
editSuperregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Diaphoretickes
Cladus: Tsar
Cladus: Sar
Infraregnum: Heterokonta
Phylum: Ochrophyta
Subphylum: Phaeista
Infraphylum: Limnista
Superclassis: Fucistia
Classis: Phaeophyceae
Dictyotophycidae –
Discosporangiophycidae –
Fucophycidae –
Ascoseirales –
Asterocladales –
Desmarestiales –
Dictyotales –
Discosporangiales –
Ectocarpales –
Fucales –
Ishigeales –
Laminariales –
Nemodermatales –
Onslowiales –
Phaeosiphoniellales –
Ralfsiales –
Scytothamnales –
Sphacelariales –
Sporochnales –
Stschapoviales –
Syringodermatales –
Genus (incertae sedis): †Hungerfordia
Names in synonymy:
Chordariales –
Choristocarpales –
Cutleriales –
Dictyosiphonales –
Durvillaeales –
Notheiales –
editPhaeophyceae de Bary, 1881; Hauck, 1885; Hansgirg, 1886; Eichler, 1883; Kjellman, 1891; Pfitzer, 1894
edit- Fucophyceae Warming, 1884
- Melanophyceae Rabenhorst, 1863
- Phaeophyta Wettstein, 1901
- Fucophyceae Christensen, 1978
editPrimary references
edit- Kjellman, F.R. 1891–1893. Phaeophyceae (Fucoideae). p. 176–290. Dictyotales. p. 291–297 In:Engler, A. & Prantl, K. (eds.), Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, Teil 1, Abteilung 2. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann: BHL Reference page. : 176
Additional references
edit- Kawai, H. & Henry, E.C. 2016. Phaeophyta. In: Archibald, J.M., Simpson, A.G.B., Slamovits, C. (Eds.). Handbook of the Protists. Springer, pp. 1–38. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-32669-6_31-1 Reference page.
- Reviers, B. de, Rousseau, F. & Draisma, S.G.A. 2007. Classification of the Phaeophyceae from past to present and current challenges. In: Brodie, J. & Lewis, J., eds. Unravelling the algae, the past, present, and future of algal systematics. The Systematics Association Special Volume Series 75. CRC Press. New York. pp. 267–284. Online. Reference page.
- Silberfeld, T., Rousseau, F. & Reviers, B. de 2014. An updated classification of brown algae (Ochrophyta, Phaeophyceae). Cryptogamie, Algologie 35(2): 117–156. DOI: 10.7872/crya.v35.iss2.2014.117 Reference page.
- Wynne, M.J. 1981. Phaeophyta: Morphology and Classification. In: Lobban, C.S. & Wynne, M.J. 1981. The Biology of seaweeds. Botanical Monographs 17. University of California Press. p. 52–85. Google Books. Reference page.
edit- Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2017. Phaeophyceae AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. Accessed 21 April 2017.
- Phaeophyceae in the World Register of Marine Species
Vernacular names
editбългарски: кафяви водорасли
català: algues brunes
čeština: chaluhy; hnědé řasy
dansk: brunalger
Deutsch: Braunalgen
English: brown algae; phaeophytes
Esperanto: brunalgoj
español: algas pardas; feofitos
eesti: pruunvetikad
suomi: ruskolevät
français: algues brunes, Phéophycées
galego: algas pardas; feófitos
עברית: חומיות
hrvatski: smeđe alge
magyar: barnamoszatok
Bahasa Indonesia: ganggang coklat
italiano: alghe brune
lietuvių: rudadumbliai
latviešu: brūnaļģes
македонски: кафеави алги
Nederlands: bruinwieren
norsk nynorsk: brunalgar
norsk: brunalger
polski: brunatnice
português: algas castanhas; algas pardas
Runa Simi: paqu laqukuna
русский: бурые водоросли
slovenčina: hnedé riasy
slovenščina: rjave alge
српски / srpski: mrke alge
svenska: brunalger
Türkçe: kahverengi algler
українська: бурі водорості
Alternative classifications
editKjellman (1891–1893)
edit- Kjellman, F.R. 1891–1893. Phaeophyceae (Fucoideae). p. 176–290. Dictyotales. p. 291–297 In:Engler, A. & Prantl, K. (eds.), Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, Teil 1, Abteilung 2. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann: BHL Reference page.
- Pflanzen
- Abteilung Euthallophyta
- Unterabteilung Euphyceae (Algae)
- Klasse Phaeophyceae (Fucoideae)
- Klasse Dictyotales
- [other classes omitted]
- Unterabteilung Euphyceae (Algae)
- Abteilung Euthallophyta
Kylin (1933)
editKylin, H. 1933. Über die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Phaeophyceen. Lunds Universitets Arsskrift, Ny Fólid, Andra Afdelningen 2, Band 29 (Nr. 7), 1–102, pls. 1-2. [Also issued as Kungliga Fysiografiska Sällskapets Handlingar, Ny Följd 44(7), 1–102, pls. 1–2.]
