Taxonavigation edit

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Chromista
Subregnum: Harosa
Infraregnum: Rhizaria
Clade: Retaria
Phylum: Radiozoa
Classis: Polycystinea
Ordo: Entactinaria
Familia: Inaniguttidae
Genera: Fusalfanus - Inanibigutta - Inanigutta - Inanihella - Kalimnasphaera - Oriundogutta

Name edit

Inaniguttidae Nazarov & Ormiston 1984
Type-genus: Inanigutta Nazarov & Ormiston 1984

References edit

  • Nazarov, B. B. and A. Ormiston (1984b), "Vozmozhnaya sistema Radiolyarii Paleozoya" (Tentative system of Paleozoic Radiolaria) in M. G. Petrushevskaya and S. D. Stepanjants, Morfologiya, ekologiya i evolutsiya Radiolyarii. Materialy IV simpoziuma evropeiskikh radiolyaristov EURORAD IV (Morphology, ecology and evolution of radiolarians. Material from the IV symposium of European radiolarists EURORAD IV), Leningrad, USSR, Academiya Nauk SSSR, Zoological Institute: 64–87.