
Taxonavigation: Cicadoidea 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Cladus: Protostomia
Cladus: Ecdysozoa
Cladus: Panarthropoda
Phylum: Arthropoda
Cladus: Pancrustacea
Cladus: Allotriocarida
Subphylum: Hexapoda
Classis: Insecta
Cladus: Dicondylia
Subclassis: Pterygota
Infraclassis: Neoptera
Cladus: Eumetabola
Cladus: Paraneoptera
Superordo: Condylognatha
Ordo: Hemiptera
Subordo: Auchenorrhyncha
Infraordo: Cicadomorpha
Superfamilia: Cicadoidea

Familia: Cicadidae
Subfamilia: Cicadettinae
Tribus: Cicadettini
Genus: Melampsalta
Species (16): M. albeola – M. artensis – M. caspica – M. expansa – M. kewelensis – M. literata – M. lobulata – M. musiva – M. neocruentata – M. occidentalis – M. sinuatipennis – M. soulii – M. telxiope – M. uchiyamae – M. yapensis – M. yasumatsui



Melampsalta Kolenati, 1857

  • Type species: Cicada caspica Kolenati, 1857


  • Melampsalta (Melampsalta) Kolenati, 1857
  • Cicada (Melampsalta) Kolenati, 1857
  • Cicadetta (Melampsalta) Kolenati, 1857
  • Melampsaltria Kolenati, 1857
  • Melampalta Kolenati, 1857
  • Melampsalla Kolenati, 1857
  • Melapsalta Kolenati, 1857
  • Melampsaltera Kolenati, 1857
  • Melamthalta Kolenati, 1857
  • Parasemia Matsumura, 1927
  • Parasemoides Strand, 1928
  • Parasemiodes Strand, 1928



Primary references

  • Kolenati, F.A. (1857a) ""Homoptera Latreille. Leach. Gulaerostria Zetterstedt."" in Meletemata Entomologica. Mémoires de la Société Impériale des amis des sciences naturelles. Moscou., 30, 399–429.

Additional references

  • Matsumura, S. (1898a) A summary of Japanese Cicadidae with description of a new species. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses, 2, 1–20.
  • Oshanin, V.T. (1912a) Katalog der paläarktischen Hemipteren (Heteroptera, Homoptera - Auchenorhyncha und Psylloideae). P. I-XVI, 1-187.
  • Schumacher, F. (1923b) Hemiptera-Homoptera der 2. Botan. Forschungsreise von A. Kneucker auf der Sinai-Halbinsel. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1923, 236–238.
  • Matsumura, S. (1927a) New species of Cicadidae from the Japanese Empire. Insecta Matsumurana., 2, 46–58.
  • Strand, E. (1928a) Miscellanea nomenclatorica zoologica et palaeontologica. I-II. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, 92, 30–75.
  • Myers, J.G. (1929b) Insect singers; a natural history of the cicadas. G. Routledge and Sons. London. i-xix, 1-304. Fig. 1-116.
  • Kato, M. (1931a) Notes on the distribution of Cicadidae in Japanese Empire. Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan, 2, 36–76.
  • Schremmer, F. (1957a) Singzikaden. Neue Brehmbücherei., 193, 1–47.
  • Wodzicki, K. & Robertson, F.H. (1959a) Birds, with a note on the mammal Rattus exulans (Peale). Appendix, list of invertebrates. White Island (eds. W.M. Hamilton & I.L. Baumgart). Bull. N.Z. Dep. Sci. ind. Res., 127, 82.
  • Metcalf, Z.P. (1963g) General catalogue of the Homoptera. Fascicle VIII. Cicadoidea. Part 2. Tibicinidae. Baltimore, Md.: Waverly press. vi+492 p.
  • Chen, C.B. & Hung, T.H. (1969a) The cicada, Mogannia hebes Walker, a pest of ratoon sugarcane in Taiwan and its control. Proc. 13th int. Congr. Soc. Sugar Cane Techn., 1968, 1397–1402.
  • Nast, J. (1972a) Palaearctic Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera). An annotated check list. Polish Sci. Publ., Warszawa, 550 pp.
  • Itô, Y. (1976a) Status of insect pests of sugarcane in the southwestern islands of Japan. Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly., 10, 63–69.
  • Liu, G.Z. (1992a) [The history of research in and the utilization of Cicadidae in China.]. Chinese Journal of Entomology, Special Publication No. 8: 1–43. (In Chinese), 8, 1–43. [in Chinese]
  • Mitjaev, I.D. (2002a) Faune, ecology and zoogeography of leafhoppers (Homoptera, Cicadinea) of Kazakhstan. [Фауна, экология и зоогеография цикадовых (Homoptera, Cicadinea) Казахстана]. Tethys Entomological Research, 5, 1–168. [in Russian]
  • Sanborn, A.F. 2013. Catalogue of the Cicadoidea (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Academic Press.
  • Sanborn, A.F. & Villet, M.H. (2014a) Catalogue of the Cicadoidea (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). In USA: Elsevier Science Publishing. 938 p. 1001 pp.
  • Melampsalta - Taxon details in Catalogue of Life Database retrieved from 2-7-23 version