editSuperregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Protozoa
Subregnum: Eozoa
Infraregnum: Excavata
Phylum: Percolozoa
Subphylum: Tetramitia
Classis: Heterolobosea
Ordo: Acrasida
Genera (1): Acrasis
editAcrasidae Gobi, Lekts. Otd. Tajnobr. Golosem. Rast. 1: 18, 19. 1892 (“Acrasieae”).
edit- 'Acrasiées' Tiegh., Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 2: 322. Jun 1881 ["1880"], nom. inval. (non-Latin termination).
edit- Tieghem, Ph. van 1881 ("1880"). Sur quelques Myxomycétes a plasmode agrégé. Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France 27: 317–322. BHL Reference page.
- Gobi, C. (Гоби, Х.Я.) 1892–1893. Лекцiи по отдѣлу тайнобрачныхъ и голосѣмянныхъ растенiй, читанныя проф. Хр. Я. Гоби въ С.-Петербургскомъ Императорскомъ университетѣ въ 1891–92 г. Составилъ и издалъ студентъ С.-Петербургскаго университета В.Л. Комаровъ подъ руководствомъ Хр. Я. Гоби [Lectures on the Division of Cryptogamic and Gymnospermous Plants, read by Prof. C. Gobi at St.-Petersburg Imperial University in 1891–92. Compiled and published by the student of St.-Petersburg University V.L. Komarov under guidance of Ch. Ya. Gobi]. St.-Petersburg: tipografija V.V. Komarova, pp. [1]–103 [28 Apr–5 Mai (16–23 Apr, Old Style) 1892] Google Books, [104]–210 [1893] Google Books (Russian) Reference page.