
editSuperregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Protozoa
Subregnum: Eozoa
Infraregnum: Euglenozoa
Phylum: Euglenozoa
Subphylum: Glycomonada
Classis: Kinetoplastea
Subclasses: Metakinetoplastina – Prokinetoplastina
editKinetoplastea Honigberg, 1963 em. Cavalier-Smith, 1993
- Kinetoplastida Honigberg, 1963
- Kinetoplastidea Corliss, 1984
- Kinetoplasta Sleigh, 1989; Cavalier-Smith, 1993
edit- Cavalier-Smith, T. 2003. The excavate protozoan phyla Metamonada Grassé emend. (Anaeromonadea, Parabasalia, Carpediemonas, Eopharyngia) and Loukozoa emend. (Jakobea, Malawimonas): their evolutionary affinities and new higher taxa. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 53: 1741–1758. DOI: 10.1099/ijs.0.02548-0 Reference page.
- Cavalier-Smith T. 2003. Protist phylogeny and the high-level classification of Protozoa. European Journal of Protistology 39: 338–348. DOI: 10.1078/0932-4739-00002 Reference page.
- Gibson, Wendy (2016). Kinetoplastea. In: Archibald, J.M., Simpson, A.G.B., Slamovits, C. (Eds.). Handbook of the Protists. Springer, pp. 1-50. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-32669-6_7-1
- Honigberg, B. M. (1963). A contribution to systematics of the non-pigmented flagellates. In: Ludvík, J., Lom, J., Vávra, J. (eds.). Progress in Protozoology: proceedings of the first International Congress on protozoology held at Prague. Academic Press.
Alternative classifications
editGrell (1968)
editGrell K.G. (1968). Protozoologie. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 511 pp, [1].
Vickerman (1976)
editVickerman, K., 1976, The diversity of the kinetoplastid flagellates. In: W.H.R. Lumsden and D.A. Evans (eds.), Biology of the Kinetoplastida, Vol. 1, Academic Press, New York and London, pp. 1-34, [2].
- Order Kinetoplastida
- Suborder Bodonina
- Suborder Trypanosomatina
Honigberg et al. (1964)
edit- Honigberg, B.M., Balamuth, W., Bovee, E.C., Corliss, J.O., Gojdics, M., Hall, R.P., Kudo, R.R., Levine, N.D., Loeblich, A.R.Jr., Weiser, J. & Wenrich, D.H. 1964. A Revised Classification of the Phylum Protozoa. Journal of Protozoology 11(1): 7–20. DOI: 10.1111/J.1550-7408.1964.TB01715.X Reference page.
In Phylum Protozoa
- Subphylum Sarcomastigophora
- Superclass Mastigophora
- Class Zoomastigophorea
- Order Kinetoplastida Honigberg, 1963
- Suborder Bodonina Hollande, 1952
- Suborder Trypanosomatina Kent, 1880
- Order Kinetoplastida Honigberg, 1963
- Class Zoomastigophorea
- Superclass Mastigophora
John O. Corliss (1984)
editFrom The kingdom Protista and its 45 phyla
In Kingdom Protista, Assemblage "Euglenozoa"
Phylum Kinetoplastidea Honigberg, 1963
Sleigh (1989)
editSleigh, M. (1989). Protozoa and Other Protists. 2nd ed. Edward Arnold, London, [3], [4].
"four sets of protistan phyla"
- flagellates and related protists
- Phylum Kinetoplasta
- Order Bodonida
- Order Trypanosomatida
- Phylum Kinetoplasta
Vickerman in Margulis et al. (1990)
editVickerman, K., 1990. 14f. Phylum Zoomastigina, Class Kinetoplastida. In: Margulis, L., J.O. Corliss, M. Melkonian, D.J. Chapman (ed.). Handbook of Protoctista. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston, p. 215-238. See Brands, S.J. (1989-2015), [5].
Kingdom Protoctista
- Section III: Phyla with flagellated stages, but without complex sexual cycles
- Phylum 14. Zoomastigina
- Class Kinetoplastida
- Phylum 14. Zoomastigina
Cavalier-Smith (1993)
editCavalier-Smith, T. (1993). The origin, losses and gains of chloroplasts. In: Origins of plastids (pp. 291-348). Springer US, [6].
- Phylim Euglenozoa Cavalier-Smith 1981
- Subphylum 1. Euglenoida Bütschli stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1992
- Subphylum 2. Kinetoplasta Honigberg 1963 stat. nov.
- Class Kinetoplastea Honigberg 1963 emend.
- Subphylum 3. Diplonemia Cavalier-Smith, 1992
T. Cavalier-Smith (1993).
editFrom Kingdom Protozoa and its 18 phyla, [7].
Empire Eukaryota
- Superkingdom 2. Metakaryota
- Kingdom 1. Protozoa
- Subkingdom 2. Dictyozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1991
- Branch 2. Bikonta new branch
- Infrakingdom 1. Euglenozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1981 stat. nov.
- Phylum 1. Euglenozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1981
- Subphylum 3. Kinetoplasta Honigberg, 1963 stat. nov.
