Abronia gaiophantasma
editTaxonavigation: Diploglossa |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Anguidae
Subfamilia: Gerrhonotinae
Genus: Abronia
Species: Abronia gaiophantasma
editHolotype: UTA R-19646, adult ♂.
Type locality: “cloud forest at 1600 m elevation on the west slope of Cerro Verde in the vicinity of La Union Barrios, Baja Verapaz, Guatemala. This site is located at approximately 15º11' N, 90º12' W.”
editPrimary references
edit- Campbell, J.A. & Frost, D.R. 1993. Anguid lizards of the genus Abronia: revisionary notes, descriptions of four new species, a phylogenetic analysis, and key. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 216: 1–121. handle. Reference page.
edit- Uetz, P. & Hallermann, J. 2025. Abronia gaiophantasma. The Reptile Database. Accessed on 16 March 2018.
- Ariano-Sánchez, D., Acevedo, M. & Johnson, J. 2014. IUCN: Abronia gaiophantasma (Endangered). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2014: e.T203016A2758597. DOI: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2014-1.RLTS.T203016A2758597.en