
editTaxonavigation: Testudinoidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Testudinidae
Overview of genera (22)
editAldabrachelys –
Astrochelys –
Centrochelys –
Chelonoidis –
Chersina –
Chersobius –
Cylindraspis –
Geochelone –
Gopherus –
†Hadrianus –
†Hesperotestudo –
Homopus –
Indotestudo –
Kinixys –
Malacochersus –
Manouria –
†Megalochelys –
Psammobates –
Pyxis –
Stigmochelys –
†Stylemys –
Testudo –
editTestudinidae Batsch, 1788
edit- Batsch, A.J.G.C. 1788: Versuch einer Anleitung zur Kenntniss und Geschichte der Thiere und Mineralien. Erster Theil. Allgemeine Geschichte der Natur; besondre der Säugthiere, Vögel, Amphibien und Fische. Jena: Akademischen Buchandlung, 528 pp.
- Turtle Extinctions Working Group (Rhodin, A.G.J., Thomson, S., Georgalis, G.L., Karl, H.-V., Danilov, I.G., Takahashi, A., de la Fuente, M.S., Bourque, J.R., Delfino, M., Bour, R., Iverson, J.B., Shaffer, H.B. & van Dijk, P.P.) 2015. Turtles and tortoises of the world during the rise and global spread of humanity: first checklist and review of extinct Pleistocene and Holocene chelonians. Chelonian Research Monographs. 5(8):000e.1–66. PDF.
- Turtle Taxonomy Working Group (van Dijk, P.P., Iverson, J.B., Rhodin, A.G.J., Shaffer, H.B. & Bour, R.) 2014. Turtles of the world, 7th edition: annotated checklist of taxonomy, synonymy, distribution with maps, and conservation status. Chelonian Research Monographs 5: 329–479. PDF. Reference page.
Vernacular names
editбеларуская: Сухапутныя чарапахі
Cymraeg: Crwban
Deutsch: Landschildkröten
English: Tortoise
Esperanto: Testudo
español: Tortuga
suomi: Maakilpikonnat
日本語: リクガメ科
Lëtzebuergesch: Landdeckelsmouken
македонски: Сувоземни желки
Nederlands: Landschildpadden
svenska: Landsköldpaddor
ไทย: เต่าบก
Türkçe: Kara kaplumbağasıgiller