Notopais quadrispinosa
editTaxonavigation: Janiroidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Munnopsididae
Subfamilia: Ilyarachninae
Genus: Notopais
Species: Notopais quadrispinosa
editNotopais quadrispinosa (Beddard, 1886)
edit- Ilyarachna quadrispinosa Beddard, 1886
- Echinozone quadrispinosa, Kussakin, 1967
- Notopais quadrispinosa, Merrin, 2004
edit- Beddard, F.E. (1886). Report on the Isopoda collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873–76. Part II. Challenger Reports (Zoology) 17 (48): 1–175.
- Merrin, K.L. (2004). Review of the deep-water asellote genus Notopais Hodgson, 1910 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Munnopsididae) with description of three new species from the south-western Pacific. Zootaxa 513: 1–27.
- Кусакин, О.Г. (1967). К фауне Isopoda и Tanaidacea шельфовых зон антарктических и субантарктических вод. Результаты Биологических Исследований Советской Антарктической Экспедиции (1955-1958 гг.) 3: 220–380. [Kussakin, O.G. (1967). Fauna of Isopoda and Tanaidacea in the coastal zones of the Antarctic and subantarctic water. Biological Reports of the Soviet Antarctic Expedition (1955-1958) 3: 220–380.]