
editSuperregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Diaphoretickes
Cladus: Tsar
Cladus: Sar
Infraregnum: Alveolata
Phylum: Ciliophora
Subphyla: Intramacronucleata – Postciliodesmatophora
Classes (nomen dubium): Kinetofragminophora – Polyhymenophora
Ciliophora incertae sedisː Genus: Arachnidiopsis
Species: Arachnidiopsis paradoxa
editCiliophora Doflein, 1901
edit- Doflein, F. 1901. Die Protozoen als Parasiten und Krankheitserreger nach biologischen Gesichtspunkten dargestellt. Jena: Verlag von G. Fischer. DOI: 10.5962/bhl.title.1043 Reference page.
- Aescht, E. (2001). Catalogue of the generic names of ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora). Denisia 1: 1–350, [1].
- Bick, H. (1972). Ciliated protozoa: an illustrated guide to the species used as biological indicators in freshwater biology. Geneva: World Health Organization, 198 p., [2].
- Foissner, W., & Berger, H. (1996). A user‐friendly guide to the ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) commonly used by hydrobiologists as bioindicators in rivers, lakes, and waste waters, with notes on their ecology. Freshwater Biology, 35(2), 375-482, [3].
- Lynn, D.H. (2016). Ciliophora. In: Archibald, J.M., Simpson, A.G.B., Slamovits, C. (Eds.). Handbook of the Protists. Springer, pp. 1-52. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-32669-6_23-1
- Warren, A. 2011. Ciliophora. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on 2016-03-17
Additional references
edit- Aguilar-Aguilar, R. & Islas-Ortega, A.G. 2015. A checklist of ciliate parasites (Ciliophora) of fishes from Mexico. Zootaxa 4027(2): 270–280. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4027.2.6. Preview (PDF) Reference page.
- Ansari, K.G.M.T., Guidi, L., Dovgal, I., Balsamo, M. & Samprucci, F. 2017. Some epibiont suctorian ciliates from meiofaunal organisms of Maldivian archipelago with description of a new ciliate species. Zootaxa 4258(4): 375–387. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4258.4.5. Reference page.
- Booyse, D.G. & Dehority, B.A. 2017. Host-Parasite list updating of Ciliates and fermentation in the digestive tract of wild miscellaneous herbivores in South Africa (RSA). Zootaxa 4258(6): 586–600. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4258.6.9. Reference page.
- Cedrola, F., Bordim, S., D’Agosto, M. & Dias, R.J.P. 2019. Intestinal ciliates (Alveolata, Ciliophora) in Brazilian domestic horses (Equus caballus L.) and a review on the ciliate communities associated with horses around the world. Zootaxa 4585(3): 478–488. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4585.3.4 Reference page.
- Chatterjee, T., Dovgal, I., Mayén-Estrada, R. & Fernandez-Leborans, G. 2020. A checklist of ciliates (Ciliophora) inhabiting on ostracods (Crustacea, Ostracoda). Zootaxa 4763(1): 17–30. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4763.1.2 Reference page.
- Chatterjee, T., Dovgal, I., Pešić, V. & Zawal, A. 2018. A checklist of epibiont suctorian and peritrich ciliates (Ciliophora) on halacarid and hydrachnid mites (Acari: Halacaridae & Hydrachnidia). Zootaxa 4457(3): 415–430. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4457.3.4 Reference page.
- Céron Cucchi, M., Marcoppido, G., Dekker, A., Fondevila, M., Fuente, G. de la, Morici, G. & Cravero, S. 2016. Ciliate protozoa of the forestomach of llamas (Lama glama) from locations at different altitude in Argentina. Zootaxa 4067(1): 49–56. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4067.1.3.Full article Reference page.
- Gürelli, G. 2017. Rumen Ciliate Fauna of Domestic Sheep (Ovis aries) in İzmir, Turkey and Scanning Electron Microscopic Observations. Zootaxa 4286(4): 545–554. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4286.4.7. Reference page.
- Gürelli, G., Lyons, E.T. & Kesbi̇ç, F.I. 2019. Hindgut Ciliate Composition of Thoroughbred Mares in Kentucky, USA, and Binary Fission in Polymorphella ampulla. Zootaxa 4646(2): 369–384. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4646.2.11 Reference page.
- Nana, P.A., Fokam, Z., Viguès, B., Bricheux, G., Aghaindum, G.A., Ngassam, P., Nola, M. & Sime-Ngando, T. 2018. Morphology and infraciliature of two new earthworm ciliates, Hoplitophrya polymorphus sp. nov. and Anoplophrya simplex sp. nov. (Ciliophora: Oligohymenophorea: Astomatia). Zootaxa 4392(1): 169–178. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4392.1.9 Reference page.
- Petz, W., 1999. Ciliophora. In: Boltovskoy, D. (Ed.), South Atlantic Zooplankton. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, pp. 265–320, [4].
- Santiago, J.A. & Lagman, M.C. 2018. Species check-list for Tintinnids of the Philippines Archipelago (Protozoa, Ciliophora). ZooKeys 771: 1–14. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.771.24806 Reference page.
Vernacular names
editEnglish: Ciliates
eesti: Ripsloomad, Tsiliaadid
français: Ciliés
Alternative classifications
editPerty (1852)
editFrom Kleinster Lebensformen, [5], [6].
- Subregnum Archezoa
- Classis Infusoria
- Phytozoidia
- Ciliata
- Classis Rhizopoda
- Classis Infusoria
Saville-Kent (1880-1882)
editSaville-Kent, W. (1880-1882). A manual of Infusoria. London, vol. 1 (see p. 211 [7]), vol. 2 and vol. 3.
Sub-kingdom Protozoa
- Legion Infusoria
- Class I. Flagellata or Mastigophora
- Class II. Ciliata or Trichophora
- Class III. Tentaticulifera
Bütschli (1887-1889)
editBütschli, O. 1887-89. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs: wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild: wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild. Erster Band: Protozoa. Abt. III, Infusoria und System der Radiolaria. C.F. Winter: Leipzig, [8].
Phylum Protozoa
Kalberlah & Schoenichen (1900)
editKalberlah, A. & Schoenichen, W. B. (1900). Eyferth's Einfachste Lebensformen des Tier- und Pflanzenreiches: Naturgeschichte der mikroskopischen Süsswasserbewohner. 3rd ed. Braunschweig: B. Goeritz, [9].
- Pflanzliche Organismen
- I. Schizophytae
- II. Euphyceae (Echte Algen)
- III. Fungi
- Tierische Organismen
- I. Einzellige Lebewesen – I. Protozoa
- I. Sarcodina
- II. Mastigophora (Flagellata)
- III. Ciliata
- A. Gymnostomata
- B. Trichostomata
- I. Aspirotricha
- II. Spirotricha
- A. Heterotricha
- B. Oligotricha
- C. Hypotricha
- D. Peritricha
- IV. Suctoria
- II. Mehrzellige Lebewesen (Metazoa) – II. Rotatoria
- I. Einzellige Lebewesen – I. Protozoa
Doflein (1901)
editDoflein, F. (1901). Die Protozoen als Parasiten und Krankheitserreger, 1st ed. Further editions: Lehrbuch der Protozoenkunde.
- Stamm: Protozoa
- I. Unterstamm: Plasmodroma
- II. Unterstamm: Ciliophora
Kahl (1930-1935)
editKahl, A. (1930–35). Urtiere oder Protozoa I: Wimpertiere oder Ciliata (Infusoria). In: Die Tierwelt Deutschlands 18, (Ed. F. Dahl). 4 vols. G. Fischer, Jena, [10], [11].
Patterson, D.J. (1978). Kahl's Keys to the Ciliates. Translation of the keys from Wimpertiere oder Ciliata. 1978, University of Bristol, [12].
- Phylum Protozoa Goldfuss, 1817
- Superklasse Ciliophora Doflein, 1901
- Klasse Protociliata Metcalf
- Fam. Opalinidae
- Klasse Euciliata Metcalf
- Unterklasse Infusoria Ledermüller, 1760
- Ordnung Holotricha Stein, 1859
- Ordnung Spirotricha Bütschli, 1889 emend.
- Ordnung Peritricha Stein, 1859 emend.
- Ordnung Chonotricha Wallengren, 1895
- Unterklasse Suctoria
- Unterklasse Infusoria Ledermüller, 1760
- Klasse Protociliata Metcalf
- Superklasse Ciliophora Doflein, 1901
Fauré-Fremiet (1950)
editFauré-Fremiet, E. (1950). Morphologie comparée et systèmatique des Ciliés. Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France, 75: 109–122, [13]. See Lynn (2008), [14].
- Ciliata
Kudo (1954)
editFrom Protozoology, 4th ed., [15].
Phylum Protozoa Goldfuss
- Subphylum Plasmodroma Doflein
- Class Mastigophora Diesing
- Class Sarcodina Hertwig and Lesser
- Class Sporozoa Leuckart
- Subphylum Ciliophora Doflein
- Class 1 Ciliata Perty
- Subclass 1 Protociliata Metcalf
- Subclass 2 Euciliata Metcalf
- Class 2 Suctoria Claparède and Lachmann
- Class 1 Ciliata Perty
Honigberg et al. (1964)
editIn Phylum Protozoa
Subphylum Ciliophora
Class Ciliatea
- Subclass Holotrichia
- Subclass Peritrichia
- Subclass Suctoria
- Subclass Spirotrichia
Corliss (1979)
editCorliss, J. O. (1979). The Ciliated Protozoa: Characterization, Classification, and Guide to the Literautre, 2nd ed., Pergamon Press, Oxford and New York, 455 pp., [16] (1st ed: 1961, [17]).
Phylum Ciliophora
- Class Kinetofragminophora
- Class Oligohymenophora
- Class Polyhymenophora
John O. Corliss (1984)
editFrom The kingdom Protista and its 45 phyla
In Kingdom Protista
Assemblage "Ciliates"
Phylum Ciliophora Doflein, 1901
Dragesco & Dragesco-Kernéis (1986)
editDragesco, J. & Dragesco-Kernéis, A. 1986. Ciliés libres de l’Afrique intertropicale: introduction a la connaissance et à l’étude des ciliés. Orstom, Paris, [18].
Phylum Ciliophora Doflein, 1901
- Classe des Kinetofragminophora
- Classe des Oligohymenophora
- Classe des Polyhymenophora
Foissner & Foissner (1988)
editFoissner, W., & I. Foissner (1988) Stamm: Ciliophora. Catalogus Faunae Austriae, Part Ic. - Osterr. Acad. Wiss., Vienna. 150pp., [19].
Stamm: Ciliophora
- Klasse: Kinetofragminophora
- Klasse: Oligohymenophora
- Klasse: Polyhymenophora
- Klasse: Colpodea
Lynn & Small, in Margulis et al. (1990)
editLynn, D.H. & Small, E.B., 1990. 28. Phylum Ciliophora. In: Margulis, L., J.O. Corliss, M. Melkonian, D.J. Chapman (ed.). Handbook of Protoctista. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston, p. 498-523. See Brands, S.J. (1989-2015), [20].
