Dinosaur Extinction:

  -Abundant fossil bones, teeth,trackways, and other hard evidence have revealed that earth was the domain of the Dinosaur for at least 230 million years.But so far not a single trace of Dinosaur remains has been found in rocks younger than about 66 million years. At that point,as the Cretaceous period yielded to the paleogene, it seems that all nonavians dinosaurs suddenly creased to exist
                                           -Along with them went fearsome marine reptiles such as the mosasours, ichtyosaors, and plesiosaurs as well as all the flying reptiles known as pterosaurs. Ancient forest seems to have flamed out across much of the planet. And while some mammals Birds Small reptiles fish and amphibians survived diversity among the remaining life forms dropped precipitously in total, this mass extinction event claimed three quarters of life on earth