editTaxonavigation: Phyllodocida |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Syllidae
Subfamilia: Syllinae
Genus: Branchiosyllis
B. baringaboorenn –
B. belchiori –
B. carmenroldanae –
B. cirropunctata –
B. diazi –
B. exilis –
B. gonzaguinhai –
B. lamellifera –
B. maculata –
B. oculata –
B. orbiniiformis –
B. pacifica –
B. roldanae –
B. salazari –
B. thylacine –
B. verruculosa
editBranchiosyllis Ehlers, 1887
Type species: Branchiosyllis oculata Ehlers, 1887
edit- Ehlers, E.H. 1887. XXXI. Report on the Annelids. [Reports on the results of dredging, under the direction of L. F. Pourtalès, during the years 1868-1870, and of Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico (1877-78), and in the Caribbean Sea (1878-79), in the U.S. Coast Survey steamer "Blake", Lieut-Com. C. D. Sigsbee, U.S.N. and Commander J. R. Bartlett, U.S.N., commanding.] Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College. 15: VI & 335 pp. BHL Reference page.
- Álvarez-Campos, P.; Martín, G.S.; Aguado, M.T. 2012: The genus Branchiosyllis Ehlers, 1887 from Philippines Islands, with the description of two new species. Zootaxa 3542: 49–68. Preview Reference page.
- Nascimento, R.L., Fukuda, M.V. & De Paiva, P.C. 2019. Two new sponge-associated Branchiosyllis (Annelida: Syllidae: Syllinae) from Northeastern Brazil. Zootaxa 4568(2): 307–322. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4568.2.6 Reference page.
- San Martín, G.; Hutchings, P.; Aguado, M.T. 2008: Syllinae (Polychaeta: Syllidae) from Australia. Part 1. Genera Branchiosyllis, Eurysyllis, Karroonsyllis, Parasphaerosyllis, Plakosyllis, Rhopalosyllis, Tetrapalpia n.gen., and Xenosyllis. Records of the Australian Museum, 60(2): 119–160. DOI: 10.3853/j.0067-1975.60.2008.1494