About myself


I'm the member of Gasteropod Lovers League


  • Picture introduction :The Enidae as the prototype, a symbol of love that a mountain of flowers and grass, love the natural wonders of nature. The upper level represents the wisdom of the light, the second layer is a symbol of accumulation, the third layer is a symbol of rigorous, fourth layers of the sea is a symbol of the learned, the last layer represents a broad tolerance.

My Snail Career

  • Hello,everyone. I study snails when I was little. So I am very interested in snails.
  • In 2015 I was taught by Nanjing University teacher 'Min Wu' who is introduced by my first teacher 'Xiaopeng Huang'. And he is very kind. He sent me many PDFs written by himself. Now I think make people konw snails carefully is my duty.
  • In 2014,I won all learning younth which is called wan you qing nian in Chinese. So I became a point of www.guokr.com . And then I became a writer at www.douban.com and 15yan.com .
  • In 2012 ,I meet my first teacher who teaches me fomally. But I knew about him in 2010

My Way to Communicate


 http://read.douban.com/column/1531208/  have many articles written by myself. But I have to say Chinese articles may matter you ,I can translate to you.