
Taxonavigation: Tydeoidea 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Cladus: Protostomia
Cladus: Ecdysozoa
Cladus: Panarthropoda
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Chelicerata
Classis: Arachnida
Subclassis: Acari
Superordo: Acariformes
Ordo: Trombidiformes
Subordo: Prostigmata
Cohort: Eupodina
Superfamilia: Tydeoidea

Familia: Tydeidae
Subfamilia: Tydeinae
Genus: Lorryia
Species (1): L. superba



Lorryia Oudemans, 1925




  • The genus Lorryia was erected by Oudemans (1925) with L. superba as the type species.
  • The description of the genus took only one line: "Lorryia=Tydeus met ééne klauw aan elken poot !" which means "Lorryia=Tydeus with one claw to each leg". Oudemans (1928a: 229–232; 1928b: 380) confirmed that the genus Lorryia was unique in having only one claw whereas all the other related species had two claws.
  • The weak chaetotaxy of the palp is the second point of his concluding remarks (Oudemans, 1928a: 233) but was not retained in next publications.
  • Later, Oudemans changed his mind and concluded (1929: 481) "Op die gronden wensch ik de diagnose van het genus Lorryia te wijzingen als volgt : als Tydeus, maar dorsaal met geheel, of gedeeltelijk netvormige structuur". The translation is: "On this basis, I wish to modify the diagnosis of the genus Lorryia as follows: as Tydeus, but dorsally with entirely or partly reticulated pattern".
  • Thor (1933: 54) divided the genus Lorryia into two subgenera, Raphitydeus and Lorryia sensu stricto.
  • "The claw and palpal setal patterns are not typical for what we have assumed to be the genus. These must be misinterpretations." concluded (Baker, 1968: 986).
  • André (1980) observed that most Lorryia species had the same chaetotaxy as the genus Tydeus as it was defined by Baker (1965). Accordingly, he decided to transfer Baker’s Lorryia to Tydeus. There was, however, no formal synonymisation.
  • André (2005) proposed to restore the genus in its primitive state and it be monospecific. All other species assigned to Lorryia (Lorryia sensu Kaźmierski were transferred to Brachytydeus.
  • This was not accepted by Kaźmierski, see Kaźmierski et al. (2018: 804). As a result, the genus was interpreted in several ways and two synonymizations with the genus Brachytydeus followed (for further details, see André (2023).
  • André (2023), after a detailed study of the original description and in the absence of type, re-established again the genus in its primitive state, proposed it remains monospecific and redefined the genus Brachytydeus.


  • Akbari, A., Irani-Nejad, K.H., Khanjani, M., Arzanlou, M. & Kaźmierski, A. 2015. A new tydeid species (Acari: Tydeidae) with a key to Brachytydeus species from East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. Systematic and Applied Acarology, 20(4): 423–430.
  • André H.M. 1980. A generic revision of the family Tydeidae (Acari: Actinedida). IV. Generic descriptions, keys and conclusions. Bulletin et Annales de la Societe Royale Belge d'Entomologie 116(4/6): 103–168.
  • André, H.M. 2005. In search of the true Tydeus (Acari: Tydeidae). Journal of Natural History 39: 975–1001. Reference page
  • André, H.M. 2023. Lorryia (Acariformes, Tydeidae): The evolutionary plasticity of an enigmatic genus. Acarologia 63(3): 844-855. Reference page
  • Baker, E.W. 1944. Seis especies de Lorryia (Acarina, Tydeidae). Anales del Instituto de Biología de México 15: 215–222.
  • Baker, E.W. 1965. A review of the genera of the family Tydeidae (Acarina). In: Naegele J.A. (ed.). Advances in acarology 2. Ithaca (NY): Cornell University Press. p 96–133.
  • Baker, E.W. 1968. The genus Lorryia. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 61: 986–1008.
  • Kaźmierski, A. 1998. Tydeinae of the world: generic relationships, new and redescribed taxa and keys to all species. A revision of the subfamilies Pretydeinae and Tydeinae (Acari: Actinedida: Tydeidae) - part 4. Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia 41(2): 283–455.
  • Mondin, A. De S., Nuvoloni, F.M. & Feres, R.J.F. 2016. Four new species of Lorryia (Acari: Tydeidae) associated with Hevea brasiliensis Muell.Arg. (Euphorbiaceae) in Brazil. Zootaxa 4158(4): 473–490. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4158.4.2 Reference page
  • Oudemans, A.C. 1925. Acarologische aanteekeningen LXXIX. Entomologische Berichten 7: 26–34 [481].
  • Oudemans, A.C. 1928a (1927). Acari uit Ambon. Zoologische Mededelingen 10: 185–237.
  • Oudemans, A.C. 1928b. Acarologische aanteekeningen XCIV. Entomologische Berichten 7: 374–382.
  • Oudemans, A.C. 1929. Kritisch historisch Overzicht der Acarologie. Tweede Gedeelde. Tijdschrifte voor Entomologie 72 (Suppl): I–XVII, 1–1097.
  • Silva, G.L. da, Metzelthin, M.H., Silva, O.S. da & Ferla, N.J. 2016. Catalogue of the mite family Tydeidae (Acari: Prostigmata) with the world key to the species. Zootaxa 4135(1): 1–68. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4135.1.1. Reference page
  • Thor, S. 1933. Tydeidae, Ereynetidae. Das Tierreich 60: 1–84. Reference page