Kingdom Protoctista
- Section IV: Phyla with flagellated stages and complex sexual cycles
- Phylum 28. Ciliophora
- Class Karyorelictea
- Class Spirotrichea
- Class Prostomatea
- Class Litostomatea
- Class Phyllopharyngea
- Class Nassophorea
- Class Oligohymenophorea
- Class Colpodea
- Phylum 28. Ciliophora
Cavalier-Smith (1993)
editFrom Kingdom Protozoa and its 18 phyla
In Kingdom Protozoa, Subkingdom Dictyozoa, Branch Bikonta, Infrakingdom Neozoa, Parvkingdom Alveolata
Superphylum Heterokaryota Hickson, 1903 stat. nov.
Phylum Ciliophora Doflein, 1901 stat. nov. Copeland, 1956 emend. auct.
- Class Spirotrichea
- Class Prostomatea
- Class Litostomatea
- Class Phyllopharyngea
- Class Nassophorea
- Class Oligohymenophorea
- Class Colpodea
- Class Karyorelictea
de Puytorac (1994)
editPuytorac, P. de. (1994). Phylum Ciliophora Doflein, 1901. In: P. de Puytorac (Ed.). Traité de zoologie. Infusoires ciliés (Vol. 2, pp. 1-15). Paris: Masson, [21], [22]. See Lynn (2008), [23]
- Protozoa
- Phylum Ciliophora Doflein, 1903
- Subphylum Tubulicorticata
- Subphylum Filicorticata
- Subphylum Epiplasmata
- Phylum Ciliophora Doflein, 1903
Cavalier-Smith (1998)
editFrom A revised six-kingdom system of life
In Kingdom Protozoa, Subkingdom Neozoa, Infrakingdom Alveolata
Superphylum Heterokaryota Hickson 1903 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1993
Phylum Ciliophora Doflein 1901 stat. nov. Copeland 1956 em. auct.
Lynn & Small, in Lee et al. (2000)
editLynn, D.H. & Small, E.B. 2000. Phylum Ciliophora Doflein, 1901. In: Lee, J.J., Leedale, G.F. & Bradbury, P. An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa. Society of Protozoologists/Allen Press: Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A, 2nd ed., vol. 1, p. 371-656, [24]. See Brands, S.J. (1989-2015), [25].
Class Karyorelictea
editIn “protozoa”, “alveolates”
- Phylum Ciliophora Doflein, 1901
- Subphylum Postciliodesmatophora Gerassimova & Seravin, 1976
- Class Karyorelictea Corliss, 1974
- Order Protostomatida Small & Lynn, 1985
- Family Kentrophoridae Jankowski, 1980
- Genus Kentrophoros Sauerbrey, 1928
- Genus Trachelolophos Foissner & Dragesco, 1996
- Genus Prototrachelocerca Foissner, 1996
- Genus Tracheloraphis Dragesco, 1960
- Genus Trachelonema Dragesco, 1958
- Family Trachelocercidae Kent, 1881
- Genus Trachelocerca Ehrenberg, 1833[1834]
- Family Kentrophoridae Jankowski, 1980
- Order Loxodida Jankowski, 1980
- Family Loxodidae Bütschli, 1889
- Family Cryptopharyngidae Jankowski, 1980
- Genus Cryptopharynx Kahl, 1928
- Genus Apocryptopharynx Foissner, 1996
- Order Protoheterotrichida Nouzarède, 1977
- Order Protostomatida Small & Lynn, 1985
- Class Karyorelictea Corliss, 1974
- Subphylum Postciliodesmatophora Gerassimova & Seravin, 1976
Class Heterotrichea
edit- Class Heterotrichea Stein, 1859
- Order Licnophorida Corliss, 1957
- Family Licnophoridae Bütschli, 1887
- Genus Licnophora Claparède, 1867
- Family Licnophoridae Bütschli, 1887
- Order Heterotrichida Stein, 1859
- Family Folliculinidae Dons, 1914
- Genus Magnifolliculina Uhlig, 1964
- Genus Folliculina Lamarck, 1816
- Genus Parafolliculina Dons, 1914
- Genus Metafolliculina Dons, 1925[1924]
- Genus Pebrilla Giard, 1888
- Family Peritromidae Stein, 1867
- Genus Peritromus Stein, 1862[1863]
- Family Stentoridae Carus, 1863
- Genus Stentor Oken, 1815
- Family Blepharismidae Jankowski, in Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Parablepharisma Kahl, 1932
- Genus Anigsteinia Isquith, 1968
- Genus Blepharisma Perty, 1849
- Genus Pseudoblepharisma Kahl, 1926[1927]
- Family Spirostomidae Stein, 1867
- Genus Spirostomum Ehrenberg, 1833[1834]
- Genus Gruberia Kahl, 1932
- Family Condylostomatidae Kahl, in Doflein & Reichenow, 1929
- Genus Condylostoma Bory de St. Vincent, 1826
- Genus Condylostomides da Silva Neto, 1994
- Genus Linostoma Jankowski, 1978
- Family Climacostomidae Repak, 1972
- Genus Fabrea Henneguy, 1890
- Genus Climacostomum Stein, 1859
- Genus Copemetopus Villeneuve-Brachon, 1940
- Family Folliculinidae Dons, 1914
- Order Licnophorida Corliss, 1957
- Class Heterotrichea Stein, 1859
Class Spirotrichea
edit- Subphylum Intramacronucleata Lynn, 1996
- Class Spirotrichea Bütschli, 1889
- Subclass Protocruziidia de Puytorac et al., 1987
- Order Protocruziida Jankowski, 1980
- Family Protocruziidae Jankowski, in Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Protocruzia de Faria et al., 1922
- Family Protocruziidae Jankowski, in Small & Lynn, 1985
- Order Protocruziida Jankowski, 1980
- Subclass Hypotrichia (Stein, 1859) Cavalier-Smith, 1993
- Order Kiitrichida Nozawa, 1941
- Family Kiitrichidae Nozawa, 1941
- Genus Kiitricha Nozawa, 1941
- Genus Caryotricha Kahl, 1932
- ?Family Transitellidae Fryd-Versavel & Tuffrau, 1978
- Genus Transitella Gellért, 1950 [see Balantidioides Penard, in Kahl, 1930]
- Family Kiitrichidae Nozawa, 1941
- Order Euplotida Small & Lynn, 1985
- Suborder Discocephalina Wicklow, 1982
- Family Erionellidae Wicklow, 1982
- Genus Erionella Jankowski, 1978
- Family Discocephalidae Jankowski, 1979
- Genus Psammocephalus Wicklow, 1982
- Genus Marginotricha Jankowski, 1978
- Genus Prodiscocephalus Jankowski, 1979
- Genus Discocephalus Ehrenberg, in Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828[1831]
- Family Erionellidae Wicklow, 1982
- Suborder Euplotina Small & Lynn, 1985
- Family Uronychiidae Jankowski, 1979
- Genus Paradiophrys Jankowski, 1978
- Genus Uronychia Stein, 1857[1859]
- Genus Diophryopsis Hill & Borror, 1992
- Genus Diophrys Dujardin, 1840
- Family Aspidiscidae Ehrenberg, 1838
- Genus Euplotaspis Chatton & Séguéla, 1936
- Genus Aspidisca Ehrenberg, [1830]
- Family Certesiidae Borror & Hill, 1995
- Genus Certesia Fabre-Domergue, 1885
- Family Gastrocirrhidae Fauré-Fremiet, 1961
- Genus Gastrocirrhus Lepsi, 1928
- Genus Euplotidium Noland, 1937
- Genus Cytharoides Tuffrau, 1974[1975]
- Family Euplotidae Ehrenberg, 1838
- Genus Euplotes Ehrenberg, [1830]
- Family Uronychiidae Jankowski, 1979
- Suborder Discocephalina Wicklow, 1982
- Order Kiitrichida Nozawa, 1941
- Subclass Choreotrichia Small & Lynn, 1985
- Order Tintinnida Kofoid & Campbell, 1929
- Family Dictyocystidae Haeckel, 1873
- Genus Dictyocysta Ehrenberg, 1854
- Family Tintinnidiidae Kofoid & Campbell, 1929
- Genus Tintinnidium Kent, 1881
- Family Codonellidae Kent, 1881
- Genus Tintinnopsis Stein, 1867
- Genus Poroecus Cleve, 1902
- Genus Codonella Haeckel, 1873
- Genus Codonaria Kofoid & Campbell, 1939
- Family Codonellopsidae Kofoid & Campbell, 1929
- Genus Stenosemella Jörgensen, 1924
- Genus Codonellopsis Jørgensen, 1925
- Genus Laackmanniella Kofoid & Campbell, 1929
- Family Nolaclusiliidae Sniezek et al., 1991
- Genus Nolaclusilis Snyder & Brownlee, 1991
- Family Metacylididae Kofoid & Campbell, 1929
- Genus Climacocylis Jørgensen, 1925
- Genus Coxiella Brandt, 1908 [1907] [error, see Coxliella]
- Genus Helicostomella Jörgensen, 1924
- Genus Metacylis Jörgensen, 1924
- Family Ascampbelliellidae Corliss, 1960
- Genus Acanthostomella Jørgensen, 1927
- Genus Ascampbelliella Corliss, 1960
- Family Epiplocylididae Kofoid & Campbell, 1939
- Genus Epiplocylis Jörgensen, 1924
- Family Rhabdonellidae Kofoid & Campbell, 1929
- Genus Protorhabdonella Jörgensen, 1924
- Genus Rhabdonella Brandt, 1906
- Genus Rhabdonellopsis Kofoid & Campbell, 1929
- Family Ptychocylidae Kofoid & Campbell, 1929 [see Ptychocylididae]
- Genus Ptychocylis Brandt, 1896
- Genus Rhabdonellposis Kofoid & Campbell, 1929 [error, see Rhabdonellopsis]
- Family Petalotrichidae Kofoid & Campbell, 1929
- Genus Petalotricha Kent, 1881
- Family Cyttarocylididae Kofoid & Campbell, 1939
- Genus Cyttarocylis Fol, 1881
- Family Xystonellidae Kofoid & Campbell, 1929
- Genus Xystonella Brandt, 1906
- Genus Cymatocylis Laackmann, 1910
- Genus Favella Jörgensen, 1925
- Genus Parafavella Kofoid & Campbell, 1929
- Genus Parundella Jörgensen, 1924
- Family Undellidae Kofoid & Campbell, 1929
- Genus Proplectella Kofoid & Campbell, 1929
- Genus Undella Daday, 1887
- Family Tintinnidae Claparède & Lachmann, 1858
- Genus Tintinnus Schrank, 1803
- Genus Eutintinnus Kofoid & Campbell, 1939
- Genus Amphorellopsis Kofoid & Campbell, 1929
- Genus Salpingacantha Kofoid & Campbell, 1929
- Genus Salpingella Jörgensen, 1924
- Genus Amphorides Strand, 1929[1928]
- Genus Steenstrupiella Kofoid & Campbell, 1929
- Family Dictyocystidae Haeckel, 1873
- Order Choreotrichida Small & Lynn, 1985
- Suborder Strobilidiina Small & Lynn, 1985
- Family Strobilidiidae Kahl, in Doflein & Reichenow, 1929
- Genus Strobilidium Schewiakoff, 1892
- Family Strobilidiidae Kahl, in Doflein & Reichenow, 1929
- Suborder Strombidinopsina Small & Lynn, 1985
- Family Strombidinopsidae Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Strombidinopsis Kent, 1881
