
editSuperregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: ParaHoxozoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Cladus: Protostomia
Cladus: Spiralia
Cladus: Lophotrochozoa
Phylum: Annelida
Classis: Clitellata
Subclassis: Oligochaeta
Haplotaxida –
Lumbriculida –
editAdditional references
edit- Armstrong, A.J. & Nxele, T.C. 2017. English names of the megadrile earthworms (Oligochaeta) of KwaZulu-Natal. African Invertebrates 58(2): 11–20. DOI: 10.3897/AfrInvertebr.58.13226. Reference page.
- Baturina, M.A., Kaygorodova, I.A. & Loskutova, O.A. 2020. New data on species diversity of Annelida (Oligochaeta, Hirudinea) in the Kharbey lakes system, Bolshezemelskaya tundra (Russia). ZooKeys, 910: 43–78. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.910.48486 Reference page.
- Csuzdi, C., Szederjesi, T. & Sherlock, E. 2018. Annotated checklist of earthworm species described by András Zicsi (Clitellata: Megadrili). Pp 11–42 In Schmelz, R.M. (ed.). Global diversity of earthworms and enchytraeids (Clitellata): papers in honor of András Zicsi (1928–2015). Zootaxa 4496(1): 1–575. Reference page. Zootaxa 4496(1): 11–42. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4496.1.4 Reference page.
- Farhadi, Z.; Malek, M.; Elahi, E. 2013: Review of the earthworm fauna of Iran with emphasis on Kohgiluyeh & Boyer-Ahmad Province. Zootaxa 3670(4): 440–448. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3670.4.2 Reference page.
- Glasby, C.J.; Read, G.B.; Lee, K.E.; Blakemore, R.J.; Fraser, P.M.; Pinder, A.M.; Erséus, C.; Moser, W.E.; Burreson, E.M.; Govedich, F.R.; Davies, R.W.; Dawson, E.W. 2009: 17. Annelida: bristleworms, earthworms, leeches. Pp. 312-358 in Gordon, D.P. (ed.) New Zealand inventory of biodiversity. Volume 1. Kingdom Animalia. Radiata, Lophotrochozoa, Deuterostomia. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch, New Zealand.
- Blakemore, R.J., Cho, J.-L. & Park, T.S. 2012. Six exotic terrestrial earthworms (Oligochaeta: Megadrilacea: Moniligastridae, Lumbricidae, Ocnerodrilidae & Megascolecidae) newly added to Korean species biodiversity list. Zootaxa 3368: 300–304. Preview PDF Reference page.
- Kerovec, M., Kerovec, M. & Brigić, A. 2016. Croatian freshwater oligochaetes: species diversity, distribution and relationship to surrounding countries. Zootaxa 4193(1): 73–101. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4193.1.3. Reference page.
- Misirlioğlu, I.M. 2018. Earthworms from Bursa Uludağ Mountain, with first record of Octolasion cyaneum (Savigny, 1826) from Turkey. Zootaxa 4394(1): 141–143. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4394.1.10 Reference page.
- Narayanan, S.P., Sathrumithra, S., Christopher, G., Thomas, A.P. & Julka, J.M. 2016. Checklist of the earthworms (Oligochaeta) of Kerala, a constituent of Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot, India. Zootaxa 4189(1): 117–137. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4189.1.5. Reference page.
- Nguyen, T.T., Nguyen, A.D., Tran, B.T.T. & Blakemore, R.J. 2016. A comprehensive checklist of earthworm species and subspecies from Vietnam (Annelida: Clitellata: Oligochaeta: Almidae, Eudrilidae, Glossoscolecidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, Moniligastridae, Ocnerodrilidae, Octochaetidae). Zootaxa 4140(1): 1–92. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4140.1.1. Reference page.
- Schmelz, R.M. (ed.) 2012. Global diversity of earthworms and other Oligochaeta (Annelida): collected papers. Zootaxa 3458: 1–165. Reference page.
- Timm, T. 2017. Aquatic microdrile Oligochaeta (Annelida, Clitellata): New nominal taxa and combinations since 1984. Zootaxa 4282(3): 401–452. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4282.3.1. Reference page.
- Tiwari, N., Paliwal, R., Rashid, A. & Yadav, S. 2020. Checklist of earthworm species (Oligochaeta) of the North Eastern Region of India. Zootaxa 4772(2): 277–305. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4772.2.3 Reference page.
- Tsai, C.-F.; Shen, H.-P.; Tsai, S.-C.; Lin, K.-J.; Hsieh, H.-L.; Yo, S.-P. 2009: A checklist of oligochaetes (Annelida) from Taiwan and its adjacent islands. Zootaxa, 2133: 33–48. Abstract & excerpt
- Vivien, R. 2013: Note on the diversity of aquatic oligochaetes in the Geneva area (Switzerland). Revue suisse de zoologie 120(3): 415-420. Abstract only seen Reference page.
Vernacular names
editбеларуская: Малашчацінкавыя чэрві
Ελληνικά: Ολιγόχαιτοι
español: Oligoqueta
suomi: Harvasukasmadot
日本語: 貧毛綱
latviešu: Mazsartārpi jeb mazsareņi
português: Oligoquetas
русский: Малощетинковые черви
Türkçe: Toprak ve tatlısu halkalı solucanları
中文: 寡毛綱
Ελληνικά: Ολιγόχαιτοι
español: Oligoqueta
suomi: Harvasukasmadot
日本語: 貧毛綱
latviešu: Mazsartārpi jeb mazsareņi
português: Oligoquetas
русский: Малощетинковые черви
Türkçe: Toprak ve tatlısu halkalı solucanları
中文: 寡毛綱