida Cavalier-Smith 1993 (e.g. Entamoeba)
- Class 1. Pelobiontea Page 1976 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1981 emend. 1991
- Subphylum 1. Lobosa Carpenter 1861 stat. nov.
- Phylum 1. Rhizopoda Dujardin 1835 stat. nov. Haeckel 1886 emend. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Superphylum 1. Eosarcodina superph. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Infrakingdom 2. Alveolata Cavalier-Smith 1991 infrak. nov.
- Superphylum 1. Miozoa Cavalier-Smith 1987
- Phylum 1. Dinozoa Cavalier-Smith 1981 emend. 1991
- Phylum 2. Apicomplexa Levine 1970 emend.
- Superphylum 2. Heterokaryota Hickson 1903 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Phylum Ciliophora Doflein 1901 stat. nov. Copeland 1956 emend. auct.
- Superphylum 1. Miozoa Cavalier-Smith 1987
- Infrakingdom 3. Actinopoda Calkins 1902 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Infrakingdom Neomonada Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Phylum 1. Neomonada phyl. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Subphylum 1. Apusozoa subphyl. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Infraphylum 1. Extrumonada infraphyl. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Class 1. Thecomonadea Cavalier-Smith 1993 (as subclass) stat. nov. 1995
- Order 1. Apusomonadida Karpov & Mylnikov 1989 (Apusomonas)
- Order 2. Cryomonadida Cavalier-Smith 1993 (Cryothecomonas)
- Class 2. Jakobea cl. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Order 1. Jakobida Cavalier-Smith 1993 (Jakoba)
- Order 2. Discocelida ord. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996 (Discocelis)
- Class 3. Kinetomonadea Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Subclass 1. Varicristia subcl. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Order Histionida Cavalier-Smith 1993 (e.g. Histiona, Reclinomonas, Ancyromonas)
- Subclass 2. Ramicristia subcl. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Order 1. Heliomonadida Cavalier-Smith 1993 (Dimorpha, Tetradimorpha)
- Order 2. Commatiida ord. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996 (Commation)
- Subclass 1. Varicristia subcl. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Class 1. Thecomonadea Cavalier-Smith 1993 (as subclass) stat. nov. 1995
- Infraphylum 2. Eurymonada infraphyl. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Class 1. Anisomonadea Cavalier-Smith 1993 emend.
- Order 1. Diphylleida Cavalier-Smith 1993 (Diphyllea)
- Order 2. Phagodinida Cavalier-Smith 1993 (Phagodinium)
- Order 3. Caecitellida ord. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996 (Caecitellus)
- Class 2. Ebridea Lemmermann 1901 emend. Deflandre 1936 stat. nov. Loeblich III 1970
- Order Ebriida Deflandre 1936 (e.g. Ebria, Hermesinum)
- Class 1. Anisomonadea Cavalier-Smith 1993 emend.
- Infraphylum 1. Extrumonada infraphyl. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Subphylum 2. Isomita subphyl. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Class 1. Cyathobodonea Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Order 1. Pseudodendromonadida Hibberd 1985 (Cyathobodo, Pseudodendromonas)
- Order 2. Spongomonadida Hibberd 1983 emend. Karpov 1990 (Spongomonas, Rhipidodendron, Phalansterium)
- Order 3. Kathablepharida Cavalier-Smith 1993 (Kathablepharis)
- Class 2. Telonemea Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Order 1. Telonemida Cavalier-Smith 1993 (Telonema)
- Order 2. Nephromycida Cavalier-Smith 1993 (Nephromyces)
- Class 1. Cyathobodonea Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Subphylum 3. Hemimastigophora Foissner, Blatterer & Foissner 1988 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Class Hemimastigea Foissner, Blatterer & Foissner 1988
- Order Hemimastigida Foissner, Blatterer & Foissner 1988 (e.g. Spironema, Hemimastix)
- Class Hemimastigea Foissner, Blatterer & Foissner 1988
- Subphylum 4. Choanozoa Cavalier-Smith 1981 emend. 1983 stat. nov.
