Hello,I'm Wikidexel2 (David),from Wikipedia,I'm not new,just forgetted my password for my older account :).

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hu-N Ennek a szerkesztőnek magyar az anyanyelve.
en-2 This user has intermediate knowledge of English.

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ing Disz júzör iz ä nétív szpíkör of di Inglis lengvidzs.

ing-5 Disz júzör iz éböl tu käntcsribjút vit ä präfessönöl levöl of Inglis.

ing-4 Disz júzőr iz éböl tu käncsribjút vit ä nör-nyétív levöl of Inglis.

ing-3 Disz júzőr iz éböl tu käncsribjút vit en edvenszid levöl of Inglis.

ing-2 Disz júzőr iz éböl tu käncsribjút vit en innörméditiböl levöl of Inglis.

History (My style :))


This is a short arcticle about History. This "arcticle" is in 4 parts,this is the 5. class part (about 2 million years ago to 476 C.E) then there's the 6. class part then the 7.th and then the 8.th class part. The first part is about the Prehistoric and Ancient ages.The part starts from 2 million years ago and ends at 476 C.E.

Part 1


Prehistoric times


• 2 million years ago: The Homo Erectus was appeared.

• 500 thousand years ago: The discovery of the fire.

• 200 thousand years ago: The first Homo Sapiens'.

• About 100 thousand years ago: The first Homo Sapiens Neander... (?) was appeared.

• About 35 thousand years ago: The first modern humans.

• About 30 thousand years ago: The dissapperance of the Homo Sapiens Neander...

• 8000 B.C.E: The birth of the argtictucle.

• 6000 B.C.E: The first city (Catal Hüyük).

• 5000 B.C.E: The first use of bronze.

• 4000 B.C.E: The discovery of writing (The end of the Prehistoric times).

Ancient times

The Ancient East

In the East,there were 4 bigger civilizations:

• The Mesopotamian Empire,

• The Indus-Valley civilization,

• Egypt,

and China.

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