Pristimantis gloria
editTaxonavigation: Brachycephaloidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Strabomantidae
Subfamilia: Pristimantinae
Genus: Pristimantis
Subgenus: Pristimantis (Huicundomantis)
Species: Pristimantis gloria
editPristimantis gloria Páez & Ron, 2019: 30
Type locality: Cochapata, Azuay Province, Ecuador (3.4284S, 79.0699W, 3100 m).
Holotype: QCAZ. female ♀. 01.V.2014. legit Edwin Carrillo. QCAZ 57201.
editPrimary references
edit- Paez, N. & Ron, S.R. 2019. Systematics of Huicundomantis, a new subgenus of Pristimantis (Anura, Strabomantidae) with extraordinary cryptic diversity and eleven new species. ZooKeys 868: 001–112. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.868.26766. Reference page.
Vernacular names
editespañol: Cutín de Gloria