Ophiothela mirabilis
(Redirected from Ophiothela verrilli)

editTaxonavigation: Gnathophiurina |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Ophiothricidae
Genus: Ophiothela
Species: Ophiothela mirabilis
edit- Ophiothela mirabilis (Verrill, 1867)
- Original combination: Ophiothrix (Ophiothela) mirabilis Verrill, 1867
edit- Ophiothela caerulea H.L. Clark, 1915
- Ophiothela coerulea H.L. Clark, 1915
- Ophiothela danae Verrill, 1869
- Ophiothela danae involuta Koehler, 1898
- Ophiothela dividua von Martens, 1879
- Ophiothela hadra H.L. Clark, 1915
- Ophiothela involuta Koehler, 1898
- Ophiothela isidicola Lütken, 1872
- Ophiothela verrilli Duncan, 1879
- Ophiothrix (Ophiothela) mirabilis Verrill, 1867
- Ophiothrix danae ((Koehler, 1898)
edit- Clark, H.L. 1921. The echinoderm fauna of Torres Strait: its composition and its origin. Department of Marine Biology of the Carnegie Institute. 10: 1–223. BHL Reference page. [as Ophiothela danae p. 117] [as Ophiothela hadra p. 117]
- Clark, H.L. 1938. Echinoderms from Australia, an account of collections made in 1929 and 1932. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. 55: 1–597, 28 pls. BHL Reference page. [as Ophiothela danae p. 117] [as Ophiothela hadra p. 319]
- Duncan P.M. 1879. On some Ophiuroidea from the Korean Seas. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology. 14(77): 445–482. BHL Reference page. [original description of Ophiothela verrilli p. 477–479]
- Vanegas-González, M.J. & Borrero-Pérez, G.H. 2020. First records and new information on the associations of echinoderms with other phyla in the rocky reefs of northern Chocó, Colombian Pacific. ZooKeys, 921: 1–22. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.921.32802 Reference page. [as Ophiothela mirabilis p. 8–10]
- Granja–Fernández, R., Herrero-Pérezrul, M.D., López-Pérez, R.A., Hernández, L., Rodríguez-Zaragoza, F.A., Jones, R.W., Pineda-López, R. 2014. Ophiuroidea (Echinodermata) from coral reefs in the Mexican Pacific. ZooKeys, 406: 101-145. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.406.6306 Reference page. [as Ophiothela mirabilis p. 116–118]
- Irimura, S. 1981. Ophiurans from Tanabe Bay and its vicinity, with the description of a new species of Ophiocentrus. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory. 26(1–3): 15–49. DOI: 10.5134/176023 Reference page. [as Ophiothela danae p. 33]
- Mortensen, O.T.J. 1933. Echinoderms of South Africa (Asteroidea and Ophiuroidea). Papers from Dr. Th. Mortensen's Pacific Expedition 1914—16. LXV. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske Forening i Kjøbenhavn. 93: 215–400; pl. VIII–XIX. PDF. Reference page. [as Ophiothela danae p. 342]
- Murakami, S. 1942. Ophiurans of Izu, Japan. Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Kyûshû Imperial University 7(1): 1-36, 12 figs. hdl: 2324/22594 PDF Reference page. [as Ophiothela danae p. 20]
- Verrill, A.E. 1867. Notes on Radiata in the Museum of Yale College, with descriptions of new genera and species. No. 2. Notes on the echinoderms of Panama and the west coast of America, with descriptions of new genera and species. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. 1(2): 251–322. BHL Reference page. [original description of Ophiothrix (Ophiothela) mirabilis p. 268–269]