- Class 1. Choanoflagellea Kent 1880 (as order Choanoflagellida) stat. nov. (syn. Choanomonadea Krylov et al. 1980)
- Order 1. Craspedida Cavalier-Smith 1996 (e.g. Monosiga)
- Families Codosigidae and Salpingoecidae
- Order 2. Acanthoecida Cavalier-Smith 1996 (e.g. Diaphanoeca)
- Family Acanthoecidae
- Order 1. Craspedida Cavalier-Smith 1996 (e.g. Monosiga)
- Class 2. Corallochytrea Cavalier-Smith 1995
- Order Corallochytrida Cavalier-Smith 1995 (Corallochytrium)
- Class 1. Choanoflagellea Kent 1880 (as order Choanoflagellida) stat. nov. (syn. Choanomonadea Krylov et al. 1980)
- Subphylum 1. Apusozoa subphyl. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Phylum 1. Neomonada phyl. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Infrakingdom 1. Sarcodina Hertwig & Lesser 1874 infrak. nov.
Patterson (1996)
Patterson, D.J. (1996). Free-living freshwater protozoa: a colour guide. John Wiley & Sons: New York; Manson Publishing: London; UNSW Press; Sydney. 223 p., [62].
- 1. ciliates
- 2. flagellates
- 3. amoebae
Cavalier-Smith (1998a)
Cavalier-Smith, T. 1998. Neomonada and the origin of animals and fungi. In: Coombs GH, Vickerman K, Sleigh MA, Warren A (ed.) Evolutionary relationships among protozoa. Kluwer, London, pp. 375-407, [63].
- Kingdom Protozoa
Cavalier-Smith (1998b)
From A revised six-kingdom system of life, [64].
Empire or Superkingdom 1. Prokaryota
Empire or Superkingdom 2. Eukaryota
- Kingdom 1. Protozoa Goldfuss 1818 stat. nov. Owen 1858 em. [almost certainly paraphyletic]
- Subkingdom 1. Archezoa Cavalier-Smith 1983 em. [almost certainly paraphyletic]
- Phylum 1. Metamonada Grassé 1952 stat. nov. et em. Cavalier-Smith 1981
- Subphylum 1. Eopharyngia Cavalier-Smith 1993 (e.g. Giardia, Hexamita, Trepomonas, Chilomastix)
- Subphylum 2. Axostylaria Grassé 1952 stat. nov. em. Cavalier-Smith 1993 (e.g. Oxymonas, Pyrsonympha)
- Phylum 2. Trichozoa Cavalier-Smith 1997
- Subphylum 1. Anaeromonada Cavalier-Smith 1997 (Trimastix)
- Subphylum 2. Parabasala Honigberg 1973 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1997 (e.g. Trichomonas, Trichonympha)
- Phylum 1. Metamonada Grassé 1952 stat. nov. et em. Cavalier-Smith 1981
- Subkingdom 2. Neozoa Cavalier-Smith 1993 stat. nov. 1997 em. [almost certainly paraphyletic]
- Infrakingdom 1. Sarcomastigota Cavalier-Smith 1983 stat. nov. em. [probably paraphyletic]
- Phylum 1. Neomonada Cavalier-Smith 1997. [probably paraphyletic]
- Subphylum 1. Apusozoa Cavalier-Smith 1997 (e.g. Apusomonas, Ancyromonas, Jakoba, Reclinomonas Ebria)
- Subphylum 2. Isomita Cavalier-Smith 1997 (e.g. Phalansterium, Cyathobodo, Kathablepharis)
- Subphylum 3. Choanozoa Cavalier-Smith 1981 em. 1983 stat. nov. (e.g. Monosiga, Diaphanoeca, Corallochytrium, Psorospermium) [probably paraphyletic.]
- Phylum 2. Cercozoa phyl. nov. (syn. Rhizopoda Von Siebold 1845 stat. nov. Haeckel 1886 as emended by Cavalier-Smith 1995b, 1997a; present phylum emended by addition of Spongomonadida and transfer of Cristidiscoidia to Choanozoa: Cavalier-Smith, 1997b)
- Subphylum Phytomyxa Cavalier-Smith 1997 (e.g. Plasmodiophora)
- Subphylum Reticulofilosa Cavalier-Smith 1997 (e.g. Chlorarachnion, Cryptochlora)
- Subphylum Monadofilosa Cavalier-Smith 1997 (e.g. Cercomonas, Gymnophrys, Euglypha, Spongomonas)
- Phylum 3. Foraminifera (D’Orbigny 1826) Eichwald 1830 stat. nov. Margulis 1974 (e.g. Allogromia, Ammonia)
- Phylum 4. Amoebozoa Lühe 1913 stat. nov. em.
