
editTaxonavigation: Papilionoidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Papilionidae
Subfamilia: Papilioninae
Tribus: Troidini
Subtribus: Troidina
Genus: Ornithoptera
Subgenera: O. (Aetheoptera) – O. (Ornithoptera) – O. (Schoenbergia) – O. (Straatmana)
The Ornithoptera pages are under construction after:
- Deslisle, G. & Sclavo, J.P. 2015. Outstanding Birdwing Butterflies. Volume 1: 1–813. Reference page. en
- Deslisle, G. & Sclavo, J.P. 2015. Outstanding Birdwing Butterflies. Volume 2: 814–1642. Reference page.
Overview of species
editO. aesacus –
O. alexandrae –
O. chimaera –
O. croesus –
O. goliath –
O. meridionalis –
O. paradisea –
O. priamus –
O. rothschildi –
O. tithonus –
O. victoriae
editOrnithoptera Boisduval, 1832
Type species: Papilio priamus Linnaeus, 1958.
edit- Boisduval 1832. In: M. J. Dumont d'Urville, Voy. Astrolabe (Faune ent. Pacif.), 1: 33.
- Deslisle, G. 2007. Straatmania: A replacement name for the subgenus Zeunera Deslisle 2001 (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Lambillionea (n.s.) 107(1): 238. Reference page.
- Deslisle, G. 2007. A new local form of Ornithoptera (Schoenbergia) ssp. t. tithonus de Haan, 1840, from Wasior Dist., Wondiboi Mts, Irian Jaya, Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Lambillionea (n.s.) 107(2): 271–275. Reference page.
- Deslisle, G. & Sclavo, J.P. 2008. New individual forms of the genus Ornithoptera Boisduval, 1832 (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Lambillionea (n.s.) 108(2 suppl. III): 3–21. Reference page.
- Deslisle, G. & Sclavo, J.P. 2015. Outstanding Birdwing Butterflies. Volume 1: 1–813. Reference page.
- Deslisle, G. & Sclavo, J.P. 2015. Outstanding Birdwing Butterflies. Volume 2: 814–1642. Reference page.
- Hanafusa, H. 1994. On a new subspecies of Ornithoptera goliath Oberthür from Yapen Island, Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Futao 15: 1–4.
- Haugum, J. & Low, A.M. 1978. A monograph of the birdwing butterflies. Vol. 1, part 1. Introduction, Ornithoptera (Aetheoptera). Scandinavian Science Press Ltd., Denmark. ISBN 87-87491-18-4 (part 1–3, paper-back) ISBN 87-87491-20-6 (parts 1-6, paper-back) ISBN 87-87491-22-2 (vols. 1 & 2, bound)
- Haugum, J. & Low, A.M. 1979. A monograph of the birdwing butterflies. Vol. 1, part 2. Introduction, Ornithoptera (Ornithoptera). Scandinavian Science Press Ltd., Denmark. ISBN 87-87491-18-4 (part 1–3, paper-back) ISBN 87-87491-20-6 (parts 1-6, paper-back) ISBN 87-87491-22-2 (vols. 1 & 2, bound)
- Haugum, J. & Low, A.M. 1979. A monograph of the birdwing butterflies. Vol. 1, part 3. Introduction, Ornithoptera (Schoenbergia). Scandinavian Science Press Ltd., Denmark. ISBN 87-87491-18-4 (part 1–3, paper-back) ISBN 87-87491-20-6 (parts 1-6, paper-back) ISBN 87-87491-22-2 (vols. 1 & 2, bound)
- von Knötgen, B. 1986. Eine extreme Variante des Vogelflüglers Ornithoptera (Ornithoptera) priamus urvillianus Guerin Meneville 1838. Galathea 2: 20–24. PDF. Reference page.
- von Knötgen, B. 1987. Eine auffallende Neu-Form bei den Vogelflüglern. Galathea 3: 5–9. PDF. Reference page.
- von Knötgen, B. 1987. Übergangsformen von Ornithoptera croesus croesus Wallace 1859 und O. croesus lydius Felder 1865 (Ornithoptera, Lep.). Galathea 3: 123–127. PDF. Reference page.
- von Knötgen, B. 1988. Bilddarstellung eines natürlichen Hybriden aus der Großfamilie der "Vogelflügler". Galathea 4: 61–63. PDF. Reference page.
- von Knötgen, B. 1988. Bilddarstellung eines "Roten Männchens" von Ornithoptera Aetheoptera victoriae ssp. epiphanes. Galathea 4: 87–90. PDF. Reference page.
- von Knötgen, B. 1988. Allopatrie und Sympatrie Gedanken und Betrachtungen in Verbindung mit Schmetterlingen der Australischen Region. Galathea 4: 132–136. PDF. Reference page.
- von Knötgen, B. 1989. Bilddarstellung einer "Braunen Variante" von Ornithoptera Aetheoptera victoriae reginae. Galathea 5: 31–34. PDF. Reference page.
- Morita, S. 2000. A new subspecies of Ornithoptera victoriae (Gray, 1856) from Mara Masike Is. (Small Malaita Is.), Solomon Islands (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Futao 33: 18–19.
- Morita, S. & Sugiyama, T. 1998. A new subspecies of Ornithoptera goliath (Oberthür, 1888) from Sorong, Irian Jaya, Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Futao 30: 2–4.
- Morita, S. & Takenaka, A. 1998. A new subspecies of Ornithoptera paradisea (Staudinger, 1893) from Sorong, Irian Jaya, Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Futao 29: 14–15.
- Schäffler, O. 2001. Papilionidae VI, Ornithopthera in Bauer & Frankenbach, Butterflies of the World. part 12.
- So, H. & Sato, S. 1998. A new subspecies of Ornithoptera paradisea Staudinger, 1893 (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae). Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan 49(2): 135–146. Online.
- Sugiyama, T. 2000. A new subspecies of Ornithoptera paradisea (Staudinger, 1893) from Salawati Island, Indonesia (Lepidoptera : Papilionidae). Futao 35: 11–13.
Vernacular names
edit中文: 鳥翼鳳蝶屬