- Family Strombidinopsidae Small & Lynn, 1985
- Suborder Leegaardiellina Laval-Peuto et al., 1994
- Family Leegaardiellidae Lynn & Montagnes, 1988
- Genus Leegaardiella Lynn & Montagnes, 1988
- Family Leegaardiellidae Lynn & Montagnes, 1988
- Suborder Lohmanniellina Laval-Peuto et al., 1994
- Family Leegaardiellidae Lynn & Montagnes, 1988
- Genus Leegaardiella Lynn & Montagnes, 1988
- Family Leegaardiellidae Lynn & Montagnes, 1988
- Suborder Strobilidiina Small & Lynn, 1985
- Order Tintinnida Kofoid & Campbell, 1929
- Subclass Stichotrichia Small & Lynn, 1985
- Order Plagiotomida Albaret, 1974
- Family Plagiotomidae Bütschli, 1887
- Genus Plagiotoma F. Dujardin, 1841
- Family Plagiotomidae Bütschli, 1887
- Order Urostylida Jankowski, 1979
- Family Urostylidae Bütschli, 1889
- Genus Notocephalus Petz et al., 1995
- Genus Eschaneustyla Stokes, 1886
- Genus Birojima Berger & Foissner, 1989
- Genus Urostyla Ehrenberg, 1830
- Genus Australothrix Blatterer & Foissner, 1988
- Genus Paruroleptus Kahl, 1932 [see Uroleptus Ehrenberg, 1831[1832]]
- Genus Parabakuella Song & Wilbert, 1988
- Genus Bakuella Agamaliev & Alekperov, 1976
- Genus Holosticha Wrzesniowski, 1877
- Genus Territricha Berger & Foissner, 1988
- Family Pseudourostylidae Jankowski, 1979
- Genus Pseudourostyla Borror, 1972
- Family Pseudokeronopsidae Borror & Wicklow, 1983
- Genus Thigmokeronopsis Wicklow, 1981
- Genus Keronella Wiackowski, 1985
- Genus Tricoronella Blatterer & Foissner, 1988
- Genus Bicoronella Foissner, 1995
- Genus Pseudokeronopsis Borror & Wicklow, 1983
- Family Urostylidae Bütschli, 1889
- Order Stichotrichida Fauré-Fremiet, 1961
- Family Spirofilidae von Gelei, 1929
- Genus Chaetospira Lachmann, 1856
- Genus Stichotricha Perty, 1849
- Genus Hypotrichidium Ilowaisky, 1921
- Genus Atractos Vörösváry, 1950
- Genus Spiretella Borror, 1972
- Genus Mucotrichidium Foissner et al., 1990
- Genus Strongylidium Sterki, 1878
- Genus Urostrongylum Kahl, 1932
- Family Psilotrichidae Bütschli, 1889
- Genus Psilotricha Stein, 1859
- Family Keronidae Dujardin, 1840
- Genus Kerona Ehrenberg, 1835
- Genus Keronopsis Penard, 1922
- Genus Paraholosticha Kahl, 1932
- Family Epiclintidae Wicklow & Borror, 1990
- Genus Epiclintes Stein, 1863
- Family Amphisiellidae Jankowski, 1979
- Genus Psammomitra Borror, 1972
- Genus Circinella Foissner, 1994
- Genus Pseudouroleptus Hemberger, 1981
- Genus Gastrostyla Engelmann, 1862
- Genus Hemiamphisiella Foissner, 1988
- Genus Paramphisiella Foissner, 1988
- Genus Amphisiellides Foissner, 1988
- Genus Paragastrostyla Hemberger, 1981
- Genus Orthoamphisiella Eigner & Foissner, 1991
- Genus Periholosticha Hemberger, 1985
- Genus Uroleptoides Wenzel, 1953
- Genus Amphisiella Gourret & Roeser, 1888
- Family Kahliellidae Tuffrau, 1979
- Genus Neogeneia Eigner, 1995
- Genus Pseudokahliella Berger et al., 1985
- Genus Kahliella Corliss, 1960
- Genus Trachelochaeta Šrámek-Hušek, 1954
- Genus Wallackia Foissner, 1977[1976]
- Genus Paraurostyla Borror, 1972
- Genus Parakahliella Berger et al., 1985
- Genus Cladotricha Gaievskaia, 1925
- Genus Parentocirrus Voss, 1997
- Genus Engelmanniella Foissner, 1982
- Genus Deviata Eigner, 1995
- Family Spirofilidae von Gelei, 1929
- Order Sporadotrichida Fauré-Fremiet, 1961
- Family Trachelostylidae Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Terricirra Berger & Foissner, 1989
- Genus Hemisincirra Hemberger, 1985
- Genus Trachelostyla Kahl, 1932
- Genus Lamtostyla Buitkamp, 1977
- Genus Gonostomum Sterki, 1878
- Family Oxytrichidae Ehrenberg, 1838
- Genus Ancystropodium Fauré-Fremiet, 1908
- Genus Pleurotricha Stein, 1859
- Genus Histriculus Corliss, 1960
- Genus Parastylonychia Dragesco, 1963
- Genus Tachysoma Stokes, 1887
- Genus Laurentiella Dragesco & Njiné, 1972
- Genus Onychodromus Stein, 1859
- Genus Coniculostomum Njiné, 1979
- Genus Onychodromopsis Stokes, 1887
- Genus Cyrtohymena Foissner, 1987
- Genus Pseudostrombidium Horváth, 1933
- Genus Sterkiella Foissner et al., 1991
- Genus Notohymena Blatterer & Foissner, 1988
- Genus Steinia Diesing, 1866
- Genus Australocirrus Blatterer & Foissner, 1988
- Genus Stylonychia Ehrenberg, 1830
- Genus Urosoma Kowalewski, 1882
- Genus Urosomoida Hemberger, in Foissner, 1982
- Genus Oxytricha Bory de Saint-Vincent, in Lamouroux et al., 1824
- Family Trachelostylidae Small & Lynn, 1985
- Order Plagiotomida Albaret, 1974
- Subclass Oligotrichia Bütschli, 1889
- Order Halteriida Petz & Foissner, 1992
- Family Halteriidae Claparède & Lachmann, 1858
- Genus Meseres Schewiakoff, 1893[1892]
- Genus Halteria Dujardin, 1841
- Genus Pelagohalteria Foissner et al., 1988
- Family Halteriidae Claparède & Lachmann, 1858
- Order Strombidiida Petz & Foissner, 1992
- Family Strombidiidae Fauré-Fremiet, 1970
- Genus Tontonia Fauré-Fremiet, 1961
- Genus Laboea Lohmann, 1908
- Genus Cyrtostrombidium Lynn & Gilron, 1993
- Genus Strombidium Claparède & Lachmann, 1859
- Family Strombidiidae Fauré-Fremiet, 1970
- Order Halteriida Petz & Foissner, 1992
- Spirotrichea incertae sedis
- ?Order Armophorida Jankowski, 1964
- Family Metopidae Kahl, 1927
- Genus Bothrostoma Stokes, 1888
- Genus Palmarella Jankowski, 1975
- Genus Tesnospira Jankowski, 1964
- Genus Brachonella Jankowski, 1964
- Genus Eometopus Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Metopus Claparède & Lachmann, 1858
- Genus Parametopus Grolière et al., 1980 [see Parametopidium Aescht, 2001]
- Family Caenomorphidae Poche, 1913
- Genus Cirranter Jankowski, 1964
- Genus Caenomorpha Perty, 1852
- Genus Ludio Penard, 1922
- Family Metopidae Kahl, 1927
- ?Order Odontostomatida Sawaya, 1940
- Family Mylestomatidae Kahl, in Doflein & Reichenow, 1929
- Genus Mylestoma Kahl, 1928
- Family Discomorphellidae Corliss, 1960
- Genus Discomorphella Corliss, 1960
- Family Epalxellidae Corliss, 1960
- Genus Atopodinium Kahl, 1932
- Genus Epalxella Corliss, 1960
- Genus Saprodinium Lauterborn, 1908
- Family Mylestomatidae Kahl, in Doflein & Reichenow, 1929
- ?Order Clevelandellida de Puytorac & Grain, 1976
- Family Clevelandellidae Kidder, 1938
- Genus Clevelandella Kidder, 1938
- Family Nyctotheridae Amaro, 1972
- Genus Pronyctotherus Albaret & Njiné, 1976
- Genus Nyctotherus Leidy, 1849
- Genus Nyctositum Affa'a, 1979
- Genus Pygmotheroides Affa'a, 1979 [1980]
- Genus Nyctotheroides Grassé, 1928
- Genus Metanyctotherus J.-L. Albaret, 1970
- Genus Paracichlidotherus Grim, 1992
- Genus Cichlidotherus Affa'a, 1989
- Family Sicuophoridae Amaro, 1972
- Genus Prosicuophora de Puytorac & Oktem, 1967
- Genus Metasicuophora Albaret, 1973
- Genus Parasicuophora Albaret, 1968
- Genus Sicuophora de Puytorac & Grain, 1969 [1968]
- Family Neonyctotheridae Affa'a, 1987
- Genus Neonyctotherus Affa'a, 1983
- Family Clevelandellidae Kidder, 1938
- ?Order Phacodiniida Small & Lynn, 1985
- Family Phacodiniidae Corliss, 1979
- Genus Phacodinium Prowazek, 1900
- Family Phacodiniidae Corliss, 1979
- ?Order Armophorida Jankowski, 1964
- Subclass Protocruziidia de Puytorac et al., 1987
- Class Spirotrichea Bütschli, 1889
- Subphylum Intramacronucleata Lynn, 1996
Class Litostomatea
edit- Class Litostomatea Small & Lynn, 1981
- Subclass Haptoria Corliss, 1974
- Order Cyclotrichida Jankowski, 1980 [see Order Cyclotrichiida Jankowski, 1980]
- Family Mesodiniidae Jankowski, 1980
- Genus Myrionecta Jankowski, 1976
- Genus Mesodinium Stein, 1862[1863]
- Genus Rhabdoaskenasia Krainer & Foissner, 1990
- Genus Askenasia Blochmann, 1895
- Genus Pelagovasicola Jankowski, 1980
- Family Mesodiniidae Jankowski, 1980
- Order Haptorida Corliss, 1974
- Family Pseudoholophryidae Berger et al., 1984
- Genus Paraenchelys Foissner, 1983
- Genus Pseudoholophrya Berger et al., 1984
- Genus Ovalorhabdos Foissner, 1984
- Family Didiniidae Poche, 1913
- Genus Didinium Stein, 1859
- Genus Monodinium Fabre-Domergue, 1888
- Genus Cyclotrichium Meunier, 1910
- Family Pseudotrachelocercidae Song, 1990
- Genus Pseudotrachelocerca Song, 1990
- Family Actinobolinidae Kahl, 1930
- Genus Actinobolina Strand, 1928
- Family Tracheliidae Ehrenberg, 1838
- Genus Teuthophrys Chatton & de Beauchamp, 1923
- Genus Paradileptus Wenrich, 1929
- Genus Trachelius Schrank, 1803
- Genus Dileptus Dujardin, 1840
- Family Helicoprorodontidae Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Helicoprorodon Fauré-Fremiet, 1950
- Family Pleuroplitidae Foissner, 1996
- Genus Pleuroplites Foissner, 1988
- Family Lacrymariidae de Fromentel, 1876
- Genus Phialina Bory de St. Vincent, 1824
- Genus Lacrymaria Bory de St. Vincent, 1826[1824]
- Family Homalozoonidae Jankowski, 1980
- Genus Homalozoon Stokes, 1890
- Family Enchelyidae Ehrenberg, 1838
- Genus Papillorhabdos Foissner, 1984
- Genus Enchelys O.F. Müller, 1773
- Genus Enchelydium Kahl, 1930
- Family Acropisthiidae Foissner & Foissner, 1988
