Ourapteryx flavovirens

editTaxonavigation: Geometroidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Geometridae
Subfamilia: Ennominae
Tribus: Ourapterygini
Genus: Ourapteryx
Species: Ourapteryx flavovirens
editOurapteryx flavovirens Inoue, 1985: 77 (key), 96, fig. 35–37.
Holotype: BMNH(E) 1008718 = NHMUK 15105985. Taiwan: Hualien County, Hohuanshan [= Hehuan Shan], 3100 m. ♂. 30 VII 1983. leg. A. Kawabe.
- Hualien County, Hohuanshan. 3♂. 30 VII 1983. leg. A. Kawabe.
- Hualien County, Tayuling [= Dayuling], 2600 m. 1 ♀. 1–3 VII 1973. leg. M. Owada.
- ditto. 1♂. 28–29 VIII 1983. H. Yoshimoto, ex coll. K. Yazaki.
- ditto. 2♀. 10–11 XI 1983. leg. K. Yazaki.
- Nantou County, Nengkaoshan [= Nenggao Shan], ca. 2800 m. 2♂. 20 V–2 VI 1966. leg. Chang-Shong Yu [might be misspelled from Ching-Kin Yu (余清金)].
- Nantou County, "probably at high altitude". 1♂. 1968. Native collector, ex coll. H. Kezuka.
editPrimary references
edit- Inoue, H. 1985. The genera Ourapteryx and Tristrophis of Taiwan (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). Bulletin of Faculty of Domestic Sciences, Otsuma Woman’s University 21: 75–124. Reference page.
Additional references
edit- Fu, C.-M., Shih, L.-C. & Wu, S. 2013. Geometridae: Ennominae. pp. 146–217. In: Fu, C.-M., Ronkay, L. & Lin, H.-H. (Eds.) Moths of Hehuanshan [合歡山的蛾]. Nantou: Endemic Species Research Institute. ISBN 978-986-03-9880-9. Reference page.