- Subphylum 1. Lobosa Carpenter 1861 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1997 em. (e.g. Amoeba, Acanthamoeba, Arcella, Difflugia, Multicilia)
- Subphylum 2. Conosa subphyl. nov.
- Infraphylum 1. Archamoebae Cavalier-Smith 1983 stat. nov. (e.g. Pelomyxa, Mastigamoeba, Phreatamoeba, Entamoeba)
- Infraphylum 2. Mycetozoa De Bary 1859 stat. nov.
- Superclass 1. Eumyxa Cavalier-Smith 1993 stat. nov. (e.g. Protostelium, Physarum) [probably paraphyletic]
- Superclass 2. Dictyostelia Lister 1909 stat. nov. (e.g. Dictyostelium)
- Phylum 1. Neomonada Cavalier-Smith 1997. [probably paraphyletic]
- Infrakingdom 2. Discicristata infraking. nov.
- Phylum 1. Percolozoa Cavalier-Smith 1991.
- Subphylum 1. Tetramitia Cavalier-Smith 1993 (e.g. Percolomonas, Naegleria)
- Subphylum 2. Pseudociliata Cavalier-Smith 1993 (Stephanopogon)
- Phylum 2. Euglenozoa Cavalier-Smith 1981.
- Subphylum 1. Plicostoma subphyl. nov.
- Superclass Diplonemia Cavalier-Smith 1993 stat. nov. (e.g. Diplonema)
- Superclass Euglenoida Bütschli 1884 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1997 (e.g. Euglena, Petalomonas, Peranema)
- Subphylum 2. Saccostoma subphyl. nov.
- Class Kinetoplastea Honigberg 1963 stat. nov. Margulis 1974 (e.g. Bodo, Trypanosoma, Leishmania)
- Class Postgaardea cl. nov. (sole genus Postgaardi Simpson et al., 1997)
- Subphylum 1. Plicostoma subphyl. nov.
- Phylum 1. Percolozoa Cavalier-Smith 1991.
- Infrakingdom 3. Alveolata Cavalier-Smith 1991 em.
- Superphylum 1. Miozoa Cavalier-Smith 1987.
- Phylum 1. Dinozoa Cavalier-Smith 1981 em.
- Subphylum 1. Protalveolata Cavalier-Smith 1991 em. (e.g. Colponema, Ellobiopsis, Spironema, Hemimastix, Colpodella, Perkinsus) [probably paraphyletic]
- Subphylum 2. Dinoflagellata Bütschli 1885 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1991 (e.g. Noctiluca, Crypthecodinium, Amphidinium)
- Phylum 2. Sporozoa Leuckart 1879 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1981 (syns Telosporidia Schaudinn 1900; Euspora Levine 1961; Polannulifera Levine 1969; Apicomplexa Levine 1970 pro parte)
- Subphylum 1. Gregarinae Haeckel 1866 stat. nov. (e.g. Monocystis)
- Subphylum 2. Coccidiomorpha Doflein 1901
- Superclass Coccidia Leuckart 1879 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1993 (e.g. Sarcocystis, Toxoplasma, Eimeria)
- Superclass Ascetospora Sprague 1979 stat. nov. (e.g. Haplosporidium, Paramyxa)
- Superclass Hematozoa Vivier 1982 stat. nov. (e.g. Plasmodium, Babesia)
- Subphylum 3. Manubrispora subphyl. nov.
- Class Metchnikovellea Weiser 1977 emend. Cavalier-Smith 1993 to exclude Minisporea (e.g. Metchnikovella)
- Phylum 1. Dinozoa Cavalier-Smith 1981 em.
- Superphylum 2. Heterokaryota Hickson 1903 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1993.
- Phylum Ciliophora Doflein 1901 stat. nov. Copeland 1956 em. auct.
- Subphylum 1. Tubulicorticata de Puytorac et al. 1992 (e.g. Loxodes, Stylonychia, Colpoda)
- Subphylum 2. Epiplasmata de Puytorac et al. 1992 (e.g. Tetrahymena, Paramecium, Vorticella)
- Subphylum 3. Filocorticata de Puytorac et al. 1992 (e.g. Spathidium)
- Phylum Ciliophora Doflein 1901 stat. nov. Copeland 1956 em. auct.
- Superphylum 1. Miozoa Cavalier-Smith 1987.