- Genus Fuscheria Foissner, 1983
- Genus Acropisthium Perty, 1852
- Family Spathidiidae Kahl, in Doflein & Reichenow, 1929
- Genus Bryophyllum Kahl, 1931
- Genus Perispira Stein, 1859
- Genus Myriokaryon Jankowski, 1973
- Genus Cranotheridium Schewiakoff, 1892
- Genus Protospathidium Dragesco & Dragesco-Kernéis, 1979
- Genus Spathidium Dujardin, 1841
- Genus Supraspathidium Foissner & Didier, 1981
- Genus Arcuospathidium Foissner, 1984
- Genus Epispathidium Foissner, 1984
- Family Trachelophyllidae Kent, 1882
- Genus Lepidotrachelophyllum Nicholls & Lynn, 1984
- Genus Foissnerides Song & Wilbert, 1989
- Genus Chaenea Quennerstedt, 1867
- Genus Acaryophrya André, 1915
- Genus Enchelyodon Claparède & Lachmann, 1859
- Genus Lagynophrya Kahl, 1927
- Genus Trachelophyllum Claparède & Lachmann, 1859
- Family Pseudoholophryidae Berger et al., 1984
- Order Pleurostomatida Schewiakoff, 1896
- Family Amphileptidae Bütschli, 1889
- Genus Opisthodon Stein, 1859
- Genus Amphileptus Ehrenberg, 1832[1830]
- Genus Pseudoamphileptus Foissner, 1983
- Family Litonotidae Kent, 1882
- Genus Loxophyllum Dujardin, 1841
- Genus Siroloxophyllum Foissner & Leipe, 1995
- Genus Litonotus Wrzesniowski, 1870
- Genus Acineria Dujardin, 1841
- Family Amphileptidae Bütschli, 1889
- Order Cyclotrichida Jankowski, 1980 [see Order Cyclotrichiida Jankowski, 1980]
- Subclass Trichostomatia Bütschli, 1889
- Order Vestibuliferida de Puytorac et al., 1974
- Family Paraisotrichidae da Cunha, 1917
- Genus Paraisotricha Fiorentini, 1890
- Family Isotrichidae Bütschli, 1889
- Genus Dasytricha Schuberg, 1888
- Genus Isotricha Stein, 1859
- Family Balantidiidae Reichenow, in Doflein & Reichenow, 1929
- Genus Balantidium Claparède & Lachmann, 1858
- Family Pycnotrichidae Poche, 1913
- Genus Vestibulongum Grim, 1988
- Family Paraisotrichidae da Cunha, 1917
- Order Entodiniomorphida Reichenow, in Doflein & Reichenow, 1929
- Suborder Archistomatina de Puytorac et al., 1974
- Family Buetschliidae Poche, 1913
- Genus Wolskana Ito et al., 1996
- Genus Polymorphella Corliss, 1960
- Genus Didesmis Fiorentini, 1890
- Genus Alloiozona Hsiung, 1930
- Family Buetschliidae Poche, 1913
- Suborder Blepharocorythina Wolska, 1971
- Family Blepharocorythidae Hsiung, 1929
- Genus Circodinium Wolska, 1971
- Genus Raabena Wolska, 1967
- Genus Blepharocorys Bundle, 1895
- Genus Ochoterenaia Chavarr
- Family Blepharocorythidae Hsiung, 1929
- Suborder Entodiniomorphina Reichenow, in Doflein & Reichenow, 1929
- Family Ophryoscolecidae Stein, 1859
- Genus Entodinium Stein, 1859
- Genus Ophryoscolex Stein, 1859
- Genus Eudiplodinium Dogiel, 1927
- Genus Ostracodinium Dogiel, 1927
- Genus Enoploplastron Kofoid & MacLennan, 1932
- Family Cycloposthiidae Poche, 1913
- Genus Cycloposthium Bundle, 1895
- Genus Triplumaria Hoare, 1937
- Genus Prototapirella da Cunha, 1918
- Family Spirodiniidae Strelkow, 1939
- Genus Cochliatoxum Gassovsky, 1919
- Family Troglodytellidae Corliss, 1979
- Genus Gorillophilus Imai et al., 1991
- Genus Troglodytella Brumpt & Joyeux, 1912
- Family Ophryoscolecidae Stein, 1859
- Suborder Archistomatina de Puytorac et al., 1974
- Order Vestibuliferida de Puytorac et al., 1974
- Subclass Haptoria Corliss, 1974
- Class Litostomatea Small & Lynn, 1981
Classs Phyllopharyngea
edit- Class Phyllopharyngea de Puytorac et al., 1974
- Subclass Phyllopharyngia de Puytorac et al., 1974 [see Subclass Cyrtophoria Fauré-Fremiet, in Corliss, 1956]
- Order Chlamydodontida Deroux, 1976
- Family Kryoprorodontidae Alekperov & Mamajeva, 1992
- Genus Gymnozoum Meunier, 1910
- Family Chitonellidae Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Chitonella Small & Lynn, 1985
- Family Gastronautidae Deroux, 1994
- Genus Gastronauta Engelmann, in Bütschli, 1889
- Family Chlamydodontidae Stein, 1859
- Genus Chlamydodon Ehrenberg, 1835
- Genus Cyrtophoron Deroux, 1975
- Family Chilodonellidae Deroux, 1970
- Genus Thigmogaster Deroux, 1976
- Genus Trithigmostoma Jankowski, 1967
- Genus Phascolodon Stein, 1859
- Genus Chilodonatella Dragesco, 1966
- Genus Chilodonella Strand, 1928
- Genus Pseudochilodonopsis Foissner, 1979
- Family Lynchellidae Jankowski, 1968
- Genus Coeloperix Deroux, 1976
- Genus Chlamydonellopsis Blatterer & Foissner, 1990
- Genus Atopochilodon Kahl, 1933
- Genus Lynchella Kahl, 1933
- Genus Chlamydonella Deroux, 1970
- Family Kryoprorodontidae Alekperov & Mamajeva, 1992
- Order Dysteriida Deroux, 1976
- Family Kyaroikeidae Sniezek & Coats, 1996
- Genus Kyaroikeus Sniezek et al., 1995
- Family Plesiotrichopidae Deroux, 1976
- Genus Pithites Deroux & Dragesco, 1968
- Genus Atelepithites Deroux, 1976
- Genus Trochochilodon Deroux, 1976
- Genus Plesiotrichopus Fauré-Fremiet, 1965
- Family Hartmannulidae Poche, 1913
- Genus Aegyriana Deroux, 1975,
- Genus Trichopodiella Corliss, 1960
- Genus Microxysma Deroux, 1976
- Genus Brooklynella Lom & Nigrelli, 1970
- Genus Orthotrochilia Deroux, 1976
- Genus Trochilioides Kahl, 1931
- Genus Hartmannula Poche, 1913
- Family Dysteriidae Claparède & Lachmann, 1858
- Genus Microdysteria Kahl, 1933
- Genus Hartmannulopsis Deroux & Dragesco, 1968
- Genus Dysteria Huxley, 1857
- Genus Trochilia Dujardin, 1841
- Family Kyaroikeidae Sniezek & Coats, 1996
- Order Chlamydodontida Deroux, 1976
- Subclass Rhynchodia Chatton & Lwoff, 1939
- Order Hypocomatida Deroux, 1976
- Family Hypocomidae Bütschli, 1889
- Genus Crateristoma Jankowski, 1967
- Genus Parahypocoma Chatton & Lwoff, 1939
- Genus Hypocoma Gruber, 1884
- Family Hypocomidae Bütschli, 1889
- Order Rhynchodida Chatton & Lwoff, 1939
- Suborder Rhynchodina Chatton & Lwoff, 1939
- Family Sphenophryidae Chatton & Lwoff, 1921
- Genus Sphenophrya Chatton & Lwof
- Family Sphenophryidae Chatton & Lwoff, 1921
- Suborder Ancistrocomina Chatton & Lwoff, 1939
- Family Ancistrocomidae Chatton & Lwoff, 1939
- Genus Stegotricha Bower & Meyer, 1993
- Genus Ancistrocoma Chatton & Lwoff, 1926
- Genus Insignicoma Kozloff, 1946
- Genus Hypocomides Chatton & Lwoff, 1922
- Genus Crebricoma Kozloff, 1946
- Genus Raabella Chatton & Lwoff, 1950
- Genus Hypocomatidium Jarocki & Raabe, 1932
- Genus Colligocineta Kozloff, 1965
- Genus Hypocomella Chatton & Lwoff, 1924
- Genus Ignotocoma Kozloff, 1961
- Family Ancistrocomidae Chatton & Lwoff, 1939
- Suborder Rhynchodina Chatton & Lwoff, 1939
- Order Hypocomatida Deroux, 1976
- Subclass Chonotrichia Wallengren, 1895
- Order Cryptogemmida Jankowski, 1975
- Family Actinichonidae Jankowski, 1973
- Genus Actinichona Jankowski, 1973
- Genus Cristichona Jankowski, 1973
- Genus Rhizochona Jankowski, 1973
- Genus Carinichona Jankowski, 1973
- Family Isochonopsidae Batisse & Crumeyrolle, 1988
- Genus Isochonopsis Batisse & Crumeyrolle, 1988
- Family Isochonidae Jankowski, 1973
- Genus Isochona Jankowski, 1973
- Genus Trichochona Mohr, 1948
- Family Inversochonidae Jankowski, 1973
- Genus Pleochona Jankowski, 1973
- Genus Inversochona Jankowski, 1973
- Genus Chonosaurus Jankowski, 1973
- Genus Ceratochona Jankowski, 1973
- Genus Kentrochona Rompel, 1894
- Family Stylochonidae Mohr, 1948
- Genus Spinichona Jankowski, 1973
- Genus Dentichona Jankowski, 1973
- Genus Oxychonina Corliss, 1979
- Genus Eriochona Jankowski, 1973
- Genus Stylochona Kent, 1881
- Genus Armichona Jankowski, 1973
- Genus Flectichona Jankowski, 1973
- Family Echinichonidae Jankowski, 1973
- Genus Coronochona Jankowski, 1973
- Genus Echinichona Jankowski, 1973
- Genus Eurychona Jankowski, 1973
- Family Actinichonidae Jankowski, 1973
- Order Exogemmida Jankowski, 1972
- Family Phyllochonidae Jankowski, 1972
- Genus Phyllochona Jankowski, 1972
- Family Chilodochonidae Wallengren, 1895
- Genus Chilodochona Wallengren, 1895
- Genus Vasichona Jankowski, 1972
- Family Spirochonidae Stein, 1854
- Genus Spirochona Stein, 1852
- Genus Cavichona Jankowski, 1973
- Genus Serpentichona Jankowski, 1973
- Family Filichonidae Jankowski, 1973
- Family Heliochonidae Jankowski, 1972
- Genus Heliochona Plate, 1888[1889]
- Genus Heterochona Jankowski, 1972
- Family Lobochonidae Jankowski, 1967
- Genus Toxochona Jankowski, 1972
- Genus Oenophorachona Matsudo & Mohr, 1968
- Genus Physochona Batisse & Crumeyrolle, 1988
- Genus Lobochona Dons, 1940
- Family Phyllochonidae Jankowski, 1972
- Order Cryptogemmida Jankowski, 1975
- Subclass Suctoria Claparède & Lachmann, 1858
- Order Exogenida Collin, 1912
- Family Phalacrocleptidae Kozloff, 1966
- Genus Phalacrocleptes Kozloff, 1966
- Family Stylostomatidae Batisse, 1975
- Genus Stylostoma Milne, 1886
- Family Rhabdophryidae Jankowski, 1970
- Genus Trophogemma Jankowski, 1970
- Genus Dendrosomides Collin, 1905
- Family Ophryodendridae Stein, 1867
- Genus Loricodendron Jankowski, 1973
- Genus Ophryodendron Claparède & Lachmann, 1859
- Family Spelaeophryidae Jankowski, in Batisse, 1975
- Genus Spelaeophrya Stammer, 1935
