Aplocheilus lineatus

Aplocheilus lineatus


Taxonavigation: Aplocheiloidei 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Superphylum: Deuterostomia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Infraphylum: Gnathostomata
Megaclassis: Osteichthyes
Superclassis/Classis: Actinopterygii
Classis/Subclassis: Actinopteri
Subclassis/Infraclassis: Neopterygii
Infraclassis: Teleostei
Megacohors: Osteoglossocephalai
Supercohors: Clupeocephala
Cohors: Euteleosteomorpha
Subcohors: Neoteleostei
Infracohors: Eurypterygia
Sectio: Ctenosquamata
Subsectio: Acanthomorphata
Divisio/Superordo: Acanthopterygii
Subdivisio: Percomorphaceae
Series: Ovalentaria
Superordo: Atherinomorphae
Ordo: Cyprinodontiformes
Subordo: Aplocheiloidei

Familia: Aplocheilidae
Genus: Aplocheilus
Species: Aplocheilus lineatus



Aplocheilus lineatus (Valenciennes, 1846)

Syntypes: MHNH A.4250 (3), A.4307 (1). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:18.

Type locality: vicinity of Bombay (now Mumbai), India


  • Panchax lineatum Valenciennes, 1846 (original combination)
  • Aplocheilus vittatus Jerdon, 1849
  • Aplocheilus affinis Jerdon, 1849
  • Aplocheilus rubrostigma Jerdon, 1849
  • Aplocheilus rubropictus Stansch, 1973. In Radda, 1973.



Primary references

  • Cuvier, G. & Valenciennes, A. 1846. Histoire naturelle des poissons. Tome dix-huitième. Suite du livre dix-huitième. Cyprinoïdes. Livre dix-neuvième. Des Ésoces ou Lucioïdes. 18: i–xix + 2 pp. + 1–505 + 2 pp., Pls. 520–553. BHL Reference page.  [see page 381, Pl. 546]

Additional references

  • Bertin, L. & Estève, R. 1950. Catalogue des types de poissons du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. 6e partie. Haplomes, Hétéromes, Catostéomes. Imp. Nationale. 6e partie: 1–60. Reference page.  [see page 18.]
  • Jerdon, T.C. 1849. On the fresh-water fishes of southern India. (Continued from p. 149.). Madras Journal of Literature and Science 15(2): 302–346. PDF Reference page
  • Kottelat, M. 2013. The fishes of the inland waters of southeast Asia: a catalogue and core bibiography of the fishes known to occur in freshwaters, mangroves and estuaries. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement No. 27: 1–663. PDF. Reference page.  [see page 299]
  • Menon, A.G.K. 1999. Check list - Fresh water fishes of India. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, Occasional Paper No. 175: i-xxix + 1-366. PDF [see page 268]
  • Radda, A.C. 1973. Eine Synopsis der Untergattung Aplocheilus Mc Clelland (1839). Aquaria: Vivaristische Fachzeitschrift für die Schweiz und Österreich 2(4): 45–57. Reference page. .
  • Rema Devi, K. 1993. Fishes of Kalakad Wildlife Sanctuary, Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu, India, with a redescription of Horalabiosa joshuai Silas. Records of the Zoological Survey of India v. 92 (nos 1-4) PDF [see pages 207-208]
  • Talwar, P.K. & Jhingran, A. G.; 1991: Inland fishes of India and adjacent countries. In 2 vols. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta. 1-2: i-xvii + 36 unnumbered + 1-1158, 1 pl, 1 map. [V. 1, i-liv + 1-541, 1 map; v. 2, i-xxii + 543-1158, 1 pl.] Reference page.  [see v. 2, pp. 751-752]

Vernacular names

Deutsch: Streifenhechtling
English: Striped panchax
українська: Лінеатус