
(Redirected from Bikosea)



Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Diaphoretickes
Cladus: Tsar
Cladus: Sar
Infraregnum: Heterokonta
Phylum: Bigyra
Subphylum: Bicosoecophytina
Subclasses: BicosoecophycidaePlacididiaRictophycidae



Bicosoecophyceae Margulis in R.C. King, Handb. Genetics 1: 15 (1974) (“Bicoecidea”), pro zool. cl.


  • Heterotypic
    • Cyathobodonophyceae Caval.-Sm., J. Euk. Microbiol. 40: 613 (1993) (“Cyathobodonea”), pro zool. cl.
    • Pseudodendrophyceae Doweld, Prosyllabus Tracheoph. lxxi (2001) (“Pseudodendratea”), pro zool. cl.
    • Wobblata Caval.-Sm. [in Cavalier-Smith & Scoble] Eur. J. Protistol. 49: 343 (2013), pro supercl.

Similar groups

  • Bikoecida Stein, 1878
  • Bikoecidae Saville-Kent, 1880
  • Bikoecina Bütschli, 1884
  • Bicosoecaceae Haeckel, 1894: 227 [?]; Stein, 1878 emend.
  • Bicoecinae Grassé, 1926
  • Bicoecidea Grassé & Deflandre in Grassé, 1952
  • Bicosoecida Honigberg et al., 1964, Zhukov, 1978, Karpov, 1998, 2000
  • Bicosoecales Bourrelly, 1968, 1981, Preisig, 1995, Moestrup, 1995
  • Bicoecales Kristiansen, 1972
  • Bicosoecophyceae Casper, 1974, Loeblich III & Loeblich 1979
  • Bicosoecidea Corliss, 1984
  • Bicosoecea Cavalier-Smith, 1986
  • Bicoecia Cavalier-Smith, 1989
  • Bicoecida Bütschli, 1884 emend. Dyer, 1990
  • Bicosoecia Cavalier-Smith, 1993
  • Bicocoecida van den Hoek et al., 1995
  • Bicosidae Cavalier-Smith, 2006
  • Bicosidia Cavalier-Smith, 2006 orth. em. 2013
  • Bikosea Cavalier-Smith, 2013
  • Bikosia Cavalier-Smith, 2013



Primary references


Additional references




Stein (1878)


Stein, F. von (1878). Der Organismus der Infusionsthiere, Abt. 3 (1), p. X. Engelmann, Leipzig, [1], [2].

Grassé (1926)


Grassé, P.-P. Contribution à l'étude des flagellés parasites. Archives de zoologie expérimentale et générale, t. 65, 1926, pp. 345-602 [576], disponible at Gallica.

Sous-classe Protomastigines

  • Ordre Bicoecinae

Grassé & Deflandre in Grassé (1952)


Grassé, P.-P. & Deflandre, G . (1952). Ordre des Bicoecidea. In: Grassé, P.-P. (Ed.). Traité de Zoologie. Vol. 1, fasc. 1. Phylogénie. Protozoaries: Generalités, Flagellés. Masson et Cie, Paris. 599-601, [3].

Règne animal

  • Phylum Protozoa
    • Subphylum Rhizoflagellata
      • Superclass Flagellata
        • Classis Zooflagellata (= Zoomastigina)
          • Superordo Protomonadina (emend.)
            • Ordo Bicoecidea
              • Bicoeca, Codomonas, Poteriodendron, Stephanocodon

John O. Corliss (1984)


From The kingdom Protista and its 45 phyla

In Kingdom Protista, Assemblage "Chromobionts" incertae sedis
Group Bicosoecidea Grassé and Deflandre in Grassé, 1952

Dyer in Margulis et al. (1990)


Dyer, B.D., 1990. 14b. Phylum Zoomastigina, Class Bicoecids. In: Margulis, L., J.O. Corliss, M. Melkonian, D.J. Chapman (ed.). Handbook of Protoctista. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston, p. 191-193. See Brands, S.J. (1989-2015), [4].

Kingdom Protoctista

  • Section III: Phyla with flagellated stages, but without complex sexual cycles

Cavalier-Smith (1993)


From Kingdom Protozoa and its 18 phyla

In Phylum Heterokonta
Subphylum Bicoecia Cavalier-Smith, 1989
Class Bicoecea orthogr. emend. pro Bicosoecea Cavalier-Smith, 1986

Cavalier-Smith (1993)


Cavalier-Smith, T. (1993). The origin, losses and gains of chloroplasts. In: Origins of plastids (pp. 291-348). Springer US, [5].

Phylum (division) 1. heterokonta

Preisig / Moestrup (1995)


Preisig, H. R. (1995). A modern concept of chrysophyte classification. In Chrysophyte Algae, ed. C. D. Sandgren, J. R. Smol, and J. Kristiansen, pp. 49–50, [6]

Moestrup, Ø. (1995) Current status of chrysophyte 'splinter groups': synurophytes, pedinellids, silicoflagellates. In Chrysophyte Algae, ed. C. D. Sandgren, J. R. Smol, and J. Kristiansen, pp. 75-91.