- Infrakingdom 4. Actinopoda Calkins 1902 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1997
- Phylum 1. Heliozoa Haeckel 1886 stat. nov. Margulis 1974 (e.g. Actinophrys, Acanthocystis)
- Phylum 2. Radiozoa Cavalier-Smith 1987.
- Subphylum 1. Spasmaria Cavalier-Smith 1993 (Sticholonche, acantharians, e.g. Acanthometra)
- Subphylum 2. Radiolaria Müller 1858 emend. stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1993 (e.g. Thallassicolla, Aulacantha)
- Infrakingdom 1. Sarcomastigota Cavalier-Smith 1983 stat. nov. em. [probably paraphyletic]
- Subkingdom 1. Archezoa Cavalier-Smith 1983 em. [almost certainly paraphyletic]
- Kingdom 2. Animalia Linnaeus 1758 em. Cavalier-Smith 1995 (unnecessary synonym Metazoa Haeckel 1874)
- Kingdom 3. Fungi Linnaeus 1753 stat. nov. Nees 1817 em.
- Kingdom 4. Plantae Haeckel 1866 em. Cavalier-Smith 1981
- Kingdom 5. Chromista Cavalier-Smith 1981 em.
Cavalier-Smith (1999)
Cavalier-Smith, T. (1999). Zooflagellate phylogeny and the systematics of Protozoa. Biological Bulletin, 393-396, [65].
Kingdom Protozoa
- Subkingdom 1. Archezoa
- Phylum 1. Metamonada
- Phylum 2. Parabasalia
- Subkingdom 2. Neozoa
- Infrakingdom 1. Discicristata
- Infrakingdom 2. Alveolata
- Infrakingdom 3. Sarcomastigota
- Infrakingdom 4. Actinopoda
Cavalier-Smith (1999)
Cavalier-Smith, T. (1999). Principles of protein and lipid targeting in secondary symbiogenesis: euglenoid, dinoflagellate, and sporozoan plastid origins and the eukaryote family tree. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 46(4), 347-366, [66].
Kingdom Protozoa
- Subkingdom Eozoa
- Infrakingdom Loukozoa
- Phylum Loukozoa (Anaeromonadea; Jakobea)
- Infrakingdom Archezoa
- Infrakingdom Loukozoa
- Subkingdom Neozoa
- Infrakingdom Discicristata
- Infrakingdom Sarcomastigota
- Infrakingdom Retaria
- Infrakingdom Alveolata
Lee et al. (2000)
From Lee, J.J., Leedale, G.F. & Bradbury, P. (appeared 2002, dated 2000). An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa. Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A: Society of Protozoologists/Allen Press; 2nd ed., vol. 1, vol. 2. See Brands, S.J. (1989-2015), [67].
"protozoa" [p. iv]
- "related to multicellular groups"
- Choanoflagellata (e.g., collared flagellates) [see Choanoflagellida]
- Microsporida (e.g., Nosema, Abelspora)
- Myxozoa (e.g., Myxobolus)
- Volvocida (e.g., Volvox, Chlamydomonas)
- "alveolates"
- Apicomplexa (e.g., Toxoplasma)
- Colpodellidae (e.g., Colpodella)
- Ciliophora (e.g., Paramecium, Tetrahymena)
- Dinozoa (e.g., Gymnodinium, Peridinium) [see Dinoflagellata]
- "stramenopiles"
- Bicosoecida (e.g., Bicosoeca, Cafeteria)
- Chrysomonada (e.g., Ochromonas, Dinobryon) [see Chrysophyceae]
- Pelagophyceae (e.g., Pelagomonas, Aureococcus)
- Raphidomonadida (e.g., Heterosigma, Olisthodiscus)
- "residual heterotrophic stramenopiles" (e.g., Diplophrys, slabyrinthulids) [see Stramenopiles]
- Slopalinida (e.g., Opalina, Zelleriella)
- Synurophyceae (e.g., Synura, Mallomonas)
