- Para chegar a un administrador inmediatamente, ver Wikispecies:Administrators' Noticeboard

O acceso de administrador é concedido a membros coñecidos e fiables da comunidade que están familiarizados coas políticas de Wikispecies. O acceso de administrador non é para implicar autoridade editorial sobre o proxecto.
Pode solicitar o adminship en Wikispecies se seguir os seguintes criterios:
- Non é completamente novo para proxectos Wikimedia. Vostede foi un editor para polo menos 2 meses e entende e de acordo cos obxectivos do proxecto.
- Ten unha páxina de usuario en Wikispecies e é un contribuínte aquí.
- Acepta seguir as políticas relevantes e respectar o consenso dos usuarios Portal Tibia.
- Hai un consenso entre os usuarios aquí que sería un administrador axeitado.
You can use the Admin Stats logs at XTools (2023, 2024) to see up-to-date statistics of our Administrators' activities. The logs will only show activities that are admin-specific; it will not list more commonplace activities such as editing taxon pages or adding comments to talk pages.
As with the policy for administrator access on Meta, inactive Administrators may have their access removed by a Steward.
Habilidades dos administradores
Administrators have the technical ability to perform the following actions:
- block (and unblock) user accounts and IP addresses from editing
- protect (and unprotect) pages to restrict editing of a particular page
- delete and undelete pages
- delete images and other uploaded files
- edit protected pages and the interface (except pages that are restricted to Interface administrators)
Administrators assume these responsibilities as volunteers who go through a community review process. They are not acting as employees of the Wikimedia Foundation. They are never required to use their tools, and must never use them to gain an advantage in a dispute in which they are involved.
Administrator status can be assigned by any Bureaucrat, and may be removed by a Steward in cases of abuse.
Misuse of administrative tools
O mal uso das ferramentas administrativas é considerado un problema serio. As ferramentas administrativas son proporcionados para usuarios de confianza para mantemento e outras tarefas, e debe ser usado co pensamento. utilización indebida grave pode resultar en sanción ou a súa retirada. Mal uso, e as súas consecuencias, establécense e decididas por consenso da comunidade Wikispecies.
Lista de Administradores
Wikispecies has 23 administrators (including 1 bot). The current list can be found at Special:ListUsers/sysop.
Administrador | Última actividade |
1234qwer1234qwer4 | 2024 (check) |
Andyboorman | 2024 (check) |
Burmeister | 2024 (check) |
Dan Koehl | 2024 (check) |
DannyS712 | 2024 (check) |
EncycloPetey | 2024 (check) |
Faendalimas | 2024 (check) |
Floscuculi | 2023 (check) |
Hector Bottai | 2024 (check) |
Keith Edkins | 2024 (check) |
Koavf | 2024 (check) |
Mariusm | 2024 (check) |
MKOliver | 2024 (check) |
MPF | 2024 (check) |
Neferkheperre | 2024 (check) |
OhanaUnited | 2024 (check) |
PeterR | 2024 (check) |
Pigsonthewing | 2024 (check) |
RLJ | 2024 (check) |
Thiotrix | 2024 (check) |
Tommy Kronkvist | 2024 (check) |
Bots con o flag de admin: | Última actividade |
Abuse filter* | 2013 (check)* |
(* This bot is fully automated and performs actions triggered by the equally fully automated and global MediaWiki AbuseFilter extension. As a side effect, its actions doesn't show up locally in the Wikispecies' public activity logs. Instead, the last activity date shows when the bot was first enabled on Wikispecies.)
IRC para admins
Wikispecies has an IRC-channel as an option for live communication; #wikispecies-admins (IRC channel), which is accessible for invited members.
- Before you can request access, you must register your nickname and log in.
Type "/nick theusernameyouwantgoeshere
" to switch to that username,
register by typing "/msg nickserv register yourpassword youremail
To keep your email address private, type: "/msg nickserv set hidemail on
To keep others from using your name while you're offline, type: "/msg nickserv set enforce on
In the future, you must login by typing "/msg nickserv identify yourpasswordgoeshere
" (some clients can do this automatically when you connect).
Acceder a canle co comando /join #wikispecies-admins
Mailing list
There is a mailing list located at mail:wikispecies-admin. This is a useful tool for coordination off-wiki; it is recommended that admins sign up for the list.
Admin userbox on Wikispecies
This user is an administrator on Wikispecies. (verify) |
Administrators may use the administrator user box on their user page. Copy and paste the following code to your user page:
{{User Admin}}
Userbox on Meta-Wiki
If you have a Meta-Wiki user page, you can put the Wikispecies admin user box for Meta on your Meta-Wiki user page.
Peticións para administrador
Por favor, explique aquí porque precisa acceso de administrador. Tras sete días, se non hai consenso xeral de que ten que ser un administrador, un dos burócratas vai atender á solicitude.
You can use {{subst:RFA|Username|Why you want to be a sysop.}}
when making a request to automatically create the form.
Current requests
- None