"Chrysophyceae and 'splinter groups'"

  • Class Chrysophyceae (Pascher, 1914, nom. descrip.; Hibberd, 1976, nom. typificatum)

Cavalier-Smith (1998)


From A revised six-kingdom system of life

In Phylum Sagenista
Subphylum Bicoecia Cavalier-Smith 1989

David J. Patterson (1999)


From The Diversity of Eukaryotes

In Stramenopiles
Clade Bicosoecales

Karpov (2000a)


From Karpov, S. A. (2000a). Flagellate phylogeny: an ultrastructural approach. In: Leadbeater, B. S. C., Green, J. C. (eds). The Flagellates. Unity, diversity and evolution. Taylor and Francis, London.

Order Bicosoecida (Grassé) Karpov 1998

  • Family Bicosoecidae Stein, 1878 (Bicosoeca Stein, 1878)
  • Family Siluaniidae Karpov 1998 (Siluania Karpov 1998; Adriamonas Verhagel et al., 1994; Caecitellus Patterson et al., 1992)
  • Family Cafeteriidae Moestrup, 1995 (Cafeteria Fenchel et Patterson, 1998; Pseudobodo Griessmann, 1913; Acronema Teal et al., 1998; Discoselis Vørs, 1988)
  • Family Pseudodendromonadidae Karpov fam. nov. (Pseudodendromonas Bourrelly, 1953; Cyathobodo Petersen et Hansen, 1961).

Karpov (2000b)


From Ultrastructure of the aloricate bicosoecid Pseudobodo tremulans, with revision of the order Bicosoecida.

Order Bicosoecida (Grassé) Karpov 1998

  • [Equal to Karpov (2000a), with addition of the genus Symbiomonas Guillou et Chrétiennot-Dinet, 1999 to the family Cafeteriidae]

Moestrup in Lee et al. (2000)


Moestrup, Ø., 2000. Order Bicosoecida Grassé, 1926. In: Lee, J.J., Leedale, G.F. & Bradbury, P. An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa. Society of Protozoologists/Allen Press: Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A, 2nd ed., vol. 2, p. 690-693, [7]. See Brands, S.J. (1989-2015), [8].

In “protozoa”, “stramenopiles

Cavalier-Smith & Chao (2006)

  • Infrakingdom Heterokonta
    • Phylum Bigyra
      • Subphylum Bicoecia Cavalier-Smith, 1989
        • Class Bicoecea Cavalier-Smith 1986 orth. mut. 1989
          • Subclass 1. Placidae Cavalier-Smith subcl. nov.
            • Order Placidiales Moriyama et al. 2002 (Placidia, Wobblia, Pendulomonas (Tong 1997))
          • Subclass 2. Bicosidae Cavalier-Smith subcl. nov.
            • Superorder 1. Cyathobodoniae Cavalier-Smith 1993 emend. stat. nov.
              • Order 1. Bicoecales Grassé & Deflandre 1952 (Bicosoecaceae Stein: Bicosoeca)
              • Order 2. Anoecales Cavalier-Smith 1997 emend.
                • Family 1. Cafeteriaceae Moestrup 1995 (Cafeteria roenbergensis, C. mylnikovii, Acronema)
                • Family 2. Anoecaceae Cavalier-Smith fam. nov. (Anoeca)
                • Family 3. Symbiomonadaceae Cavalier-Smith fam. nov. (Symbiomonas)
                • Family 4. Caecitellaceae Cavalier-Smith fam. nov. (Caecitellus)
              • Anoecales incertae sedis: Cafeteria marsupialis Larsen and Patterson 1990
              • Order 3. Pseudodendromonadales Hibberd 1985 emend.
                • Family 1. Neradaceae Cavalier-Smith fam. nov. (Nerada)
                • Family 2. Paramonadaceae Cavalier-Smith fam. nov. (Paramonas)
                • Family 3. Siluaniaceae Karpov 1998 ex Cavalier-Smith fam. nov. (Siluania)
                • Family 4. Adriamonadaceae (Adriamonas)
                • Family 5. Pseudodendromonadaceae Cavalier-Smith 1991 fam. nov. (Pseudodendromonas, Cyathobodo)
            • Superorder 2. Borokiae Cavalier-Smith superord. nov.
              • Order Borokales Cavalier-Smith ord. nov.
                • Family Borokaceae Cavalier-Smith fam. nov. (Boroka)
        • Bicoecea incertae sedis:
          • Family Labromonadacae Cavalier-Smith fam. nov. (Labromonas); Pseudobodo tremulans Griessmann 1913; Pseudobodo minuta Ruinen 1938

Adl et al. (2012)



Cavalier-Smith & Scoble (2013)


Ruggiero et al. (2015)


Ruggiero, M.A., Gordon, D.P., Orrell, T.M., Bailly, N., Bourgoin, T., Brusca, R.C., Cavalier-Smith, T., Guiry, M. D. & Kirk, P. M. (2015). A Higher Level Classification of All Living Organisms. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0119248, [9].