
editTaxonavigation: Cryptobranchoidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Cryptobranchidae
Genus: Andrias
Species: A. cheni – A. davidianus – A. sligoi – A. japonicus – A. jiangxiensis
editAndrias Tschudi, 1837
Type species: Salamandra scheuchzeri Holl, 1831
edit- Proteocordylus Eichwald, 1831
- Andrias Tschudi, 1837
- Megalobatrachus Tschudi, 1837
- Sieboldia Gray, 1838
- Sieboldtia — Agassiz, 1838
- Hydrosalamandra Leuckart, 1840
- Tritogenius Gistel, 1848
- Tritomegas Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854
- Megalobranchus — Van der Hoeven, 1855
- Sieboldiana — Ishikawa, 1904
- Plicagnathus Cook, 1917
edit- Tschudi, 1837, Neues Jahrb. Mineral. Geogn. Geol. Petrefactenkunde, Stuttgart, 5: 545.
- Amphibian Species of the World 5.2 Andrias access date 28 July 2008
- Turvey, S.T. et al. (2019). Historical museum collections clarify the evolutionary history of cryptic species radiation in the world's largest amphibians. Ecology and Evolution.
Vernacular names
edit日本語: オオサンショウウオ属
polski: Salamandry olbrzymie
русский: Исполинская саламандра
ไทย: ซาลาแมนเดอร์ยักษ์