Testacella maugei

(Redirected from Testacella haliotoides)
Testacella maugei


Taxonavigation: Testacelloidea 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Cladus: Protostomia
Cladus: Spiralia
Cladus: Lophotrochozoa
Phylum: Mollusca
Classis: Gastropoda
Subclassis: Heterobranchia
Infraclassis: Euthyneura
Cohors: Tectipleura
Subcohors: Panpulmonata
Superordo: Eupulmonata
Ordo: Stylommatophora
Subordo: Helicina
Superfamilia Incertae sedis: Testacelloidea

Familia: Testacellidae
Genus: Testacella
Species: Testacella maugei


  • Testacella maugei Férussac, 1819


  • ?Testacella haliotoides Lamarck, 1801: 96 [priority name if interpreted as available by combined genus/species description]
    • Authority for current placement: Kennard & Woodward, 1920: 80 (as valid name)
    • Type locality: Tenerife
  • ?Testacella vagans Hutton, 1882
    • Authority for current placement: Barker, 1999: 99 ('the form of the lectotype ... of T. vagans indicates that this taxon is conspecific with T. maugei')
    • Primary type: lectotype
      • Fixation: designated by Barker (1999: 98)
      • Description: shell only
      • Repository: CMNZ M352
    • Type locality: 'Auckland'


  • Barker, G.M. 1979: The introduced slugs of New Zealand (Gastropoda: Pulmonata). New Zealand journal of zoology, 6(3): 411–437. DOI: 10.1080/03014223.1979.10428382  . Reference page
  • Barker, G.M. 1999: Naturalised terrestrial Stylommatophora (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Fauna of New Zealand (38) Extract and PDF Reference page
  • Gargominy, O.; Prie, V.; Bichain, J.-M.; Cucherat, X.; Fontaine, B. 2011: Liste de référence annotée des mollusques continentaux de France. MalaCo, 7: 307–382. PDF
  • Hutton, F.W. 1882: Descriptions of new land shells. New Zealand journal of science (Dunedin), 1: 281–282. [not seen]
  • Hutton, F.W. 1882b: Descriptions of new land shells. Transactions and proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 15: 134–141. BUGZ
  • Kennard, A.S.; Woodward, B.B. 1920: Nomenclatorial notes relating to British non-marine Mollusca. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, 14: 77–90. BHL
  • Lamarck, J.B. 1801: Systême des animaux sans vertèbres; ou, Tableau génral des classes, des classes, des orres et des genres de ces animaux. Paris, L'Auteur. BHL