- Silicoflagellata (e.g., silicoflagellates, pedinellids)
- "ameboid protists"
- Acantharia (e.g., Acanthometra, Stauracantha)
- "amoebae of uncertain affinities" (e.g., Malamoeba, Endamoeba, Entamoeba) [see Incertae sedis Eukaryota]
- Arcellinida (e.g., Arcella, Difflugia)
- Heliozoa (sun animacules)
- Granuloreticulosea (e.g., Foraminifera) [see Granuloreticulosa]
- Mycetozoa (slime molds)
- Phaeodaria (e.g., Aulacantha, Challengeria) [see Phaeodarea]
- Polycystina (e.g., Thalassicolla, Collozoum)
- "ramicristate amoebae" (e.g., Amoeba, Mayorella, Vexillifera) [see "gymnamoebae"]
- Schizocladidae (e.g., Schizocladus)
- "testate amoebae with filipodia" (e.g., Euglypha, Amphitrema) [see Testaceafilosia]
- Trichosidae (e.g., Trichosphaerium)
- Xenophyophorea (e.g., xenophyophores)
- "ameboid & flagellated protists"
- Pelobiontida (e.g., Pelomyxa, Mastigella)
- Heterolobosea (e.g., Vahlkampfia, Tetramitus)
- "flagellated protists"
- Cryptomonadida (e.g., Cryptomonas, Rhodomonas)
- Diplomonadida (e.g., Giardia, Hexamita)
- Euglenozoa (e.g., Euglena, Trypanosoma)
- Hemimastigophora (e.g., Spironema, Hemimastix)
- oxymonads (e.g., Oxymonas, Pyrsonympha)
- Parabasalia (e.g., Trichomonas, Trichonympha)
- Pedinophyceae (e.g., Pedinomonas)
- Prasinophyceae (e.g., Tetraselmis, Mesostigma)
- Prymnesiida (e.g., Prymnesium, Coccolithus)
- "residual heterotrophic flagellates" (e.g., Reclinomonas, Jakoba) [see Incertae sedis Eukaryota]
- Retortamonadida (e.g., Retortamonas, Chilomastix)
- "other"
- Haplospora (e.g., Haplosporidium, Minchinia) [see Haplosporidia]
- Plasmodiophora (e.g., Tetramyxa, Plasmodiophora) [see Plasmodiophoromycota]
Cavalier-Smith (2002)
From The phagotrophic origin of eukaryotes and phylogenetic classification of Protozoa, [68].
Kingdom Protozoa
- Subkingdom Gymnomyxa Lankester 1878 stat. nov. emend.
- Subkingdom Corticata Lankester 1878 stat. nov. emend.
- Infrakingdom 1. Excavata infraregnum nov.
- Superphylum Loukozoa
- Phylum Loukozoa
- Superphylum Discicristata stat. nov.
- Phylum Percolozoa
- Phylum Euglenozoa
- Superphylum Archezoa stat. nov.
- Phylum Metamonada
- Phylum Parabasalia
- Superphylum Loukozoa
- Infrakingdom 2. Alveolata
- Phylum 12. Miozoa
- Phylum 13. Ciliophora
- Infrakingdom 1. Excavata infraregnum nov.
Cavalier-Smith (2003)
From Protist phylogeny and the high-level classification of Protozoa, [69], [70].
Kingdom Protozoa (11 phyla)
- [unikonts]
- [bikonts]
- [cabozoa]
- Infrakingdom Rhizaria
- Phylum 3. Cercozoa
- Phylum 4. Retaria (Radiozoa, Foraminifera)
- Infrakingdom Excavata
- Phylum 5. Loukozoa
- Phylum 6. Metamonada
- Phylum 7. Euglenozoa
- Phylum 8. Percolozoa
- Infrakingdom Rhizaria
- [Kingdom Plantae (Viridaeplantae, Rhodophyta, Glaucophyta)]
- [chromalveolate]
- [Kingdom Chromista (Cryptista, Heterokonta, Haptophyta)]
- Infrakingdom Alveolata
- Phylum 9. Ciliophora
- Phylum 10. Miozoa (Protalveolata, Dinozoa, Apicomplexa)
- Phylum 11. Apusozoa (Thecomonadea, Diphylleida)
- [cabozoa]
Cavalier-Smith (2004)
From Only six kingdoms of life, [71].