- Class 1. Kinetoplastea Honigberg, 1963 emend. Vickerman, 1976 stat. nov. Margulis, 1974 (= subcl. Bodonidea Hollande, 1958)
- Order Bodonida Hollande, 1952 emend. Vickerman, 1976, Krylov et al., 1980
- Order Trypanosomida Kent, 1880 stat. nov. Hollande, 1952)
- Class 1. Kinetoplastea Honigberg, 1963 emend. Vickerman, 1976 stat. nov. Margulis, 1974 (= subcl. Bodonidea Hollande, 1958)
- Subphylum 3. Kinetoplasta Honigberg, 1963 stat. nov.
- Phylum 1. Euglenozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1981
- Infrakingdom 1. Euglenozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1981 stat. nov.
- Branch 2. Bikonta new branch
- Subkingdom 2. Dictyozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1991
- Kingdom 1. Protozoa
Cavalier-Smith (1998)
editFrom A revised six-kingdom system of life
Phylum Euglenozoa
- Subphylum Saccostoma
- Class Kinetoplastea Honigberg, 1963 stat. nov. Margulis, 1974
Alimov et al. (2000)
editAlimov, A. F. ed. (А. Ф. Алимов). 2000. Protista 1: Handbook on zoology (Протисты 1: руководство по зоологии). St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2000, 679 pp. (in Russian, with English summaries), [8].
- Phylum Euglenozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1978
- Class Euglenoidea Bütschli, 1884
- Order Eutreptiida Leedale, 1967
- Order Euglenida Bütschli, 1884
- Order Rhabdomonadida Leedale, 1967
- Order Sphenomonadida Leedale, 1967
- Order Heteronematida Leedale, 1967
- Class Kinetoplastidea Honigberg et al., 1963
- Order Bodonida Hollande, 1952
- Family Bodonidae Dophlein, 1901
- Genus Bodo (Ehrenberg, 1830) Stein, 1875
- Genus Parabodo Skuja, 1939
- Genus Ichthyobodo Pinto, 1928
- Genus Rhynchomonas Klebs, 1893
- Genus Rhynchobodo Lackey, 1940
- Genus Hemistasia Griessmann, 1913
- Family Cryptobiidae Poche, 1911
- Genus Cryptobia Leidy, 1846
- Genus Cephalothamnium Stein, 1878
- Genus Procryptobia Vickerman, 1978
- Genus Dimastigella (Sandon, 1928) Vickerman, 1978
- Genus Cruzella Faria et Pinto, 1922
- Family Bodonidae Dophlein, 1901
- Order Trypanosomatida Kent, 1880
- Family Trypanosomatidae Grobben, 1905
- Genus Blastocrithidia Laird, 1959
- Genus Crithidia Leger, 1902
- Genus Herpetomonas Kent, 1880
- Genus Leptomonas Kent, 1880
- Genus Wallaceina Podlipaev, Frolov, Kolesnikov 1990
- Genus Rhynchoidomonas Patton, 1910
- Genus Phytomonas Donovan, 1909
- Genus Leishmania Ross, 1903
- Genus Endotrypanum Mesnil et Brimont, 1908
- Genus Trypanosoma Gruby, 1943
- Family Trypanosomatidae Grobben, 1905
- Order Bodonida Hollande, 1952
- Class Euglenoidea Bütschli, 1884
Vickerman in Lee et al. (2002)
edit- Vickerman, K. 2002 ["2000"]. Order Kinetoplastea Honigberg, 1963. In: Lee, J.J., Leedale, G.F. & Bradbury, P. (eds.), An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa. Society of Protozoologists/Allen Press: Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A, 2nd ed., vol. 2, p. 1159-1180. [9].
In “protozoa”, “flagellated protists”,
- Phylum Euglenozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1981
- "kinetoplastids" (Order Kinetoplastea Honigberg, 1963)
- Suborder Bodonina Hollande, 1952
- Family Bodonidae
- Genus Bodo Ehrenberg, 1832[1830]
- Genus Rhynchomonas Klebs, 1893
- Genus Rhynchobodo Lackey, 1940, emend. Vørs, 1992
- Genus Ichthyobodo Pinto, 1928 (= Costia Leclercq, 1890; spelled Ichtyobodo by French workers)
- Genus Procryptobia Vickerman, 1978
- Genus Dimastigella Sandon, 1928
- Genus Cephalothamnium Stein, 1878 (= Cephalothamnion Lemmerman, 1913)
- Genus Cryptobia Leidy, 1846
- Genus Trypanoplasma Laveran & Mesnil, 1901
- Family Bodonidae
- Suborder Trypanosomatina Kent, 1880
- Family Trypanosomatidae Doflein, 1901
- Genus Leptomonas Kent, 1880
- Genus Herpetomonas Kent, 1880
- Genus Crithidia Léger, 1902
- Genus Wallaceina Podlipaev, Frolov & Kolesnikov, 1990, nom. nov. for Proteomonas Podlipaev, Frolov & Kolesnikov, 1990
- Genus Blastocrithidia Laird, 1959
- Genus Rhynchoidomonas Patton, 1910
- Genus Phytomonas Donovan, 1909
- Genus Leishmania Ross, 1903
- Genus Sauroleishmania Ranque, 1973
- Genus Endotrypanum Mesnil & Brimont, 1908
- Genus Trypanosoma Gruby, 1843
- Family Trypanosomatidae Doflein, 1901
- Suborder Bodonina Hollande, 1952
- "kinetoplastids" (Order Kinetoplastea Honigberg, 1963)