- Family Ephelotidae Kent, 1882
- Genus Ephelota Wright, 1858
- Family Parapodophryidae Jankowski, 1973
- Genus Parapodophrya Kahl, 1931
- Family Podophryidae Haeckel, 1866
- Genus Mucophrya Gajewskaja, 1928
- Genus Manuelophrya Matthes, in Matthes & Haider, 1988
- Genus Gajewskajophrya Matthes, in Matthes & Haider, 1988
- Genus Sphaerophrya Claparède & Lachmann, 1859
- Genus Kystopus Jankowski, 1967
- Genus Podophrya Ehrenberg, [1834]
- Family Tachyblastonidae Grell, 1950
- Genus Tachyblaston Martin, 1909
- Family Metacinetidae Bütschli, 1889
- Genus Metacineta Bütschli, 1889
- Family Thecacinetidae D. Matthes, 1956
- Genus Thecacineta Collin, 1909
- Family Paracinetidae Jankowski, 1978
- Genus Paracineta Collin, 1911
- Family Urnulidae Fraipont, 1878
- Genus Urnula Claparède & Lachmann, 1857
- Family Corynophryidae Jankowski, 1981
- Genus Corynophrya Kahl, 1934
- Family Phalacrocleptidae Kozloff, 1966
- Order Endogenida Collin, 1912
- Family Dendrosomatidae Fraipont, 1878
- Genus Dendrosoma Ehrenberg, 1837[1838]
- Genus Lernaeophrya Pérez, 1903
- Family Trichophryidae Fraipont, 1878
- Genus Trichophrya Claparède & Lachmann, 1859
- Genus Platophrya Gönnert, 1935
- Genus Heliophrya de Saedeleer & Tellier, 1933
- Family Enchelyomorphidae Augustin & Foissner, 1992
- Genus Enchelyomorpha Kahl, 1930
- Family Endosphaeridae Jankowski, in Corliss, 1979
- Genus Endosphaera Engelmann, 1876
- Genus Trypanococcus Stein, in Zacharias, 1885
- Family Acinetidae Stein, 1859
- Genus Pseudogemma Collin, 1909
- Genus Acinetopsis Robin, 1879
- Genus Solenophrya Claparède & Lachmann, 1859
- Genus Acineta Ehrenberg, [1834]
- Genus Pseudocorynophrya Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Loricophrya Matthes, 1956
- Family Tokophryidae Jankowski, in Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Erastophrya Fauré-Fremiet, 1944
- Genus Rhyncheta Zenker, 1866
- Genus Choanophrya Hartog, 1902
- Genus Tokophrya Bütschli, 1889
- Genus Staurophrya Zacharias, 1893
- Genus Allantosoma Gassovsky, 1919
- Genus Pottsiocles Corliss, 1960
- Family Dendrosomatidae Fraipont, 1878
- Order Evaginogenida Jankowski, 1978
- Family Cyathodiniidae da Cunha, 1914
- Genus Cyathodinium da Cunha, 1914
- Family Dendrocometidae Haeckel, 1866
- Genus Stylocometes Stein, 1867
- Genus Cometodendron Swarczewsky, 1928
- Genus Dendrocometides Swarczewsky, 1928
- Genus Dendrocometes Stein, 1852
- Family Discophryidae Collin, 1912
- Genus Dactylosoma Jankowski, 1967 [error, see Dactylostoma]
- Genus Rhynchophrya Collin, 1909
- Genus Cyclophrya Gönnert, 1935
- Genus Prodiscophrya Kormos, 1935
- Genus Periacineta Collin, 1909
- Genus Discophrya Lachmann, 1859
- Family Cyathodiniidae da Cunha, 1914
- Order Exogenida Collin, 1912
- Subclass Phyllopharyngia de Puytorac et al., 1974 [see Subclass Cyrtophoria Fauré-Fremiet, in Corliss, 1956]
- Class Phyllopharyngea de Puytorac et al., 1974
Class Nassophorea
edit- Class Nassophorea Small & Lynn, 1981
- Order Synhymeniida de Puytorac et al., 1974
- Family Nassulopsidae Deroux, in Corliss, 1979
- Genus Phasmatopsis Deroux, 1978 [see Beersena Jankowski, 1989]
- Genus Nassulopsis Fauré-Fremiet, 1959
- Family Synhymeniidae Jankowski, in Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Synhymenia Jankowski, 1967
- Family Orthodonellidae Jankowski, 1968
- Genus Orthodonella Bhatia, 1936
- Genus Zosterodasys Deroux, 1978
- Family Scaphidiodontidae Deroux, 1978
- Genus Chilodontopsis Blochmann, 1895
- Genus Scaphidiodon Stein, 1859
- Family Nassulopsidae Deroux, in Corliss, 1979
- Order Nassulida Jankowski, 1967
- Family Nassulidae de Fromentel, 1874
- Genus Nassula Ehrenberg, 1833[1834]
- Genus Obertrumia Foissner & Adam, 1981
- Genus Naxella Foissner & O'Donoghue, 1990
- Genus Rhinakis Iftode et al., in Deroux, 1994
- Family Furgasoniidae Corliss, 1979
- Genus Furgasonia Jankowski, 1964
- Genus Parafurgasonia Foissner & Adam, 1981
- Family Paranassulidae Fauré-Fremiet, 1962
- Genus Paranassula Kahl, 1931
- Genus Enneameron Jankowski, 1964
- Family Colpodidiidae Foissner, 1995
- Genus Pedohymena Foissner, 1995
- Genus Colpodidium Wilbert, 1982
- Family Nassulidae de Fromentel, 1874
- Order Microthoracida Jankowski, 1967
- Family Discotrichidae Jankowski, 1967
- Genus Discotricha Tuffrau, 1954
- Family Microthoracidae Wrzesniowski, 1870
- Genus Trochiliopsis Penard, 1922
- Genus Stammeridium Wenzel, 1969
- Genus Microthorax Engelmann, 1862
- Genus Drepanomonas Fresenius, 1858
- Genus Leptopharynx Mermod, 1914
- Family Pseudomicrothoracidae Jankowski, 1967
- Genus Pseudomicrothorax Mermod, 1914
- Family Discotrichidae Jankowski, 1967
- Order Synhymeniida de Puytorac et al., 1974
- Class Nassophorea Small & Lynn, 1981
Class Colpodea
edit- Class Colpodea Small & Lynn, 1981
- Order Bryophryida de Puytorac et al., 1979
- Family Bryophryidae de Puytorac et al., 1979
- Genus Parabryophrya Foissner, 1985
- Genus Bryophrya Wenzel, 1953
- Genus Puytoraciella Njiné, 1979
- Family Bryophryidae de Puytorac et al., 1979
- Order Colpodida de Puytorac et al., 1974
- Family Grossglockneriidae Foissner, 1980
- Genus Grossglockneria Foissner, 1980
- Genus Pseudoplatyophyra [error, see Pseudoplatyophrya Foissner, 1980]
- Family Marynidae Poche, 1913
- Family Colpodidae Bory de St. Vincent, 1826
- Genus Bresslaua Kahl, 1931
- Genus Krassniggia Foissner, 1987
- Genus Colpoda O.F. Müller, 1773
- Family Hausmanniellidae Foissner, 1987
- Genus Kalometopia Bramy, 1962
- Genus Hausmanniella Foissner, 1984
- Family Bardeliellidae Foissner, 1984
- Genus Bardeliella Foissner, 1984
- Family Grossglockneriidae Foissner, 1980
- Order Cyrtolophosidida Foissner, 1978
- Family Cyrtolophosididae Stokes, 1888
- Genus Cyrtolophosis Stokes, 1885
- Family Sagittariidae R. Grandori & L. Grandori, 1935
- Genus Sagittaria R. Grandori & L. Grandori, 1934
- Family Woodruffiidae von Gelei, 1954
- Genus Woodruffia Kahl, 1931
- Genus Rostrophrya Njiné, 1979
- Genus Kuklikophrya Njiné, 1979
- Family Platyophryidae de Puytorac et al., 1979
- Genus Reticulowoodruffia Foissner, 1993
- Genus Cirrophrya Gellért, 1950
- Genus Platyophrya Kahl, 1926
- Family Cyrtolophosididae Stokes, 1888
- Order Bursariomorphida Fernández-Galiano, 1978
- Family Bursariidae Bory de St. Vincent, 1826
- Genus Bursaria O.F. Müller, 1773
- Family Bursaridiidae Foissner, 1993
- Genus Bursaridium Lauterborn, 1894
- Genus Paracondylostoma Foissner, 1980
- Family Bursariidae Bory de St. Vincent, 1826
- Order Sorogenida Foissner, 1985
- Family Sorogenidae Bradbury & Olive, 1980
- Genus Sorogena Bradbury & Olive, 1980
- Family Sorogenidae Bradbury & Olive, 1980
- Order Bryometopida Foissner, 1985
- Family Jaroschiidae Foissner, 1993
- Genus Jaroschia Foissner, 1993
- Genus Pentahymena Foissner, 1994
- Family Trihymenidae Foissner, 1988
- Genus Trihymena Foissner, 1988
- Family Bryometopidae Jankowski, 1980
- Genus Thylakidium Schewiakoff, 1892
- Genus Bryometopus Kahl, 1932
- Family Kreyellidae Foissner, 1979
- Genus Kreyella Kahl, 1931
- Genus Orthokreyella Foissner, 1984
- Family Jaroschiidae Foissner, 1993
- ?Family Pseudochlamydonellidae Buitkamp et al., 1989
- Genus Pseudochlamydonella Buitkamp et al., 1989
- ?Family Tectohymenidae Foissner, 1993
- Genus Pseudokreyella Foissner, 1985
- Genus Tectohymena Foissner, 1993
- Order Bryophryida de Puytorac et al., 1979
- Class Colpodea Small & Lynn, 1981
Class Prostomatea
edit- Class Prostomatea Schewiakoff, 1896
- Order Prostomatida Schewiakoff, 1896
- Family Apsiktratidae Foissner et al., 1994
- Genus Apsiktrata Foissner et al., 1994
- Family Metacystidae Kahl, 1926
- Genus Metacystis Cohn, 1866
- Genus Pelatractus Kahl, 1930
- Genus Vasicola Tatem, 1869
- Family Apsiktratidae Foissner et al., 1994
- Order Prorodontida Corliss, 1974
- Family Plagiocampidae Kahl, 1926
- Genus Plagiocampa Schewiakoff, 1892
- Family Malacophryidae Foissner, 1980
- Genus Malacophrys Kahl, 1926
- Family Balanionidae Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Balanion Wulff, 1922[1919]
- Family Urotrichidae Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Dissothigma Jankowski, 1976
- Genus Urotricha Claparède & Lachmann, 1859
- Genus Rhagadostoma Kahl, 1926
- Family Placidae Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Placus Cohn, 1866
- Genus Spathidiopsis Fabre-Domergue, 1889
- Family Colepidae Ehrenberg, 1838
- Genus Tiarina Bergh, 1881
- Genus Plagiopogon Stein, 1859
- Genus Macrocoleps Obolkina, 1995
- Genus Coleps Nitzsch, 1827
- Genus Planicoleps Dragesco & Dragesco-Kernéis, 1991
- Family Lagynidae Sola et al., 1990
- Genus Lagynus Quennerstedt, 1867
- Family Prorodontidae Kent, 1881
- Genus Prorodon Ehrenberg, 1833[1834]
- Family Holophryidae Perty, 1852
- Genus Pleurofragma Jankowski, 1976
- Genus Holophrya Ehrenberg, 1831
- Genus Bursellopsis Corliss, 1960
