
editTaxonavigation: Salamandroidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Salamandridae
Subfamiliae: Pleurodelinae - Salamandrinae - Salamandrininae
editSalamandridae Goldfuss, 1820
Type genus: Salamandra Laurenti, 1768
edit- Salamandrae Goldfuss, 1820
- Salamandridae — Gray, 1825
- Salamandroidea — Fitzinger, 1826
- Tritonidae Boie, 1828
- Cercopi Wagler, 1828
- Salamandrina — Hemprich, 1829
- Salamandroidea — Schinz, 1833
- Tritones Tschudi, 1838
- Tritonides Tschudi, 1838
- Pleurodeles Tschudi, 1838
- Tritonides Tschudi, 1838
- Pleurodelina Bonaparte, 1839
- Salamandrina — Bonaparte, 1839
- Pleurodelae — Fitzinger, 1843
- Salamandrinae Fitzinger, 1843
- Tritonines — Bronn, 1849
- Salamandridae — Bronn, 1849
- Seiranotina Gray, 1850
- Pleurodelidae — Bonaparte, 1850
- Pleurodelina — Bonaparte, 1850
- Bradybatina Bonaparte, 1850
- Tritonina Bonaparte, 1850
- Geotritonidae Bonaparte, 1850
- Geotritonina — Bonaparte, 1850
- Pleurodelini — Massalongo, 1853
- Salamandrini — Massalongo, 1853
- Pleurodelidae — Hallowell, 1856
- Seiranotidae — Hallowell, 1856
- Salamandroidea — Wied-Neuwied, 1865
- Salamandrida — Strauch, 1870
- Salamandroideae — Garman, 1884
- Salamandridi — Acloque, 1900
- Tritonidi — Acloque, 1900
- Salamandroideae — Stejneger, 1907
- Salamandroidea — Dunn, 1922
- Triturinae Brame, 1957
- Voigtiellinae Brame, 1958
- Triturinae Kuhn, 1965
- Salamandroidia — Dubois, 2005
edit- Goldfuss, G.A. 1820: Handbuch der Zoologie. Zweite Abtheilung. Nürnburg: Johann Leonhard Schrag.
- Dubois, A. 2005: Amphibia Mundi. 1.1. An ergotaxonomy of Recent amphibians. Alytes. Paris, 23: 1–24.
- Dubois, A. & J. Raffaëlli. 2009: A new ergotaxonomy of the family Salamandridae Goldfuss, 1820 (Amphibia, Urodela). Alytes. Paris, 26: 1–85. Full Article
- Amphibian Species of the World 5.2 Salamandridae access date 7 August 2008
Vernacular names
editбеларуская: Саламандравыя
български: Саламандрови
English: Newts and true salamanders
magyar: Szalamandrafélék
日本語: イモリ科
Nederlands: Echte salamanders
ไทย: นิวต์, ซาลาแมนเดอร์แท้
Türkçe: Semendergiller
中文: 蝾螈科
български: Саламандрови
English: Newts and true salamanders
magyar: Szalamandrafélék
日本語: イモリ科
Nederlands: Echte salamanders
ไทย: นิวต์, ซาลาแมนเดอร์แท้
Türkçe: Semendergiller
中文: 蝾螈科