Letheobia pembana
editTaxonavigation: Typhlopoidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Typhlopidae
Subfamilia: Afrotyphlopinae
Genus: Letheobia
Species: Letheobia pembana
editHolotype: SMF 16688, ♂.
Type locality: “Pemba Island, Tanzania (05°15’S, 39°50’E, elevation <100 m).”
editPrimary references
edit- Broadley, D.G. & Wallach, V. 2007. A review of East and Central African species of Letheobia Cope, revived from the synonymy of Rhinotyphlops Fitzinger, with descriptions of five new species (Serpentes: Typhlopidae). Zootaxa 1515: 31–68. Abstract & excerpt. Reference page.
edit- Uetz, P. & Hallermann, J. 2025. Typhlops pembana. The Reptile Database. Accessed on 22 April 2018.