User:Christian Ferrer/Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions

Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions

Volume 2

  • Ziesenhenne, F.C. 1935. A new brittle star from Galapagos Islands. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions 2(1): 1–4, Plate 1. BHL. Reference page
  • Myers, G.S., Reid, E.D. 1936. Description of a new blennioid fish of the genus Acanthemblemaria from the Pacific coast of Panama. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions 2(2): 7–10, Plate 2. BHL. Reference page
  • Gilbert, P.T. 1938. Three new trematodes from the Galapagos marine iguana Amblyrhynchus cristatus. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions 2(6): 91-106, Plate 11-12. Online BHL. Reference page Done
  • Clark, H.L. 1939. A remarkable new genus of sea-urchin (Spatangidae). Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions 2(11): 173-176, Plate 17. Online BHL. Reference page Done

Volume 3

  • Dawson, E.Y. 1941. A review of the genus Rhodymenia with descriptions of new species. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions. 3(8): 121–182, Plates 18-30. Online BHL Reference page Done

Volume 4


Volume 5

  • Glassell, S.A. 1938. Three new anomuran crabs from the Gulf of California. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions 5(1): 1–6. BHL Online. Reference page Done → no plates
  • Schmitt, W.L. 1940. The stomatopods of the west coast of America based on collections made by the Allan Hancock Expeditions, 1933-1938. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions. 5(4): 129-225. BHL Online Reference page

Volume 6


Volume 8


Volume 9

  • Reid, E.D. 1940. A new genus and species of pearl fish, family Carapidae, from off Gorgona Island, Colombia. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions 9(2): 47-50, Plate 6. Online BHL. Reference page Done
  • Myers, G.S. & Wade, C.B. 1941. Four new genera and ten new species of eels from the Pacific coast of tropical America. Allan Hancock Pacific Expedition 1932–40, Los Angeles 9(4): 65–111, Pls. 7–16. BHLReference page
  • Wade, C.B. 1946. Two new genera and five new species of apodal fishes from the eastern Pacific. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions 9(7): 181–214, Plates 24–28. Online BHL. Reference page Done
  • Wade, C.B. 1946. New fishes in the collections of the Allan Hancock Foundation. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions 9(8): 215–238, Plates 29–32. Online BHL. Reference page Done

Volume 11

  • Dickinson, M.G. 1945. Sponges of the Gulf of California. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions. Los Angeles, Calif.: University of Southern California Press. 11(1): 1–55; pls. 1–97. Online BHL Reference page Done

Volume 12


Volume 14

  • Osburn, R.C. 1950. Bryozoa of the Pacific Coast of America: part 1, Cheilostomata-Anasca. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions. 14(1): 1-269. Online BHL Reference page
  • Osburn, R.C. 1952. Bryozoa of the Pacific Coast of America, Part 2, Cheilostomata-Ascophora. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions. 14(2): 271-611. Online BHL Reference page
  • Osburn, R.C. 1953. Bryozoa of the Pacific Coast of America, Part 3. Cyclostomata, Ctenostomata, Entoprocta, and Addenda. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions. 14(3): 613-841. Online BHL Reference page

Volume 15


Volume 17

  • Dawson, E.Y. 1953. Marine red algae of Pacific Mexico. Part 1. Bangiales to Corallinaceae subf. Corallinoidae. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions 17(1): 1–239, Plates 1–33. Online BHL Reference page Done

Volume 18

  • Barnard, J.L. 1954. Amphipoda of the family Ampeliscidae collected in the eastern Pacific ocean byt he Vlero III and Velro IV. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions. 18(1): 1-166; pl. 1-61. BHL Reference page

Volume 20


Volume 21


Volume 22

  • Hartman, O. 1960. Systematic account of some marine invertebrate animals from the deep basins off southern California. Allan Hancock Pacific expeditions. 22(2): 69-216, plates 1-19. BHL Reference page

Volume 27


Allan Hancock Atlantic expedition



Report number 5


Report number 7

  • Barnard, J.L. 1954. Amphipoda of the family Ampeliscidae collected by the Velero III in the Caribbean Sea. Allan Hancock Atlantic expedition; Report 7: 1-8, Plates 1-2. Online BHL. Reference page