Sphodrosomus griseolum
editTaxonavigation: Adephaga |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Carabidae
Subfamilia: Harpalinae
Supertribus: Pterostichitae
Tribus: Pterostichini
Genus: Sphodrosomus
Species: Sphodrosomus griseolum
edit- Sphodrosomus griseolum (Fauvel, 1882)
- Authority for current placement: Will, 2011: 385 ('new combination')
- undisputed by all subsequent authorities
- Original combination: Homalosoma griseolum
- Primary type: holotype
- Fixation: 'unique'
- Description: [adult]
- Repository: ?
- Type locality: 'Ile des Pins'
- NOTE: The specific epithet was originally spelled griseolum to match the neuter gender of the genus name Homalosoma, and may now need to be changed to griseolus to match the masculine gender of the genus name Sphodrosomus
- Authority for current placement: Will, 2011: 385 ('new combination')
editPrimary references
edit- Fauvel, A. 1882: Les Coléoptères de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et dépendances avec descriptions, notes et synonymies nouvelles. Revue d’entomologie, 1: 241–261. BHL [243, original description]
Additional references
edit- Will, K.W. 2011. Taxonomic review of the Pterostichini and Loxandrini fauna of New Caledonia (Coleoptera, Carabidae). In: Erwin, T. (ed.) Proceedings of a symposium honoring the careers of Ross and Joyce Bell and their contributions to scientific work. Burlington, Vermont, 12–15 June 2010. ZooKeys 147: 337–397. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.147.1943 . Reference page. [383]