Chamaeza nobilis

editFamilia: Formicariidae
Genus: Chamaeza
Species: Chamaeza nobilis
Subspecies: C. n. fulvipectus – C. n. nobilis – C. n. rubida
editChamaeza nobilis Gould, 1855
- Type locality: Chamicuros, Peru.
edit- Gould, J. 1855. Descriptions of Eight New Species of Birds from South America. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, including Zoology, Botany, and Geology (2)15 no.89: 343–346 BHL Reference page. original description p. 344 BHL
edit- IUCN: Chamaeza nobilis (Least Concern)
Vernacular names
editEnglish: Striated Antthrush
español: Tovacá noble
português: Tovaca-estriada
español: Tovacá noble
português: Tovaca-estriada