
Taxonavigation: Tydeoidea 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: ParaHoxozoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Cladus: Protostomia
Cladus: Ecdysozoa
Cladus: Panarthropoda
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Chelicerata
Classis: Arachnida
Subclassis: Acari
Superordo: Acariformes
Ordo: Trombidiformes
Subordo: Prostigmata
Cohort: Eupodina
Superfamilia: Tydeoidea

Familia: Tydeidae
Subfamilia: Tydeinae
Genus: Tydeus


  • The misspelling "Tydaeus" instead of "Tydeus" is found in Kirchner (1864: 77), Berlese (1882-1893: 16, 18; 1908: 14; 1910: 213), Hull (1918: 35-36) and in more recent publications: Mihelčič (1957: 103), Momen & Lundqvist (1995: 41, French key words), (Kaźmierski, 1997: 55,Title), Peck & Moldenke (2010: 2397)...
  • The misspelling is also found in Berlese's collection as detailed by Fain (1964: 91).


  • Berlese, A. 1882–1893. Acari, Myriapoda et Scorpiones hucusque in Italia reperta. Ordo Prostigmata (Trombidiidae). Patavii, Sumptibus auctoris.
  • Berlese, A. 1908. Elenco di generi e specie nuove di Acari. Redia 5: 1–15.
  • Berlese, A. 1910. Acari nuovi. Redia 6: 199–234.
  • Fain, A. 1964. Les Ereynetidae de la collection Berlese à Florence. Désignation d'une espèce type pour le genre Ereynetes Berlese. Redia 49 : 87–111. Abstract & full paper
  • Hull, J.E. 1918. Terrestrial Acari of the Tyne Province. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne 5: 13-88.

Kaźmierski, A. 1997. Tydeus rafalskii sp. n., a new tydeid mite from Poland (Acari: Actinedida: Tydeidae). Genus 8: 55–60.

  • Kaźmierski, A. 1997. Tydeus rafalskii sp. n., a new tydeid mite from Poland (Acari: Actinedida: Tydeidae). Genus 8: 55–60.
  • Kirchner, L.A. 1864. Die Milben (Acari) Böhmens. Lotos, Zeitschrift fuer Naturwissenschaften 14: 73–77.
  • Momen, F. & Lundqvist, L. 1995. The genus Tydeus (Acari: Prostigmata) in Southern Sweden, six new species. Acarologia 36: 41–53. Abstract and full article Reference page
  • Mihelčič, F. 1957. Milben (Acarina) aus Tirol und Vorarlberg. Veröffentlichungen des Tiroler Landesmuseums Ferdinandeum (Innsbruck) 37: 99–120.
  • Peck, J.E. & Moldenke, A.R. 2010. Identifying pathways of biological invasion: can commercial moss harbor potential stowaways? Biological Invasions 12: 2395–2398.