- Family Plagiocampidae Kahl, 1926
- Order Prostomatida Schewiakoff, 1896
- Class Prostomatea Schewiakoff, 1896
Class Plagiopylea
edit- Class Plagiopylea Small & Lynn, 1985
- Order Plagiopylida Jankowski, 1978
- Family Trimyemidae Kahl, 1926
- Genus Trimyema Lackey, 1925
- Family Sonderiidae Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Parasonderia Fauré-Fremiet, 1973
- Family Plagiopylidae Schewiakoff, 1896
- Genus Plagiopyla Stein, 1860
- Genus Lechriopyla Lynch, 1930
- Genus Pseudoplagiopyla Small & Lynn, 1985
- Family Trimyemidae Kahl, 1926
- Order Plagiopylida Jankowski, 1978
- Class Plagiopylea Small & Lynn, 1985
Class Oligohymenophorea
edit- Class Oligohymenophorea de Puytorac et al., 1974
- Subclass Peniculia Fauré-Fremiet, in Corliss, 1956
- Order Peniculida Fauré-Fremiet, in Corliss, 1956
- Suborder Frontoniina Small & Lynn, 1985
- Family Lembadionidae Jankowski, in Corliss, 1979
- Genus Lembadion Perty, 1849
- Family Maritujidae Jankowski, in Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Marituja Gajewskaja, 1928
- Family Stokesiidae Roque, 1961
- Genus Stokesia Wenrich, 1929
- Family Clathrostomatidae Kahl, 1926
- Genus Clathrostoma Penard, [1921]
- Family Frontoniidae Kahl, 1926
- Genus Disematostoma Lauterborn, 1894
- Genus Wenrichia Jankowski, 1967
- Genus Didieria Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Frontonia Ehrenberg, 1838
- Genus Paraclathrostoma Small & Lynn, 1985
- Family Lembadionidae Jankowski, in Corliss, 1979
- Suborder Parameciina Jankowski, in Small & Lynn, 1985
- Family Urocentridae Claparède & Lachmann, 1858
- Genus Urocentrum Nitzsch, 1827
- Family Neobursaridiidae Dragesco & Tuffrau, 1967
- Genus Neobursaridium Balech, 1941
- Family Parameciidae Dujardin, 1840
- Genus Paramecium O.F. Müller, 1773
- Family Urocentridae Claparède & Lachmann, 1858
- Suborder Frontoniina Small & Lynn, 1985
- Order Peniculida Fauré-Fremiet, in Corliss, 1956
- Subclass Scuticociliatia Small, 1967
- Order Philasterida Small, 1967
- Family Thigmophryidae Chatton & Lwoff, 1926
- Genus Thigmophrya Chatton & Lwoff, 1923
- Family Urozonidae Grolière, 1975
- Genus Urozona Schewiakoff, 1889
- Family Cinetochilidae Perty, 1852
- Genus Cinetochilum Perty, 1849
- Genus Sphenostomella Jankowski, in Small & Lynn, 1985
- Family Loxocephalidae A.W. Jankowski, 1964
- Genus Balanonema Kahl, 1931
- Genus Cardiostomatella Corliss, 1960
- Genus Paraloxocephalus Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Loxocephalus Eberhard, 1862
- Genus Paradexiotricha Grolière, 1975
- Genus Paratetrahymena Thompson, 1963
- Genus Dexiotricha Stokes, 1885
- Family Pseudocohnilembidae Evans & Thompson, 1964
- Genus Pseudocohnilembus Evans & Thompson, 1964
- Family Uronematidae Thompson, 1964
- Genus Uronema Dujardin, 1841
- Genus Uropedalium Kahl, 1928
- Genus Urocyclon Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Homalogastra Kahl, 1926
- Family Entorhipidiidae Madsen, 1931
- Genus Entorhipidium Lynch, 1929
- Family Entodiscidae Jankowski, 1973
- Genus Entodiscus Madsen, 1931
- Family Cryptochilidae Berger, in Corliss, 1979
- Genus Biggaria Kahl, 1934
- Family Cohnilembidae Kahl, 1933
- Genus Cohnilembus Kahl, 1933
- Family Philasteridae Kahl, 1931
- Genus Philaster Fabre-Domergue, 1885
- Genus Philasterides Kahl, 1931
- Genus Paraphilaster Grolière et al., 1978
- Family Thyrophylacidae Berger, in Corliss, 1961
- Genus Plagiopyliella Poljansky, 1951
- Genus Thyrophylax Berger, in Corliss, 1961
- Family Paralembidae Corliss & de Puytorac, in Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Magnalembus Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Cryptolembus Gunderson, 1985
- Genus Ovolembus Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Mesolembus Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Paralembus Kahl, 1933
- Family Orchitophryidae Cépède, 1910
- Genus Mugardia Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Anophryoides de Puytorac & Grolière, 1979
- Genus Mesanophrys Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Metanophrys de Puytorac et al., 1974
- Genus Paranophrys Thompson & Berger, 1965
- Genus Orchitophrya Cépède, 1907
- Family Parauronematidae Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Glauconema Thompson, 1966
- Genus Parauronema Thompson, 1967
- Genus Miamiensis Thompson & Moewus, 1964
- Genus Potomacus Thompson, 1966
- Order Pleuronematida Fauré-Fremiet, in Corliss, 1956
- Family Calyptotrichidae Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Calyptotricha Phillips, 1882
- Family Ctedoctematidae Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Compsosomella Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Hippocomos Czapik & Jordan, 1977
- Genus Ctedoctema Stokes, 1884
- Genus Paractedoctema Small & Lynn, 1985
- Family Histiobalantiidae de Puytorac & Corliss, in Corliss, 1979
- Genus Histiobalantium Stokes, 1886
- Family Peniculistomatidae Fenchel, 1965
- Genus Peniculistoma Jankowski, 1964
- Genus Echinosociella Berger, in Small & Lynn, 1985
- Family Pleuronematidae Kent, 1881
- Genus Schizocalyptra J. Dragesco, 1968
- Genus Pleurocoptes Wallengren, 1896
- Genus Pleuronema Dujardin, 1841
- Family Dragescoidae Jankowski, in Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Dragescoa Jankowski, 1974
- Family Cyclidiidae Ehrenberg, 1838
- Genus Cristigera Roux, 1899
- Genus Pseudocyclidium Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Echinocyclidium Jankowski, in Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Cyclidium O.F. Müller, 1773
- Genus Paurotricha Dragesco & Dragesco-Kernéis, 1991
- Genus Paracyclidium Grolière et al., 1980
- Genus Isocyclidium Esteban et al., 1993
- Family Conchophthiridae Kahl, in Doflein & Reichenow, 1929
- Genus Conchophthirus Stein, 1861
- Family Thigmocomidae Kazubski, 1958
- Genus Thigmocoma Kazubski, 1958
- Family Calyptotrichidae Small & Lynn, 1985
- Order Thigmotrichida Chatton & Lwoff, 1922
- Family Ancistridae Issel, 1903
- Genus Ancistrumina Raabe, 1959
- Genus Protophrya Kofoid, 1903
- Genus Ancistrum Maupas, 1883
- Family Hemispeiridae König, 1894
- Genus Ancistrospira Chatton & Lwoff, 1926
- Genus Hemispeira Fabre-Domergue, 1888
- Genus Plagiospira Issel, 1903
- Genus Proboveria Chatton & Lwoff, 1936
- Genus Boveria Stevens, 1901
- Family Hysterocinetidae Diesing, 1866
- Genus Kozloffia de Puytorac, 1968
- Genus Raabellocineta de Puytorac et al., 1979
- Genus Hysterocineta Diesing, 1866
- Genus Ptychostomum Stein, 1860
- Family Paraptychostomidae Ngassam et al., in de Puytorac, 1994
- Genus Paraptychostomum Ngassam et al., in de Puytorac, 1994
- Family Ancistridae Issel, 1903
- Family Thigmophryidae Chatton & Lwoff, 1926
- Order Philasterida Small, 1967
- Subclass Hymenostomatia (Delage & Hérouard, 1896) Cavalier-Smith, 1993
- Order Hymenostomatida Delage & Hérouard, 1896
- Suborder Tetrahymenina Fauré-Fremiet, in Corliss, 1956
- Family Curimostomatidae Jankowski, 1968
- Genus Curimostoma Kozloff, 1954
- Family Spirozonidae Kahl, 1926
- Genus Spirozona Kahl, 1926
- Genus Stegochilum Schewiakoff, 1893
- Family Tetrahymenidae Corliss, 1952
- Genus Tetrahymena Furgason, 1940
- Genus Lambornella Keilin, 1921
- Genus Deltopylum Fauré-Fremiet & Mugard, 1947
- Family Turaniellidae Didier, 1971
- Genus Colpidium Stein, 1860
- Genus Turaniella Corliss, 1960
- Family Glaucomidae Corliss, 1971
- Family Curimostomatidae Jankowski, 1968
- Suborder Ophryoglenina Canella, 1964
- Family Ichthyophthiriidae Kent, 1881
- Genus Ichthyophthirius Fouquet, 1876
- Family Ophryoglenidae Kent, 1881
- Genus Glaucomella Grolière, 1977
- Genus Epenardia Corliss, 1971
- Genus Glaucoma Ehrenberg, 1830
- Genus Jaocorlissia Small & Lynn, 1985
- Genus Espejoia Bürger, 1908
- Genus Bursostoma Vörösváry, 1950
- Family Ichthyophthiriidae Kent, 1881
- Suborder Tetrahymenina Fauré-Fremiet, in Corliss, 1956
- Order Hymenostomatida Delage & Hérouard, 1896
- Subclass Apostomatia Chatton & Lwoff, 1928
- Order Pilisuctorida Jankowski, 1966
- Family Conidophryidae Kirby, 1941
- Genus Conidophrys Chatton & Lwoff, 1934
- Genus Askoella Fenchel, 1965
- Genus Ascophrys Campillo & Deroux, 1974
- Family Conidophryidae Kirby, 1941
- Order Astomatophorida Jankowski, 1966
- Family Opalinopsidae Hartog, 1906
- Genus Chromidina Gonder, 1905
- Family Opalinopsidae Hartog, 1906
- Order Apostomatida Chatton & Lwoff, 1928
- Family Colliniidae Cépède, 1910
- Genus Collinia Cépède, 1910
- Family Foettingeriidae Chatton, 1911
- Genus Spirophrya Chatton & Lwoff, 1924
- Genus Phtorophrya A. Chatton & M. Lwoff, 1930
- Genus Phoretophrya A. Chatton & M. Lwoff, 1930
- Genus Hyalophysa P.C. Bradbury, 1966
- Genus Gymnodiniodes Minkiewicz, 1912 [error, see Gymnodinioides]
- Family Colliniidae Cépède, 1910
- Order Pilisuctorida Jankowski, 1966