Chadefaud (1960)
editChadefaud, M. (1960). Les végétaux non vasculaires (Cryptogamie). In: Traité de Botanique Systématique, eds. M. Chadefaud & L. Emberger. Tome I, Masson et Cie: Paris, [1].
Monde vivant
- Eucaryotes
- Algues Eucaryotes (= Phycophytes)
- Chromophycophytes (= Chromophycées, ou Algues brunes et leurs alliées)
- Phéophycées
- Phéophycinées (algues brunes stricto sensu)
- Phéosporées
- Cyclosporées (= Fucoïdées)
- Phéophycinées (algues brunes stricto sensu)
- Phéophycées
- Chromophycophytes (= Chromophycées, ou Algues brunes et leurs alliées)
- Algues Eucaryotes (= Phycophytes)
Scagel (1966)
editScagel, R.F. (1966). The Phaeophyceae in perspective. Oceanography and Marine Biology, Annual Review 4: 123–194.
Class Phaeophyceae
- Subclass Phaeophycidae
- Subclass Cyclosporidae
Nakamura (1972)
editNakamura, Y. (1972). A proposal on the classification of the Phaeophyta. In: Contributions to the Systematics of Benthic Marine Algae of the North Pacific, ed. I. A. Abbott & M. Kurogi, pp. 147–56.
- Class Phaeosporeae
- Class Cyclosporeae
Perestenko (1972)
editPerestenko L. P. (1972). Ontogenesis of Phaeophyta and ontogenetic principle of constructing phylogenetic systems. Botan. Zhurnal, 57: 750–764.
- Class Phaeosporophycidae
- Class Cyclosporophycidae
Wynne & Loiseaux (1976)
editWynne, M.J. & Loiseaux, S. (1976). Recent advances in life history studies of the Phaeophyta. Phycologia 15: 435–452.
Class Phaeophyceae
- Subclass Phaeophycidae
- Subclass Cyclosporidae
Clayton in Margulis et al. (1990)
editClayton, M.N., 1990. 35. Phylum Phaeophyta. In: Margulis, L., J.O. Corliss, M. Melkonian, D.J. Chapman (ed.). Handbook of Protoctista. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston, p. 698–714. See Brands, S.J. (1989–2015), [2].
Kingdom Protoctista
- Section IV: Phyla with flagellated stages and complex sexual cycles
- Phylum 35. Phaeophyta
- Class Phaeophyceae
- Phylum 35. Phaeophyta
van den Hoek et al. (1995)
editFrom Hoek, C. van den, Mann, D.G. and Jahns, H.M. (1995). Algae An Introduction to Phycology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- Division Heterokontophyta
- Class Phaeophyceae
- Order Ectocarpales (e.g., Phaeostroma, Spongonema, Ectocarpus)
- Order Sphacelariales (e.g., Sphacelaria)
- Order Syringodermatales
- Order Dictyotales (e.g., Dictyota)
- Order Scytosiphonales (e.g., Scytosiphon)
- Order Cutleriales (e.g., Cutleria)
- Order Dictyosiphonales (e.g., Dictyosiphon)
- Order Chordariales (e.g., Sphaerotrichia, Liebmania, Elachista)
- Order Sporochnales
- Order Desmarestiales (e.g., Desmarestia)
- Order Laminariales (e.g., Laminaria, Chorda)
- Order Fucales (e.g., Fucus, Hormosira)
- Order Durvillaeales (e.g., Durvillaea)
- Order Ascoseirales
- Class Phaeophyceae
Ruggiero et al. (2015)
editRuggiero, M.A., Gordon, D.P., Orrell, T.M., Bailly, N., Bourgoin, T., Brusca, R.C., Cavalier-Smith, T., Guiry, M. D. & Kirk, P. M. (2015). A Higher Level Classification of All Living Organisms. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0119248, [3].
- Superkingdom Eukaryota
- Kingdom Chromista
- Subkingdom Harosa [= "Supergroup SAR"]
- Infrakingdom Halvaria
- Superphylum Heterokonta [= "Supergroup Stramenopiles"]
- Phylum Ochrophyta [= Heterokontophyta p.p.]
- Class Phaeophyceae
- Subclass Dictyotophycidae
- Order Dictyotales
- Order Onslowiales
- Order Sphacelariales
- Order Syringodermatales
- Subclass Discosporangiophycidae
- Order Discosporangiales
- Subclass Fucophycidae
- Order Ascoseirales
- Order Asterocladales
- Order Desmarestiales
- Order Ectocarpales
- Order Fucales
- Order Laminariales
- Order Nemodermatales
- Order Phaeosiphoniellales
- Order Ralfsiales
- Order Scytothamnales
- Order Sporochnales
- Order Tilopteridales [= Cutleriales]
- Subclass Ishigeophycidae
- Order Ishigeales
- Subclass Dictyotophycidae
- Class Phaeophyceae
- Phylum Ochrophyta [= Heterokontophyta p.p.]
- Superphylum Heterokonta [= "Supergroup Stramenopiles"]
- Infrakingdom Halvaria
- Subkingdom Harosa [= "Supergroup SAR"]
- Kingdom Chromista