Takehiko Nakane
Takehiko Nakane (1920–26 March 1999), Japanese entomologist (Coleoptera).
日本語: 中根猛彦
- Worked in Kyoto Prefecture University from 1951 to 1964 and in the National Science Museum (Natural History), Tokyo from 1965 to 1978.
- Authored or co-authored about 870 publications.
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Taxon names authored
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edit- Nakane, T. 1947. On the synonymy of Strongylium japanum Marseul. Transactions of the Kinki Coleopterological Society 2: 7 [in Japanese]
edit- Nakane, T. & Nomura, S. 1950. New or little known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions. I. Transactions of the Kansai Entomological Society 15: 1–17. Reference page.
- Nakane, T. 1950. New or little known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions II. Entomological Review of Japan 5(1): 6–13. Full issue (PDF).
- Nakane, T. 1950. New or little known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions. IV. Drilidae. Mushi 2: 29–31.
- Nakane, T. 1950. New or little known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions. V. Transactions of Каnsai Еntomological Society 15: 20–24.
edit- Nakane, T. 1951. New or little known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions. III. Endomychidae. Insecta Matsumurana 17(3–4): 113–118. hdl: 2115/9521 .
- Nakane, T. 1951. New or little known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions. VI. Coprophagous Lamellicornia. Entomological Review of Japan 5(2): 69–72. Full issue(PDF).
- Nomura, S. & Nakane, T. 1951. On some new and remarkable species of Aphodiinae from Japan and Formosa. Kontyû 19(2): 35–47. PDF. Reference page.
edit- Nakane, T. 1952. On the Scarabaeidae of Japan (II). Entomological Review of Japan 6(3): 21–24. Full volume (PDF).
- Nakane, T. 1952. New or little known coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions, VII. Dascillidae. Scientific Reports of Saikyo University 1: 35–41.
edit- Nakane, T. & Kurosawa, Y. 1953. Description of a new species of genus Figulus. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 33: 110–111.
- Nakane, T. 1953. New or little-known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions, IX. Caraboidea II. The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Natural science & living science 1(2): 93–102. Full text PDF Reference page.
edit- Nakane, T. 1954. New or little known coleoptera from Japan and adjacent regions. X. Descriptions of some new species from Shikoku, Japan. Transactions of the Shikoku entomological Society 4: 7–15. Full text PDF Reference page.
- Nakane, T. 1954. New or little-known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions, XI. The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Natural science & living science 1(4): 171–188. Full text PDF Reference page.
edit- Nakane, T. & Tsukamoto, K. 1955. On the family Trogidae in Japan (Studies on the Lamellicora Coleoptera II). Akitu. Kyoto 4: 85–92.
- Nakane, T. 1955. New or little-known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions, XII. The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Natural science & living science 2(1): 24–42. Full text PDF Reference page.
edit- Nakane, T. 1956. Neue Aphodiinen aus Japan. Insecta Matsumurana 20: 119–124. hdl: 2115/9599 .
- Nakane, T. 1956. Entomological results from the scientific survey of the Tokara Islands. III. Coleoptera: Lamellicornia. Scientific Reports of Saikyo University. Kyoto (A)2: 57–62.
- Nakane, T. 1956. On the Scarabaeidae of Japan (IV). Entomological Review of Japan 7(2): 53–57. Full issue (PDF).
- Nakane, T. & Tsukamoto, K. 1956. On a species of the genus Stenobronchus Ad. Schmidt from Japan (Studies on the Lamellicorn Coleoptera III). Scientific Reports of Saikyo University. Kyoto 3: 175–177.
- Nakane, T. & Tsukamoto, K. 1956. On the Genus Copris Geoffroy in Japan (Studies on the Lamellicora Coleoptera I). Akitu. Kyoto 4: 44–50.
- Nakane, T. & Tsukamoto, K. 1956. On the Scarabaeidae of Japan (III). Entomological Review of Japan 7(1): 23–27. Full issue (PDF).
