Paralepas morula

editTaxonavigation: Lepadiformes |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Subordo: Heteralepadomorpha
Familia: Heteralepadidae
Genus: Paralepas
Species: Paralepas morula
edit- Paralepas morula (Hoek, 1907): 35
- Original genus: Alepas
- Symbiont: Commensal epibiont on spines of Porocidarus elegans, and other echinoids
- Type locality: Siboga sta. 316, 7°19.4'S, 116°49.5'E, 538 m
- Types:
- Distribution: Flores Sea; Philippines; Bass Strait, N of Tasmania; 182–538 m.
- ZooBank: 287DA64D-5265-4A1E-884D-5A78246706CF
edit- Hoek, P.P.C. 1907: The Cirripedia of the Siboga Expedition: A. Cirripedia Pedunculata. Siboga-Expeditie XXXI. EJ Brill. BHL Reference page. [See p. 35, original description as Alepas morula]
- Broch, H. 1922: Papers from Dr. Th. Mortensen's Pacific Expedition 1914-6. X. Studies on Pacific cirripeds. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske Forening i Kjøbenhavn, 73: 215–358. BHL Reference page. [See p. 28, as Heteralepas (Paralepas) morula, new combination]
- Jones, D.S., Hewitt, M.A. & Sampey, A. 2000. A checklist of the Cirripedia of the South China Sea. In The Biodiversity of South China Sea. Raffles bulletin of zoology, supplement (8): 233–307. Full article (PDF) Reference page. [See p. 235, distribution and symbiosis]
- Jones, D.S. & Hosie, A.M. 2016. A checklist of the barnacles (Cirripedia: Thoracica) of Singapore and neighbouring waters. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement 34 (Part I): 241–311. Full article (PDF) Reference page. [See p. 244, synonymy and distribution]
- Newman, W.A. 1960. Five pedunculate Cirripeds From the Western Pacific, Including Two New Forms. Crustaceana, 1(2): 100–116. JSTOR Reference page. [See p. 109, as Paralepas morula, new combination]
- Pitriana, P., Jones, D.S., Corbari, L., von Rintelen, K. 2020. New insights gained from museum collections: Deep-sea barnacles (Crustacea, Cirripedia, Thoracica) in the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, collected during the Karubar expedition in 1991. Zoosystematics and Evolution. 96(2): 649-698. DOI: 10.3897/zse.96.55733 Reference page. [See p. 652-653, fig. 3]
edit- BHL bibliography
- Paralepas morula – Taxon details on Encyclopedia of Life (EOL).
- Global Biodiversity Information Facility. 2019. GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset. Taxon: Paralepas morula.
- Paralepas morula in the World Register of Marine Species