- Subclass Peritrichia (Stein, 1859) Cavalier-Smith, 1993
- Order Sessilida Kahl, 1933
- Family Termitophryidae Lom, in Corliss, 1979
- Genus Termitophya Noirot & Noirot-Timothée, 1959 [error, see Termitophrya]
- Family Astylozoidae Kahl, 1935
- Genus Hastatella Erlanger, 1890
- Genus Astylozoon Engelmann, 1862
- Family Opisthonectidae Foissner, 1976
- Genus Opisthonecta Fauré-Fremiet, 1906
- Genus Telotrochidium Kent, 1881
- Family Ophrydiidae Ehrenberg, 1838
- Genus Ophrydium Bory de St. Vincent, 1827
- Family Vaginicolidae de Fromentel, 1874
- Genus Platycola Kent, 1882
- Genus Pyxicola Kent, 1882
- Genus Cothurnia Ehrenberg, 1832
- Genus Thuricola Kent, 1881
- Genus Vaginicola Lamarck, 1816
- Family Ellobiophryidae Chatton & Lwoff, 1923
- Genus Ellobiophrya Chatton & Lwoff, 1923
- Family Lagenophryidae Bütschli, 1889
- Genus Operculigera Kane, 1969
- Genus Paralagenophrys Clamp, 1987
- Genus Clistolagenophrys Clamp, 1991
- Genus Setonophrys Jankowski, 1986
- Genus Lagenophrys Stein, 1852
- Genus Stylohedra Kellicott, 1884
- Family Usconophryidae Clamp, 1991
- Genus Usconophrys Jankowski, 1985
- Family Rovinjellidae Matthes, 1972
- Genus Rovinjella Matthes, 1972
- Family Vorticellidae Ehrenberg, 1838
- Genus Vorticella Linnaeus, 1767
- Genus Carchesium Ehrenberg, 1832[1830]
- Genus Ruthiella Schödel, 1983
- Genus Intranstylum Fauré-Fremiet, 1904
- Family Zoothamniidae Sommer, 1951
- Genus Zoothamnium Bory de St. Vincent, 1826
- Family Operculariidae Fauré-Fremiet, in Corliss, 1979
- Genus Bezedniella Stloukal & Matis, 1994
- Genus Opercularia Goldfuss, 1820
- Genus Orbopercularia Lust, 1950
- Genus Propyxidium Corliss, 1979
- Genus Ampullaster Jankowski
- Family Scyphidiidae Kahl, 1933
- Genus Paravorticella Kahl, 1933
- Genus Ambiphrya Raabe, 1952
- Genus Scyphidia Dujardin, 1841
- Family Epistylididae Kahl, 1933
- Genus Rhabdostyla Kent, 1881
- Genus Apiosoma Blanchard, 1885
- Genus Nidula Gajewskaja, 1933
- Genus Campanella Goldfuss, 1820
- Genus Heteropolaria Foissner & Schubert, 1977
- Genus Epistylis Ehrenberg, 1830
- Family Termitophryidae Lom, in Corliss, 1979
- Order Mobilida Kahl, 1933
- Family Trichodinidae Claus, 1874
- Genus Pallitrichodina van As & Basson, 1993
- Genus Trichodina Ehrenberg, [1830]
- Genus Vauchomia Mueller, 1938
- Family Urceolariidae Dujardin, 1840
- Genus Urceolaria Stein, 1854
- Family Leiotrochidae Johnston, 1938
- Genus Leiotrocha Fabre-Domergue, 1888
- Family Polycyclidae Poljansky, 1951
- Genus Polycycla Poljansky, 1951
- Family Trichodinopsidae Kent, 1881
- Genus Trichodinopsis Claparède & Lachmann, 1858
- Family Trichodinidae Claus, 1874
- Order Sessilida Kahl, 1933
- Subclass Astomatia Schewiakoff, 1896
- Order Astomatida Schewiakoff, 1896
- Family Anoplophryidae Cépède, 1910
- Genus Njinella Ngassam, 1983
- Genus Almophrya de Puytorac & Dragesco, 1968
- Genus Anoplophrya Stein, 1860
- Family Haptophryidae Cépède, 1910
- Genus Steinella Cépède, 1910
- Genus Cepedietta Kay, 1942
- Genus Haptophrya Stein, 1867
- Family Clausilocolidae de Puytorac, in Corliss, 1979
- Genus Haptophryopsis de Puytorac, 1971
- Genus Clausilocola Lom, 1959
- Family Maupasellidae Cépède, 1910
- Genus Maupasella Cépède, 1910
- Family Intoshellinidae Cépède, 1910
- Genus Intoshellina Cépède, 1910
- Family Contophryidae de Puytorac, 1972
- Genus Contophrya de Puytorac & Dragesco, 1968
- Genus Dicontophrya de Puytorac & Dragesco, 1968
- Family Radiophryidae de Puytorac, 1972
- Genus Acanthodiophrya de Puytorac & Dragesco, 1968
- Genus Mrazekiella Kijenskii, 1926
- Genus Helella Kaczanowski, 1961
- Genus Anthonyella Delphy, 1936
- Genus Radiophrya Rossolimo, 1926
- Genus Metaracoelophrya de Puytorac & Dragesco, 1969
- Genus Metaradiophrya Heidenreich, 1935
- Family Hoplitophryidae Cheissin, 1930
- Genus Hoplitophrya Stein, 1860
- Genus Delphyella de Puytorac, 1969
- Genus Buetschliellopsis de Puytorac, 1954
- Genus Juxtaradiophrya de Puytorac, 1954
- Genus Radiophryoides Lom, 1956
- Family Anoplophryidae Cépède, 1910
- Order Astomatida Schewiakoff, 1896
- Subclass Peniculia Fauré-Fremiet, in Corliss, 1956
- Class Oligohymenophorea de Puytorac et al., 1974
Hausmann et al. (2003)
editHausmann, K., N. Hulsmann, R. Radek. Protistology. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchshandlung, Stuttgart, 2003.
Empire Eukaryota Chatton, 1925 (= Eukarya)
- Phylum Alveolata Cavalier-Smith, 1992
- Subphylum Ciliophora Doflein, 1901
- Superclass Postciliodesmatophora Gerassimova & Seravin, 1976
- Class Karyorelictea Corliss, 1974
- Order Protostomatida
- Order Loxodida
- Order Protoheterotrichida
- Class Heterotrichea Stein, 1859
- Order Licnophorida
- Order Heterotrichida
- Class Karyorelictea Corliss, 1974
- Superclass Intramacronucleata Lynn, 1996
- Class Spirotrichea Bütschli, 1889
- Subclass Protocruziidia Puytorac et al. 1987
- Subclass Phacodiniidia Small & Lynn, 1985
- Subclass Hypotrichia Stein, 1859
- Subclass Oligotrichia Bütschli, 1889
- Subclass Choreotrichia Small & Lynn, 1985
- Subclass Stichotrichia Small & Lynn, 1985
- Class Litostomatea Small & Lynn, 1981
- Subclass Haptoria Corliss, 1974
- Subclass Trichostomatia Bütschli, 1889
- Class Phyllopharyngea de Puytorac, 1974
- Subclass Phyllopharyngia de Puytorac, 1974
- Subclass Rhynchodia Chatton & Lwoff, 1937
- Subclass Chonotrichia Wallengren, 1895
- Subclass Suctoria Claparede & Lachmann, 1858
- Class Nassophorea Small & Lynn, 1981
- Order Synhymeniida de Puytorac et al., 1974
- Order Nassulida Jankowski, 1967
- Order Microthoracida Jankowski,1967
- Class Colpodea Small & Lynn, 1981
- Class Prostomatea Schewiakoff, 1896
- Class Plagiopylea Small & Lynn, 1985
- Class Oligohymenophorea de Puytorac et al., 1974
- Subclass Peniculia Fauré-Fremiet, 1956.
- Subclass Scuticociliatia Small, 1967
- Subclass Hymenostomatia Dellage & Herouard, 1896
- Subclass Apostomatia Chatton & Lwoff, 1928
- Subclass Peritrichia Stein, 1859
- Order Sessilida Kahl, 1933
- Order Mobilida Kahl, 1933
- Subclass Astomatia Schewiakoff, 1896
- Order Clevelandellida de Puytorac & Grain, 1976
- Order Odontostomatida Sawaya, 1940
- Class Spirotrichea Bütschli, 1889
- Superclass Postciliodesmatophora Gerassimova & Seravin, 1976
- Subphylum Ciliophora Doflein, 1901
Alimov et al. (2007)
editAlimov, A. F. ed. (А. Ф. Алимов). 2007. Protista 2: Handbook on zoology. (Протисты 2: руководство по зоологии). St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2007, 1141 pp. (in Russian, with English summaries), [26].
- Alveolata Cavalier-Smith, 1991
- Phylum Sporozoa Leuckart, 1879
- Phylum Dinozoa
- Phylum Ciliophora Doflein, 1901
- Subphylum Postciliodesmatophora Gerassimova & Seravin, 1976
- Class Karyorelictea Corliss, 1974
- Class Heterotrichea Stein, 1859
- Subphylum Intramacronucleata Lynn, 1996
- Class Spirotrichea Bütschli, 1889
- Class Armophorea Lynn, 2002
- Class Litostomatea Small & Lynn, 1981
- Class Phyllopharyngea Puytorac et al., 1974
- Class Nassophorea Small & Lynn, 1981
- Class Colpodea Small & Lynn, 1981
- Class Prostomatea Small & Lynn, 1985
- Class Contofragmea Jankowski, 1980 (= subclass Plagiopylia Small & Lynn, 1985, later class Plagiopylea Small & Lynn, 1985 in Lynn, 2002)
- Class Oligohymenophorea de Puytorac et al., 1974
- Subphylum Postciliodesmatophora Gerassimova & Seravin, 1976
Lynn (2008)
editLynn, Denis (2008). The Ciliated Protozoa: Characterization, Classification, and Guide to the Literature (3 ed.). Springer. p. 10, [27].
Phylum Ciliophora
- Subphylum Postciliodesmatophora
- Class Karyorelictea
- Class Heterotrichea
- Subphylum Intramacronucleata
- Class Spirotrichea
- Subclass Protocruziidia
- Subclass Phacodiniidia
- Subclass Hypotrichia
- Subclass Oligotrichia
- Subclass Choreotrichia
- Subclass Stichotrichia
- Subclass Licnophoria
- Class Armophorea
- Class Litostomatea
- Subclass Haptoria
- Subclass Trichostomatia
- Class Phyllopharyngea
- Subclass Cyrtophoria
- Subclass Rhynchodia
- Subclass Chonotrichia
- Subclass Suctoria
- Class Nassophorea
- Class Colpodea
- Class Prostomatea
- Class Plagiopylea
- Class Oligohymenophorea
- Subclass Peniculia
- Subclass Scuticociliatia
- Subclass Hymenostomatia
- Subclass Apostomatia
- Subclass Peritrichia
- Subclass Astomatia
- Class Spirotrichea
Adl et al. (2012)
edit- Adl, S.M., Simpson, A.G.B., Lane, C.E., Lukeš, J., Bass, D., Bowser, S.S., Brown, M.W., Burki, F., Dunthorn, M., Hampl, V., Heiss, A., Hoppenrath, M., Lara, E., Le Gall, L., Lynn, D.H., McManus, H., Mitchell, E.A.D., Mozley-Stanridge, S.E., Parfrey, L.W., Pawlowski, J., Rueckert, S., Shadwick, L., Schoch, C.L., Smirnow, A. & Spiegel, F.W. 2012. The revised classification of eukaryotes. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 59(5): 429–514. DOI: 10.1111/j.1550-7408.2012.00644.x . [Erratum: 60(3): 321. DOI: 10.1111/jeu.12033 .] Reference page.
