Cyclasterope orbicularis


Taxonavigation: Cylindroleberidoidea 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Cladus: Protostomia
Cladus: Ecdysozoa
Cladus: Panarthropoda
Phylum: Arthropoda
Cladus: Pancrustacea
Superclassis: Oligostraca
Classis: Ostracoda
Subclassis: Myodocopa
Ordo: Myodocopida
Subordo: Myodocopina
Superfamilia: Cylindroleberidoidea

Familia: Cylindroleberididae
Genus: Cyclasterope
Species: Cyclasterope orbicularis



Cyclasterope orbicularis G. S. Brady, 1897

  • Type locality: Valparaiso, without any further particulars, Chile.

Primary references

  • Brady, G.S. 1897: A Supplementary Report on the Crustaceans of the Group Myodocopa obtained during the "Challenger" Expedition, with Notes on other new or imperfectly known Species. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 14 (1896-1898) (3): 85–100, 3 plates (15-17). PDF

Additional references

  • Kempf, E.K. 1986: Index and Bibliography of Marine Ostracoda. Part 1, Index A. Sonderveröffentlichungen, Geologisches Institut der Universität zu Köln, 50: 1–762.
  • Kempf, E.K. 1986: Index and Bibliography of Marine Ostracoda. Part 2, Index B. Sonderveröffentlichungen, Geologisches Institut der Universität zu Köln, 51: 1–708.
  • Kempf, E.K. 1987: Index and Bibliography of Marine Ostracoda. Part 3, Index C. Sonderveröffentlichungen, Geologisches Institut der Universität zu Köln, 52: 1–771.
  • Kempf, E.K. 1988: Index and Bibliography of Marine Ostracoda. Part 4, Bibliography A. Sonderveröffentlichungen, Geologisches Institut der Universität zu Köln, 53: 1–454.
  • Kempf, E.K. 2004: Fossil and Living Ostracoda of the World. Index and Bibliography of Marine Ostracoda. Part 16, Index D: Recent Marine Ostracoda of the World. CD-ROM Edition with 20,686 dataset references (published by the author). [Occurrences of Cyclasterope orbicularis Brady, 1897 are listed therein under UTIN (Universal Taxonomic Identification Number) Ostracoda: G2707 43411].