Stegophiura hagenowi

(Redirected from Ophiura hagenowi)
Stegophiura hagenowi, fig. 11


Taxonavigation: Ophiurina 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Superphylum: Deuterostomia
Phylum: Echinodermata
Subphylum: Eleutherozoa
Superclassis: Cryptosyringida
Classis: Ophiuroidea
Subclasse: Myophiuroidea
Infraclasse: Metophiurida
Superordo: Euryophiurida
Ordo: Ophiurida
Subordo: Ophiurina

Familia: Ophiopyrgidae
Genus: Stegophiura
Species: †Stegophiura hagenowi






  • Jagt, J.W.M. 2000. Late Cretaceous-Early Palaeogene echinoderms and the K/T boundary in the southeastNetherlands and northeast Belgium — Part 3: Ophiuroids; with a chapter on: Early Maastrichtianophiuroids from Rügen (northeast Germany) and Møn (Denmark) by M. Kutscher & J.W.M. Jagt . Scripta geologica, 121: 1-179. Online. Reference page.  [as Stegophiura hagenowi p. 19–20]
  • Jagt, J.W.M., Kutscher, M. 1998. Late Cretaceous ophiuroids from Germany and the Netherlands: An update. In: Mooi, R. & Telford, M. (eds.) Echinoderms. Proc. of the 9th Int. Echinoderm Conf. San Francisco/California (USA). 371-376. Reference page.  [as Stegophiura hagenowi (recombination)]
  • Kutscher, M., Jagt, J.W.M. 2000. Early Maastrichtian ophiuroids from Rügen (northeast Germany) and Mon (Denmark). Pp. 45–107 in Jagt, J.W.M. 2000. Late Cretaceous-Early Palaeogene echinoderms and the K/T boundary in the southeastNetherlands and northeast Belgium — Part 3: Ophiuroids; with a chapter on: Early Maastrichtianophiuroids from Rügen (northeast Germany) and Møn (Denmark) by M. Kutscher & J.W.M. Jagt. Scripta geologica, 121: 1-179. Online. Reference page.  [as Stegophiura hagenowi p. 69–70 (synonymy)]
  • Müller, A.H. 1950. Die Ophiuroideenreste aus dem Mucronatensenon von Rügen. Geologica. Schriftenreihe der Geologischen Institute der Universitäten Berlin, Greifswald, Halle, Rostock. 5: 4-35. Reference page.  [as Ophiura tener (original description)]
  • Rasmussen, H.W. 1950. Cretaceous Asteroidea and Ophiuroidea with Special Reference to the Species Found in Denmark. Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse II. Række. 77: 1–134. DOI: 10.34194/raekke2.v77.6866   Reference page.  [as Ophiura hagenowi p. 114–116 (original description)]