EncycloPetey |
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My taxonomic interests are varied, but my knowledge is greatest when dealing with the Anthocerotophyta (hornworts), Marchantiophyta (liverworts), Pteridophyta (ferns), and with fossil plants. See the pretty image at right that I made? I have uploaded a number of liverwort images to Commons and Wikipedia. I would upload many more images except that I don't have access to a slide scanner at present. I also wrote most of the Wikipedia pages on the Anthocerotophyta, Marchantiophyta, and Phaeophyceae, and I did major revisions and expansions of the pages on the Marsileaceae and Metzgeriales that were featured on the Main Page under "Did you know...". I've been an admin here since May 2010. However, most of the time I'm working on the English Wikisource, so if you need to reach me quickly, leave a message on my Wikisource user page. |
- Anthocerotophyta (Jan 2011) all pages down to genus created and referenced; type species of genera added
- Bryophyta (Feb 2011) updated all familial and suprafamilial pages (except in Hypnales)
- Marchantiophyta (Dec 2019) updated and expanded all familial and suprafamilial pages
- Phaeophyceae (2010) all orders created and referenced; families and genera started
- Pages to synonymize
- Coscinodontella - Coscinodon - Trigonodictyon - Calymperopsis - Felipponea - Haplodontium - Inouethuidium - Jaegerinopsis - Papillaria - Plagiobryum - Pseudobarbella - Porothamnium - Thamnium
- former Dicranaceae: Cecalyphum - Kingiobryum - Microdus
- former Brachytheciaceae: Brachytheciella - Camptothecium - Cratoneurella - Scleropodiopsis - Steerecleus - Trachybryum
- former Hypnaceae: Bryosedgwickia - Dimorphella - Dolichotheca - Glossadelphus - Microthamnium - Pylaisiella
- former Sematophyllaceae: Acanthocladium - Meiotheciopsis - Pterogoniella - Rhaphidorrhynchium - Rhaphidostegium
- sample disambiguation : Lunularia
- Pages to rename
- Bryologist authors
- L.E.Anderson : Lewis Edward Anderson
- Barthol.-Began : Sharon Elaine Bartholomew-Began
- Bischl. : Hélène Bischler
- Brassard : Guy Raymond Brassard
- E.O.Campb. : Ella Orr Campbell
- Cargill : Dale Christine Cargill
- Cavers : Francis Cavers
- Chalaud : Germain Chalaud
- Crand.-Stotl. : Barbara J. Crandall-Stotler
- Crosby : Marshall Robert Crosby
- H.A.Crum : Howard Alvin Crum
- Dedecek : Josef Dědeček
- Doweld : Alexander Borissovitch Doweld
- Dumort. : Barthélemy Charles Joseph Dumortier
- Engl. : Adolf Engler
- J.-P.Frahm : Jan-Peter Frahm
- W.Frey : Wolfgang Frey
- Fulford : Margaret Hannah Fulford
- Furuki : Tatsuwo Furuki
- Gradst. : Stephan Robbert Gradstein
- Grolle : Riclef Grolle
- Hamlin : Bruce Gordon Hamlin
- J.Haseg. : Jiro Hasegawa
- Hässel : Gabriela Gustava Hässel de Menéndez
- S.Hatt. : Sinske Hattori
- Hedd. : Terry Albert John Hedderson
- Hedw. : Johann Hedwig
- E.A.Hodgs. : Eliza Amy Hodgson
- He-Nygrén : Xiaolan He-Nygrén
- M.Howe : Marshall Avery Howe
- Hyvönen : Jaakko Hyvönen
- Ignatov : Mikhail Stanislavovich Ignatov
- Inoue : Hiroshi Inoue (bryo.)
- Z.Iwats. : Zennosuke Iwatsuki
- Jovet-Ast : Suzanne Jovet-Ast
- Kashyap : Shiv Ram Kashyap
- T.Katag. : Tomoyuki Katagiri
- Kindb. : Nils Conrad Kindberg
- H.Klinggr. : Hugo Erich Meyer von Klinggräff
- Kuntze : Carl Ernst Otto Kuntze
- Lesq. : Charles Léo Lesquereux
- Limpr. : Karl Gustav Limpricht
- Lindb. : Sextus Otto Lindberg
- D.G.Long : David Geoffrey Long
- T.T.McIntosh : Terry T. McIntosh
- Müll.Frib. : Karl Müller
- Nakai : Takenoshin Nakai
- D.H.Norris : Daniel Howard Norris
- Ochyra : Ryszard Ochyra
- Piippo : Sinikka Piippo
- Prosk. : Johannes Max Proskauer
- Rushing : Ann Elizabeth Rushing
- Schljakov : Roman Nicolaevich Schljakov
- W.B.Schofield : Wilfred Borden Schofield
- R.M.Schust. : Rudolf Mathias Schuster
- L.Söderstr. : Lars Söderström
- M.Stech : Michael Stech
- Steere : William Campbell Steere
- Steph. : Franz Stephani
- Stotler : Raymond Eugene Stotler
- Váňa : Jiří Váňa
- Vanden Berghen : Constant Vanden Berghen
- J.C.Villarreal : Juan Carlos Villarreal Aguilar
- R.H.Zander : Richard Henry Zander