
Taxonavigation: Tenebrionoidea 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Cladus: Protostomia
Cladus: Ecdysozoa
Cladus: Panarthropoda
Phylum: Arthropoda
Cladus: Pancrustacea
Cladus: Allotriocarida
Subphylum: Hexapoda
Classis: Insecta
Cladus: Dicondylia
Subclassis: Pterygota
Infraclassis: Neoptera
Cladus: Eumetabola
Cladus: Holometabola
Superordo: Coleopterida
Ordo: Coleoptera
Subordo: Polyphaga
Infraordo: Cucujiformia
Superfamilia: Tenebrionoidea

Familia: Tenebrionidae
Subfamilia: Tenebrioninae
Tribus: Trachelostenini
Genus: Leaus
Species: L. elusus – L. monteithi – L. tasmanicus – L. tropicalis



Leaus Matthews & Lawrence, 1992


  • Matthews, E.G. 2003: Ulomotypus Broun a member of the new subfamily Palorinae, with remarks on Aphtora Bates and Demtrius Broun (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). New Zealand entomologist, 26: 7–14. PDF [ p.13 transfer to Titaenini ]
  • Matthews, E.G.; Lawrence, J.F. 1992: A new genus and species of Heleini from Tasmania (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Journal of the Australian Entomological Society, 31: 311–316.
  • Matthews, E.G. & Lawrence, J.F. 2015. Trachelostenini sensu novo: redescriptions of Trachelostenus Solier, Myrmecodema Gebien and Leaus Matthews & Lawrence, based on adults and larvae, and descriptions of three new species of Leaus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Zootaxa 4020(2): 289–312. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4020.2.4. Preview (PDF) Reference page