Pilodeudorix mera

editTaxonavigation: Papilionoidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Lycaenidae
Subfamilia: Theclinae
Tribe: Deudorigini
Genus: Pilodeudorix
Species: Pilodeudorix mera
Subspecies: (2) per Williams, 2007.
P. m. kinumbensis –
P. m. mera
editPilodeudorix mera Hewitson, 1873.
Type locality: Angola: “West Africa (Angola)”.
Holotype: ♂ BMNH, (Rogers).
edit- Druce, H.H. 1891. Descriptions of some new genera and species of West-African Lycaenidae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6) 7: 364–367. BHL. Reference page.
- Hewitson, W. C., 1873. Descriptions of nine new Lycaenidae from the west coast of Africa. Entomologist's monthly Magazine 10: 122–125. BHL. Reference page.
- Hewitson, W.C. 1863–1878. Illustrations of diurnal Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae. London, van Vorst, x + 229 pp, 107 pls. Text, plates. Reference page.
- Karsch, F. 1895. Aethiopische Rhopaloceren II. Entomologische Nachrichten 21: 289–322. Reference page.
- Libert, M., 2004. Révision des Deudorix africains (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Lambillionea: 1–200. Reference page.
- Stempffer, H. 1967. The genera of the African Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology. Supplement 10: 322pp, Figs. 229-348. Reference page.
- Williams, M.C. 2007. Checklist of Afrotropical Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea. 7th Edn. (April 2007). Downloaded from Afrotropical Butterflies. Reference page.