Empire Eukaryota (Cavalier-Smith 1998)
- Kingdom Protozoa (Cavalier-Smith 2002a, 2003a)
- [unikonts]
- Subkingdom Sarcomastigota
- [bikonts]
- Subkingdom Biciliata
- Infrakingdom Rhizaria
- Phylum Cercozoa
- Phylum Foraminifera
- Phylum Radiozoa
- Infrakingdom Excavata
- Phylum Loukozoa
- Phylum Percolozoa
- Phylum Euglenozoa
- Phylum Metamonada (incl. Parabasalia and Anaeromonadea)
- Infrakingdom Alveolata
- Phylum Myzozoa
- Phylum Ciliophora
- Biciliata incertae sedis
- Infrakingdom Rhizaria
- Subkingdom Biciliata
- [unikonts]
- Kingdom Animalia (Myxozoa and 21 othera phyla) (Cavalier-Smith 1998; Cavalier-Smith & Chao 2003c)
- Kingdom Fungi (phyla Archemycota, Microsporidia, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota) (Cavalier-Smith 2000b)
- Kingdom Plantae
- Subkingdom Biliphyta (phyla Glaucophyta, Rhodophyta)
- Subkingdom Viridaeplantae (Chlorophyta, Bryophyta, Tracheophyta)
- Kingdom Chromista
- Subkingdom Cryptista (phylum Cryptista: cryptophytes, goniomonads, katablepharids)
- Subkingdom Chromobiota
- Infrakingdom Heterokonta (phyla Ochrophyta, Pseudofungi, Opalozoa (comprising subphyla Opalinata, Sagenista)
- Infrakingdom Haptista (phylum Haptophyta)
Cavalier-Smith (2010)
Cavalier-Smith, T. (2010). Kingdoms Protozoa and Chromista and the eozoan root of the eukaryotic tree. Biol. Lett. 6 (3): 342–5, [72].
- Kingdom Protozoa [paraphyletic]
- Subkingdom Sarcomastigota
- Subkingdom Eozoa
- Infrakingdom Excavata
- Infrakingdom Euglenozoa
- Kingdom Animalia
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Plantae (Glaucophyta, Rhodophyta, Viridiplantae)
- Kingdom Chromista
Taylor & Sanders (2010)
Taylor, W.D. & R.W. Sanders. 2010. Protozoa. pp. 43-96. In: Thorp, J.H. & Covich, A.P. (eds.) The Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. 3rd ed. Academic Press, [73].
- "phytoflagellates"
- "zooflagellates"
- "amoeboid protozoa"
- "ciliated protozoa"
Ruggiero et al. (2015)
- Ruggiero, M.A., Gordon, D.P., Orrell, T.M., Bailly, N., Bourgoin, T., Brusca, R.C., Cavalier-Smith, T., Guiry, M.D. & Kirk, P.M. 2015. A Higher Level Classification of All Living Organisms. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0119248 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0119248 . [Correction in 10(6): e0130114 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0130114 .] Reference page.
- Superkingdom Prokaryota
- Kingdom Archaea [= Archaebacteria]
- Kingdom Bacteria [= Eubacteria]
- Superkingdom Eukaryota
- Kingdom Protozoa
- Subkingdom Eozoa
- Infrakingdom Euglenozoa
- Infrakingdom Excavata
- Subkingdom Sarcomastigota
- Phylum Amoebozoa
- Phylum Choanozoa [with Microsporidia, Animalia, and Fungi constitutes "Supergroup Opisthokonta"]
- Phylum Microsporidia [with Choanozoa, Animalia, and Fungi constitutes "Supergroup Opisthokonta"]
- Phylum Sulcozoa
- Subkingdom Eozoa
- Kingdom Chromista
- Subkingdom Hacrobia
- Subkingdom Harosa [= "Supergroup SAR"]
- Infrakingdom Halvaria
- Superphylum Alveolata
- Superphylum Heterokonta [= "Supergroup Stramenopiles"]
- Infrakingdom Rhizaria
- Infrakingdom Halvaria
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Plantae [= Archaeplastida]
- Subkingdom Biliphyta
- Subkingdom Viridiplantae
- Kingdom Animalia
- Kingdom Protozoa
Vernacular names
azərbaycanca: Protozoylar
беларуская: Прасцейшыя
català: Protozou
čeština: Prvoci
dansk: Protozoer
Deutsch: Urtiere; Urthiere (obsolete spelling)
español: Protozoo
français: Protozoaire
hrvatski: Praživotinje
magyar: Protozoa
interlingua: Protozoa
Bahasa Indonesia: Protozoa
Ido: Protozoo
Limburgs: Protozoa
Plattdüütsch: Protozoa
norsk nynorsk: Protozo
norsk: Protozo
polski: Pierwotniaki
português: Protozoário
română: Protozoar
Scots: Protozoa
slovenčina: Prvoky
svenska: Urdjur
தமிழ்: முன்னுயிரிகள் (புரோட்டோசூவா)