Granata cumingii


Taxonavigation: Seguenzioidea 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Cladus: Protostomia
Cladus: Spiralia
Cladus: Lophotrochozoa
Phylum: Mollusca
Classis: Gastropoda
Subclassis: Vetigastropoda
Ordo: Seguenziida
Superfamilia: Seguenzioidea

Familia: Chilodontidae
Genus: Granata
Species: Granata cumingii


  • Granata cumingii (A. Adams, 1854)
Holotype: NHMUK (1968201).
Type locality: None originally given; designated to be tropical East Africa by Herbert, 2012.


  • Stomatella cumingii A. Adams, 1854a: 834, pl. clxxv, fig. 38; idem 1854b: 74; Sowerby, 1874: pl. v, fig. 32; Pilsbry, 1890 in 1890–91: 13, pl. 52, fig. 67.
  • Stomatia cumingii Chenu, 1959 in 1959–62: 364, fig. 2709.
  • Granata cumingii Herbert, 2012: 482, figs. 63–65.


  • Adams, A., 1854a. Monograph of Stomatellinae, a sub-family of Trochidae. Pp. 827–846, pls 173–175. In: Sowerby, G.B. 1842–87. Thesaurus conchyliorum. Vol. 2. London: Sowerby.

  • Herbert, D.G. 2012: A revision of the Chilodontidae (Gastropoda: Vetigastropoda: Seguenzioidea) of southern Africa and the south-western Indian Ocean. African invertebrates, 53(2): 381–502.