Virgiscalpellum clathratum
editTaxonavigation: Scalpelliformes |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Scalpellidae
Subfamilia: †Virgiscalpellinae
Genus: †Virgiscalpellum
Species: †Virgiscalpellum clathratum
editVirgiscalpellum clathratum Collins, 1983: 332
- Geological age: Cretaceous; middle Santonian-lower Campanian
- Type locality: Les Guigardieres en Soullans
- Typus: Holotype BMNH In. 63324; paratypes BMNH In. 63325-63329
- Distribution: France
- ZooBank: 143504F0-228B-4D60-9C57-0783279F4D6D
editPrimary references
edit- Collins, J.S.H. 1983. Premières données concernant les cirripèdes du Crétacé supérieur de Vendée. Géologie de la France 2(4): 326–343. Reference page. [See p. 332, original description]
Additional references
edit- Gale, A.S. 2020. New thoracican cirripedes (Crustacea) from the Cretaceous of Europe and North Africa. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen 295(3): 243–282. DOI: 10.1127/njgpa/2020/0886 Reference page. [See p. 259, list of accepted species]