

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Cladus: Protostomia
Cladus: Ecdysozoa
Cladus: Panarthropoda
Phylum: Arthropoda
Cladus: Pancrustacea
Superclassis: Multicrustacea
Classis: Malacostraca
Subclassis: Eumalacostraca
Superordo: Peracarida
Ordo: Isopoda
Cladus: Scutocoxifera
Subordo: Cymothoida
Superfamilia: Cymothooidea
Familia: Tridentellidae
Genus: Tridentella
Species: T. brandtae – T. katlae – T. magna – T. memikat – T. palmata – T. recava – T. tanimbar



Tridentella Richardson, 1905



Template:Richardson, 1905

  • Bruce, N.L. 1988: Two new species of Tridentella (Crustacea, Isopoda, Tridentellidae) from New Zealand. National Museum of New Zealand records, 3(7): 71–79.
  • Bruce, N.L. 2002: Tridentella rosemariae sp. nov. (Isopoda, Tridentellidae), from northern New Zealand waters. Crustaceana, 75(2): 159–170.
  • Bruce, N.L. & Svavarsson, J. 2018. Three new species of Tridentella Richardson, 1905 (Isopoda: Cymothoida: Tridentellidae) from New Caledonia. Zootaxa 4399(1): 101–118. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4399.1.6 Reference page