Pleurocera canaliculata

(Redirected from Melania curvata)
Pleurocera canaliculata


Taxonavigation: Cerithioidea 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: ParaHoxozoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Cladus: Protostomia
Cladus: Spiralia
Cladus: Lophotrochozoa
Phylum: Mollusca
Classis: Gastropoda
Subclassis: Caenogastropoda
Superfamilia Incertae sedis: Cerithioidea

Familia: Pleuroceridae
Genus: Pleurocera
Species: Pleurocera canaliculata



Pleurocera canaliculata (Say, 1821): 175

Synonyms (61)

  • Ceriphasia sulcata Swainson, 1840: 342 (junior synonym)
  • Gyrotoma curvata (I. Lea, 1843): 243 (junior synonym)
  • Io modesta I. Lea, 1862: 394 (junior synonym)
  • Io robusta I. Lea, 1862: 393 (junior synonym)
  • Io spillmanii I. Lea, 1862: 394 (junior synonym)
  • Melania altipeta J. G. Anthony, 1854: 87 (junior synonym)
  • Melania ararta Hannibal, 1912 (incorrect subsequent spelling of M. arata I. Lea, 1843)
  • Melania arata I. Lea, 1843
  • Melania auriscalpium Menke, 1828 (junior synonym)
  • Melania canaliculata Say, 1821: 175 (original combination)
  • Melania conica Say, 1821 (junior synonym)
  • Melania curvata I. Lea, 1843: 243 (junior synonym)
  • Melania elevata Say, 1821: 176 (junior synonym)
  • Melania elongata I. Lea, 1831
  • Melania exarata Menke, 1828
  • Melania exarata I. Lea, 1841 (invalid: junior homonym of M. exarata Menke, 1828; Melania arata I. Lea, 1843 is a replacement name)
  • Melania excurata Conrad, 1834 (original combination)
  • Melania excurtata Hannibal, 1912 (incorrect subsequent spelling of M. excurata Conrad, 1834)
  • Melania excurvata Wheatley, 1845 (junior synonym)
  • Melania eximia J. G. Anthony, 1854 (junior synonym)
  • Melania fastigiata J. G. Anthony, 1854
  • Melania filum I. Lea, 1845 (original combination)
  • Melania incrassata J. G. Anthony, 1854 (junior synonym)
  • Melania infrafasciata J. G. Anthony, 1860 (junior synonym)
  • Melania iostoma J. G. Anthony, 1860
  • Melania ligata Menke, 1828 (junior synonym)
  • Melania lugubris I. Lea, 1845
  • Melania nigrostoma Reeve, 1861 (junior synonym)
  • Melania ordiana I. Lea, 1843 (junior synonym)
  • Melania ponderosa J. G. Anthony, 1860 (junior synonym)
  • Melania rorata {{a|Lovell Augustus Reeve|Reeve}, 1860 (junior synonym)
  • Melania sayi Deshayes, 1832 (junior synonym)
  • Melania spurca I. Lea, 1845
  • Melania undulata Say, 1829 (original combination)
  • Melania valida J. G. Anthony, 1860 (junior synonym)
  • Pleurocera canaliculata alabamensis (I. Lea, 1862)· accepted, alternate representation
  • Pleurocera canaliculata excurata (Conrad, 1834)· accepted, alternate representation
  • Pleurocera canaliculata filum (I. Lea, 1845)· accepted, alternate representation
  • Pleurocera canaliculata undulata (Say, 1829)· accepted, alternate representation
  • Pleurocera parkerii Tryon, 1873 (junior synonym)
  • Pleurocera quadrosa Rafinesque, 1831 (junior synonym)
  • Strombus sayi Wood, 1828 (junior synonym)
  • Trypanostoma affine I. Lea, 1864 (junior synonym)
  • Trypanostoma alabamense I. Lea, 1862 (original combination)
  • Trypanostoma christyi I. Lea, 1862 (junior synonym)
  • Trypanostoma cinctum I. Lea, 1864 (junior synonym)
  • Trypanostoma corneum I. Lea, 1864
  • Trypanostoma curtatum I. Lea, 1863
  • Trypanostoma florencense I. Lea, 1862 (junior synonym)
  • Trypanostoma florense Goodrich, 1940 (junior synonym)
  • Trypanostoma ligatum I. Lea, 1862 (junior synonym)
  • Trypanostoma minor I. Lea, 1862 (junior synonym)
  • Trypanostoma moniliferum I. Lea, 1862 (junior synonym)
  • Trypanostoma pybasii I. Lea, 1862 (junior synonym)
  • Trypanostoma rostellatum I. Lea, 1862 (junior synonym)
  • Trypanostoma simplex I. Lea, 1862 (junior synonym)
  • Trypanostoma striatum I. Lea, 1862 (junior synonym)
  • Trypanostoma subrobustum I. Lea, 1864 (junior synonym)
  • Trypanostoma thortonii I. Lea, 1862 (junior synonym)
  • Trypanostoma toumeyi Goodrich, 1940 (junior synonym)
  • Trypanostoma tuomeyi I. Lea, 1862 (junior synonym)
  • Trypanostoma viride I. Lea, 1862 (junior synonym)



Primary references

original description of Melania canaliculata Say, 1821: 175

Additional references

original description of Melania altipeta J. G. Anthony, 1854: 87
original description of Gyrotoma curvata (Lea, 1843) as Melania curvata Lea, 1843: 243
original description of Io modesta Lea, 1862: 394
original description of Io robusta Lea, 1862: 393
original description of Io spillmanii Lea, 1862: 394
original description of Melania conica Say, 1821: 176
original description of Melania elevata Say, 1821: 176
original description of Ceriphasia sulcata Swainson, 1840: 342