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A Zåmmorwad zwischen Wikispecies und ZooKeys is åhkindigt worn. Mid PhytoKeys gibts dé gleich' Vaeihboarung. Bideln voh ZooKeys und PhytoKeys wern af Wikimedia Commons afféglon und in Wikispecies gnuzt.

A bsundarer Autor

José Vicente Barbosa du Bocage

A Portugiasischer Zóológ und Bólitiker. Er wor da Kurator fir Zóológie am Naturhistoarischen Museum auf Lissabon. Dé Zóológiesåmmlung am Lissaboner Museum is nooch eam "Bocage-Museum" gnånnt. Er hod 200 taxónómische Fluugschriften iwer Spåhviicher, Végel und Fiisch vafosst. Anno 1880 is a Marineminister und spoder Aussenminister worn. Er hod aa'ran Hauffer Oarten sejwer entdéggt.

Species of the month

Sociable Lapwing

Vanellus gregarius

Vanellus gregarius (Pallas, 1771)

Some facts about this bird:

Head and body length: 27–30 cm.

Wingspan: 70–76 cm.

Weigth: 150–260 grams.

Habitat: Breeds in steppes. Prefers sandy short grass plains and meadows during non-breeding season.

Distribution: Breeds in northern and central Kazakhstan and south-central Russia.

Diet: Chiefly feeds on insects.

Surviving number: Estimated at 11,000.

Conservation status: Critically Endangered (IUCN 3.1 [2024-2])

First described: By the German zoologist and botanist Peter Simon Pallas in 1771 as Charadrius gregarius.

Vanellus gregarius is a well-traveled tourist. This bird's flight routes take it from the breeding grounds in the steppes of Kazakhstan and Russia to locations throughout the Middle East. It has even been found as far south as Sudan and as far east as India. The species is monogamous. A single clutch of usually four eggs per season are laid in an unlined depression on the ground. The eggs are then incubated for about 25 days. Illegal hunting and habitat loss made the Sociable Lapwing population decline by 70% in the 20th century.

See also: Species of previous months

Wikispecies af ånderne Sproochen

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