- Sar Burki et al., 2008 (R)
- Alveolata Cavalier-Smith 1991
- Ciliophora Doflein 1901 (Ciliata Perty 1852; Infusoria Bütschli 1887)
- Postciliodesmatophora Gerassimova & Seravin 1976
- Karyorelictea Corliss 1974
- Heterotrichea Stein 1859
- Intramacronucleata Lynn 1996
- Cariacothrix Orsi et al. 2012 (Cariacotrichea Orsi et al. 2011) (M)
- Spirotrichea Bütschli 1889 (R)
- Armophorea Lynn 2004 (R)
- Armophorida Jankowksi 1964
- Clevelandellida de Puytorac & Grain 1976
- Litostomatea Small & Lynn 1981
- Haptoria Corliss 1974 (P)
- Rhynchostomatia Jankowski 1980, emend. Vd'ačný et al. 2011
- Trichostomatia Bütschli 1889
- Conthreep Lynn in Adl et al. 2012 [Ventrata Cavalier-Smith 2004] (R)
- Phyllopharyngea de Puytorac et al. 1974
- Synhymenia de Puytorac et al. in Deroux, 1978
- Cyrtophoria Fauré-Fremiet in Corliss, 1956
- Chonotrichia Wallengren 1895
- Rhynchodia Chatton & Lwoff 1939
- Suctoria Claparède & Lachmann 1858
- Nassophorea Small & Lynn 1981 (P?)
- Colpodea Small & Lynn 1981
- Platyophryida Puytorac et al. 1979
- Bursariomorphida Fernández-Galiano 1978
- Cyrtolophosidida Foissner 1978
- Colpodida de Puytorac et al. 1974
- Prostomatea Schewiakoff 1896
- Plagiopylea Small & Lynn 1985, sensu Lynn 2008 (R)
- Plagiopylida Jankowski 1978
- Odontostomatida Sawaya 1940
- Oligohymenophorea de Puytorac et al. 1974
- Peniculia Fauré-Fremiet in Corliss 1956
- Scuticociliatia Small 1967
- Hymenostomatia Delage & Hérouard 1896
- Apostomatia Chatton & Lwoff 1928
- Peritrichia Stein 1859
- Astomatia Schewiakoff 1896
- Phyllopharyngea de Puytorac et al. 1974
- Armophorea Lynn 2004 (R)
- Postciliodesmatophora Gerassimova & Seravin 1976
- Ciliophora Doflein 1901 (Ciliata Perty 1852; Infusoria Bütschli 1887)
- Alveolata Cavalier-Smith 1991
[Notes: M, monotypic group with only one described species; P, paraphyletic group; R, ribogroup assembled from phylogenetic studies.]
Ruggiero et al. (2015)
editRuggiero, M.A., Gordon, D.P., Orrell, T.M., Bailly, N., Bourgoin, T., Brusca, R.C., Cavalier-Smith, T., Guiry, M. D. & Kirk, P. M. (2015). A Higher Level Classification of All Living Organisms. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0119248, [28].
- Superkingdom Prokaryota
- Kingdom Archaea [= Archaebacteria]
- Kingdom Bacteria [= Eubacteria]
- Superkingdom Eukaryota
- Kingdom Protozoa
- Subkingdom Eozoa
- Infrakingdom Euglenozoa
- Infrakingdom Excavata
- Subkingdom Sarcomastigota
- Phylum Amoebozoa
- Phylum Choanozoa [with Microsporidia, Animalia, and Fungi constitutes "Supergroup Opisthokonta"]
- Phylum Microsporidia [with Choanozoa, Animalia, and Fungi constitutes "Supergroup Opisthokonta"]
- Phylum Sulcozoa
- Subkingdom Eozoa
- Kingdom Chromista
- Subkingdom Hacrobia
- Subkingdom Harosa [= "Supergroup SAR"]
- Infrakingdom Halvaria
- Superphylum Alveolata
- Phylum Ciliophora
- Subphylum Intramacronucleata
- Class Armophorea
- Order Armophorida
- Order Clevelandellida
- Class Colpodea
- Order Bryometopida
- Order Bryophryida
- Order Bursariomorphida
- Order Colpodida
- Order Cyrtolophosidida
- Order Sorogenida
- Class Litostomatea
- Subclass Haptoria
- Order Cyclotrichiida
- Order Haptorida
- Order Pleurostomatida
- Subclass Trichostomatia
- Order Entodiniomorphida
- Order Macropodiniida
- Order Vestibuliferida
- Subclass Haptoria
- Class Spirotrichea
- Subclass Choreotrichia
- Order Tintinnida
- Subclass Hypotrichia
- Order Euplotida
- Order Kiitrichida
- Subclass Licnophoria
- Order Licnophorida
- Subclass Oligotrichia
- Order Strombidiida
- Subclass Protocruziidia
- Order Phacodiniida
- Order Protocruziida
- Subclass Stichotrichia
- Order Sporadotrichida
- Order Stichotrichida
- Order Urostylida
- Subclass Choreotrichia
- Class Nassophorea
- Order Colpodidiida
- Order Microthoracida
- Order Nassulida
- Order Synhymeniida
- Class Oligohymenophorea
- Subclass Apostomatia
- Order Apostomatida
- Order Astomatophorida
- Order Pilisuctorida
- Subclass Astomatia
- Order Astomatida
- Subclass Hymenostomatia
- Order Ophyroglenida
- Order Tetrahymenida
- Subclass Peniculia
- Order Peniculida
- Order Urocentrida
- Subclass Peritrichia
- Subclass Scuticociliatia
- Order Philasterida
- Order Pleuronematida
- Order Thigmotrichida
- Subclass Apostomatia
- Class Phyllopharyngea
- Subclass Chonotrichia
- Order Cryptogemmida
- Order Exogemmiida
- Subclass Cyrtophoria
- Order Chlamydodontida
- Order Dysteriida
- Subclass Rhynchodia
- Order Hypocomatida
- Order Rhynchodida
- Subclass Suctoria
- Order Endogenida
- Order Evaginogenida
- Order Exogenida
- Subclass Chonotrichia
- Class Plagiopylea
- Order Odontostomatida
- Order Plagiopylida
- Class Prostomatea
- Order Prorodontida
- Order Prostomatida
- Class Armophorea
- Subphylum Postciliodesmatophora
- Class Heterotrichea
- Order Heterotrichida
- Class Karyorelictea
- Order Loxodida
- Order Protoheterotrichida
- Order Protostomatida
- Class Heterotrichea
- Subphylum Intramacronucleata
- Phylum Miozoa
- Subphylum Myzozoa
- Infraphylum Apicomplexa
- Infraphylum Dinozoa
- Superclass Dinoflagellata
- Superclass Perkinsozoa
- Class Myzomonadea
- Order Algovorida
- Class Perkinsea
- Order Perkinsida
- Order Phagodinida
- Class Myzomonadea
- Subphylum Protalveolata
- Class Colponemea
- Order Colponemida
- Class Colponemea
- Subphylum Myzozoa
- Phylum Ciliophora
- Superphylum Heterokonta [= "Supergroup Stramenopiles"]
- Superphylum Alveolata
- Infrakingdom Rhizaria
- Infrakingdom Halvaria
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Plantae [= Archaeplastida]
- Kingdom Animalia
- Kingdom Protozoa
Gao et al. (2016)
editGao, Feng, et al. "The All-Data-Based Evolutionary Hypothesis of Ciliated Protists with a Revised Classification of the Phylum Ciliophora (Eukaryota, Alveolata)." Scientific Reports 6 (2016): 24874.
- Phylum Ciliophora
- Subphylum Postciliodesmatophora
- Class Karyorelictea
- Order Protoheterotrichida
- Order Protostomatida
- Order Loxodida
- Class Heterotrichea
- Order Heterotrichida
- Class Karyorelictea
- Subphylum Intramacronucleata
- Class Armophorea
- Order Clevelandellida
- Order Armophorida
- Class Litostomatea
- Subclass Trichostomatia
- Order Vestibuliferida
- Order Entodiniomorphida
- Order Macropodiniida
- Subclass Rhynchostomatia
- Order Tracheliida
- Order Dileptida
- Subclass Haptoria
- Order Haptorida
- Order Pleurostomatida
- Subclass Trichostomatia
- Class Colpodea
- Order Colpodida
- Order Cyrtolophosidida
- Order Bursariomorphida
- Order Platyophryida
- Class Nassophorea
- Order Discotrichida
- Order Microthoracida
- Order Colpodiida
- Order Nassulida
- Class Phyllopharyngea
- Subclass Synhymenia
- Order Synhymeniida
- Subclass Cyrtophoria
- Order Chlamydodontida
- Order Dysteriida
- Subclass Chonotrichia
- Order Cryptogemmida
- Order Exogemmida
- Subclass Rhynchodia
- Order Rhynchodida
- Order Hypocomatida
- Subclass Suctoria
- Order Exogenida
- Order Endogenida
- Order Evaginogenida
- Subclass Synhymenia
- Class Prostomatea
- Order Prorodontida
- Order Prostomatida
- Class Plagiopylea
- Order Cyclotrichiida
- Order Odontostomatida
- Order Plagiopylida
- Class Oligohymenophorea
- Subclass Peniculia
- Order Paranassulida
- Order Peniculida
- Order Urocentrida
- Subclass Peritrichia
- Subclass Hymenostomatia
- Order Ophryoglenida
- Order Tetrahymenida
- Subclass Astomatia
- Order Astomatida
- Subclass Apostomatia
- Order Pilisuctorida
- Order Astomatophorida
- Order Apostomatida
- Subclass Scuticociliatia
- Order Loxocephalida
- Order Pleuronematida
- Order Philasterida
- Subclass Peniculia
- Class Protocruziea
- Order Protocruziida
- Class Spirotrichea
- Subclass Phacodiniidia
- Order Phacodiniida
- Subclass Licnophoria
- Order Licnophorida
- Subclass Choreotrichia
- Order Tintinnida
- Order Choreotrichida
- Subclass Oligotrichia
- Order Strombidiida
- Order Lynellida
- Subclass Protohypotrichia
- Order Kiitrichida
- Subclass Hypotrichia
- Order Sporadotrichida
- Order Stichotrichida
- Order Urostylida
- Subclass Euplotia
- Order Discocephalida
- Order Euplotida
- Subclass Phacodiniidia
- Class Cariotrichea (only one species, Cariacothrix caudata)
- Order Cariotrichida
- Class Armophorea
- Subphylum Postciliodesmatophora
- Class Mesodiniea (a basal group, possibly separated at Subphylum level)
- Order Mesodiniida