
editTaxonavigation: Papilionoidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Nymphalidae
Subfamilia: Satyrinae
Tribus: Satyrini
Subtribus: Ypthimina
Genus: Ypthima
Species: Y. affectata –Y. akbar –Y. akragas –Y. albida –Y. albipuncta –Y. ancus –Y. antennata –Y. aphnius –
Y. arctoa –Y. argus – Y. asterope –Y. atra –Y. avanta –Y. baileyi –Y. baldus –Y. beautei –Y. bolanica –
Y. cantlei –Y. cerealis –Y. ceylonica –Y. chenui –Y. chinensis –Y. ciris –Y. condamini –Y. confusa –Y. congoana –
Y. conjuncta –Y. coorgensis –Y. daclaca –Y. dengae –Y. diplommata –Y. dohertyi –Y. doleta –Y. dromon –
Y. eckweileri –Y. elwesi –Y. esakii –Y. evansi –Y. fasciata –Y. frontierii –Y. fulvida –Y. gavalisi –Y. granulosa –
Y. hanburyi –Y. hannyngtoni –Y. horsfieldii –Y. houjiangae –Y. houae –Y. huebneri –Y. hyagriva –Y. iarba –Y. imitans –Y. impura –
Y. indecora –Y. inica –Y. inouei –Y. insolita –Y. iris –Y. jacksoni –Y. julana –Y. junkoae –Y. kalelonda –Y. kanonis –Y. kedarnathensis –Y. kitawakii –Y. lamto –Y. lihongxingi –Y. lisandra –Y. loryma –Y. lycus –Y. masakii –Y. megalomma –Y. methora –
Y. methorina –Y. microphthalma –Y. motschulskyi –Y. multistriata –Y. muotuoensis –Y. nareda –Y. nebulosa –Y. newara –
Y. nigricans –Y. nikaea –Y. norma –Y. nynias –Y. pandocus –Y. parasakra –Y. phania –Y. pemakoi –Y. perfecta –Y. persimilis –
Y. philomela –Y. posticalis –Y. praenubila –Y. praestans –Y. pseudobalba – Y. pseudodromon –Y. pseudosakra –Y. pseudosavara –
Y. pulchra –Y. pupillaris –Y. putamdui –Y. recta –Y. rhodesiana –Y. risompae –Y. riukiuana –Y. rosei –Y. sakra –
Y. sarcaposa –Y. savara –Y. sensilis –Y. sepyra – Y. sesara –Y. similis –Y. simplicia –Y. singala –Y. singorensis –
Y. sinica –Y. sobrina –Y. sordida –Y. stellera –Y. striata –Y. tappana –Y. thao –Y. tiani –Y. tripuraensis –
Y. uemuraiana –Y. vuattouxi –Y. watsoni –Y. wenlungi – Y. yaluzangbui –Y. yangjiahei –Y. yatta –Y. yayeyamana –Y. yoshinobui –Y. yunosukei –Y. ypthimoides –Y. zodia –Y. zyzzomacula
edit- Eliot, J.N., 1987: On some butterflies from Nepal, Bhutan and Thailand. Tyô to Ga 38(1): 21–29. Full article.
- Huang, H., 1999: Some new butterflies from China 1. Lambillionea XCIX 4déc.: 642–676.
- Huang, H. & C.-S. Wu, 2003: New and little known Chinese butterflies in the collection of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Beijing-1 (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera). Neue Entomologische Nachrichten 55: 115–143.
- Kielland, J. 1982. Revision of the genus Ypthima in the Ethiopian region excluding Madagascar (Lepidoptera, Satyridae). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 125(5): 99–154. Reference page.
- Lang, S.Y. 2022a. Notes on the Ypthima praenubila Leech, 1891-group sensu Shirôzu & Shima, 1979, with descriptions of three new subspecies. Atalanta 53(3/4): 350-355. Reference page.
- Lang, S.Y. 2023. Notes on the Ypthima tappana Matsumura, 1909-group with descriptions of a new species from Guizhou, S.W. China (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). Neue Entomologische Nachrichten 82: 231–234. PDF. Reference page.
- Lang, S.Y. 2023. Additional notes on the Ypthima praenubila Leech, 1891-group sensu Shirôzu & Shima, 1979, with descriptions of a new species from China (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). Atalanta 54(1/2): 136-143. [1] Reference page.
- Monastyrskii, A.L., Lang, S.Y., Uémura, Y. & Vu, V.L. 2022. A new species related to Ypthima praenubila Leech, 1891 in Vietnam and China (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). Zootaxa 5141(1): 71–78. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5141.1.6 Reference page.
- Sharma, N. 2013. Two New Species of the Genus Ypthima Hübner (Lepidoptera : Papilionoidea : Satyridae) from India and Myanmar. Records of the Zoological Survey of India 113(3): 1-10. Full article (PDF). Reference page.
- Takahashi, M., 2000: A revision of the Ypthima sakra group (Lepidoptera, Satyridae) in Taiwan, China, with description of a new species. Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan 51(1): 1–18. Abstract and full article.
- Takáhashi, M., 2007: A new species of Ypthima (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) from southern Taiwan. Trans. lepid. Soc. Japan 58(3): 276–280. Abstract and full article.
- Singh, A.P., 2007: A new butterfly species of the genus Ypthima Hübner (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) from Garhwal Himalaya from India. Journal, Bombay Natural History Society 104(2): 191–194. Abstract: (PDF).
- Tennent, W.J. & A. Rawlins, 2007: A new subspecies of Ypthima (Thymipa) sepyra Hewitson, 1864 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) from the island of Morotai, Maluku, Indonesia. Butterflies (Teinopalpus) 47: 4–7.
- Uémura, Y. & K. Koiwaya, 2000: New or little known butterflies of the genus Ypthima Hübner (Lepidoptera : Satyridae) from China, with some synonymic notes. Part I. Futao 34: 2–11.
- Uémura, Y. & K. Koiwaya, 2001: New or little known butterflies of the genus Ypthima Hübner (Lepidoptera : Satyridae) from China, with some synonymic notes. Part II. Futao 36: 2–11.
- Williams, M.C., 2008: Checklist of Afrotropical Papilionoidea and Hesperoidea.
edit- Ypthima – Taxon details on National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).
- Ypthima Hübner 1818 Taxon details on Fauna Europaea
- Entomology Database KONCHU
Vernacular names
edit中文: 矍眼蝶屬