Cotinga ridgwayi

editFamilia: Cotingidae
Genus: Cotinga
Species: Cotinga ridgwayi
editCotinga ridgwayi Ridgway, 1887
- Holotype: USNM 109813, adult ♂, 8 Sep 1886
- Type locality: Pozo Azul, Costa Rica.
edit- Ridgway, R. 1887. Description of a new species of Cotinga from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Proceedings of United States National Museum. Government Printing Office. Washington [1888] 10 no. 599: 1–2 BHL pl.6, fig.3 BHLReference page.
edit- IUCN: Cotinga ridgwayi (Vulnerable)
Vernacular names
editEnglish: Torquoise cotinga
español: Cotinga turquesa
español: Cotinga turquesa