- Nakane, T. 1956. Coleoptera of Japan, 31. Ptilodactylidae. Shin-konchu 9(2): 51–55; 9(3): 53–55.
- Nakane, T. & Sawada, K. 1956. A revision of the subfamily Oxyporinae in Japan (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Scientific Reports of the Saikyo University (Natural Science and Living Science) (A) 2(2): 116–126. PDF. Reference page.
- Nakane, T. & Sawada, K. 1956. On the genus Philydrodes Bernhauer in Japan with descriptions of a new subgenus and several new species. Scientific Reports of the Saikyo University (Natural Science and Living Science) (A) 2(3): 179–186. PDF. Reference page.
- Nakane, T. 1956. New or little-known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions, XIII. The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Natural science & living science 2(3): 29–44. Full text PDF Reference page.
edit- Nakane, T. & Ohbayashi, K. 1957. Notes on the genera and species of Lepturinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) with special reference to their male genitalia. Scientific Reports of the Saikyo University, Kyoto (Natural Science & Living Science A series) 2(4): 47–52. Reference page.
- Nakane, T. & Nomura, S. 1957. Eine neue Hoshihananomia-Art aus Japan (Coleoptera, Mordellidae). The Entomological Review of Japan 18(1): 3-4. Reference page.
- Nakane, T. & Shirahata, K. 1957. A list of coprophagous Lamellicornia colleced from Shansi, N. China. Scientific Reports of Saikyo University. Kyoto 2: 229–232.
- Nakane, T. 1957. New or little-known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions, XIV. The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Natural science & living science 2(4): 41–46. Full text PDF Reference page.
edit- Nakane, T. 1958. Notes on the Endomychidae of Japan (I). Akitu 7: 33–36.
- Nakane, T. 1958. On the Coleoptera of Shimokita Peninsula, northern end of Honshu, Japan (Insecta) 1. Miscellaneous Report of Research Institute for Natural Resources 46–47: 83–92.
- Nakane, T. 1958. The Coleoptera of Yakushima Island, Chrysomelidae. The Scientific Reports of the Saikyo University, Natural Science and Living Science A Series 2(5): 43–54. PDF.
- Nakane, T. 1958. New or little-known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions XIV. The Scientific Reports of the Saikyo University (Natural Science and Living Science) (A) 2: 235–240. Online. Reference page.
- Nakane, T. & Araki, M. 1958. The Coleoptera of Yakushima Island, Coccinellidae. The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Natural science & living science 2(5)A: 291-293. Full text PDF Reference page.
- Nakane, T. & Kishii, T. 1958. 屋久島の甲虫類. 叩頭虫科 [The Coleoptera of Yakushima Island. Elateridae]. The Scientific Reports of the Saikyo University (Natural Science and Living Science) (A) 2: 294–302. (Japanese) Online. Reference page.
edit- Nakane, T. 1959. 邦産コメツキムシ科に関する覚書 (I) [Notes on the Elaterid-beetles of Japan (I)]. Akitu 8(4): 91–94. (Japanese) Online . Reference page.
- Nakane, T. & Araki, M. 1959. Entomological results from the scientific survey of the Tokara Islands (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae). The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Natural science & living science 3(1)A: [45-52]. Full text PDF Reference page.
- Nakane, T. 1959. Entomological results from the scientific survey of the Tokara Islands . VII. Coleoptera — Nitidulidae, Rhizophagidae, Languriidae, Erotylidae and Endomychidae. The Scientific Reports of Kyoto Prefectural University (Natural Science and Living Science) 3(1) A: 53–61. PDF.
- Nakane, T. 1959. The Coleoptera of Yakushima Island, Clavicornia (Nitidulidae, Cryptophagidae, Biphyllidae, Languriidae, Erotylidae, Endomychidae, Cisidae). The Scientific Reports of Kyoto Prefectural University (Natural Science and Living Science) 3(1) A: 69–72. PDF.
- Nakane, T. 1959. On the Scarabaeidae of Japan (V). The Entomological Review of Japan. Osaka 10(1): 30–33.
- Nakane, T. & Kimoto, S. 1959. A list of chrysomelid-beetles from Amami-Oshima collected by Prof. M. Sasakawa and Mr. R. Ishikawa, with description of a new species. The Scientific Reports of Kyoto Prefectural University (Natural Science and Living Science) 3(1) A: 67–68. PDF.
- Nakane, T. & Ohbayashi, K. 1959. Notes on the genera and species of Lepturinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) with special reference to their male genitalia. Scientific Reports of the Kyoto Prefectural University. Natural Science and Living Science 2(4): 47–52. Reference page.
- Nakane, T. & Ohbayashi, K. 1959. Notes on the genera and species of Lepturinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) with special reference to their male genitalia. II. Scientific Reports of the Kyoto Prefectural University. Natural Science and Living Science 3(1): A63–A66, 12 figs. Reference page.
- Nomura, S. & Nakane, T. 1959. A new species of the genus Pelecotomoides from Japan (Coleoptera, Rhipiphoridae). Insecta Matsumurana 22(3/4): 115–118. hdl: 2115/9645 . Reference page.
edit- Nakane, T. 1960. Descriptions of new forms of Lamellicornia from Japan. The Entomological Review of Japan 12(1): 1–6. Reference page.
- Nakane, T. 1960. On the Scarabaeidae of Japan (VI). The Entomological Review of Japan. Osaka 12(1): 20–33.
- Nakane, T. & Baba, K. 1960. Scarabaeoidea of Niigata Prefecture, Japan. Niigata 4: 1–9.
- Nakane, T. & Araki, M. 1960. Descriptions of two new forms of Coccinellidae from Japan (Insecta, Coleoptera). The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Natural science & living science 3(2): 45-47. Full text PDF Reference page.
- Nakane, T. & Sawada, K. 1960. The Coleoptera of Yakushima Island, Staphylinidae. The Scientific Reports of Kyoto Prefectural University (Natural Science & Living Science) (A) 3(2): 121–126. PDF.
edit- Nakane, T. 1961. Notes on some Aphodiinae from Micronesia. Scientific Reports of Kyoto Prefectural University (Natural Science & Living Science) 3(3) Ser.A.: 151–152. PDF.
- Nakane, T. 1961. On the Scarabaeidae of Japan (VII). The Entomological Review of Japan. Osaka 12(2): 50–63.
- Nakane, T. & Kimoto, S. 1961. A list of chrysomelid-beetles collected by Dr. T. Shiraki from the Loochoo Islands, with descriptions of new species I (Coleoptera). Kontyû 29(1): 14–21. PDF.
- Nakane, T. & Kimoto, S. 1961. A list of chrysomelid-beetles collected by Dr. T. Shiraki, from the Loochoo Islands, with descriptions of some new species II (Coleoptera). Kontyû 29(2): 106–110. PDF.
- Nakane, T. & Kimoto, S. 1961. Entomological results from the scientific survey of the Tokara Islands. Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae. Bulletin of the Osaka Museum of Natural History 13: 71–79. PDF.
edit- Nakane, T. 1963. New or little-known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions. XVI. Fragmenta Coleopterologica 4/5: 18–20.
- Nakane, T. 1963. New or little-known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions. XVII. Fragmenta Coleopterologica 5: 21–22. Reference page.
- Nakane, T. 1963. Coccinellidae. Pp. 207–212 in Iconographia Insectorum Japonicorum Colore Naturali Edita. Vol. II (Coleoptera). Hokuryu-Kan, Tokyo; 443pp. Reference page.
- Nakane, T. 1963. New or little known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions, XXII. Fragmenta Coleopterologica 10–11: 42–48.
- Nakane, T. 1963. New or little-known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions. XXV. Scientific Reports of the Kyoto Prefectural University (Natural Science and Living Science) 3(5) A: 221–226. PDF.
- Nakane, T. 1963. Ptilodactylidae. In Nakane et al., Iconographia Insectorum Japonicorum Colore naturali edita, 2 (Coleoptera): 141–142, pl. 71. (In Japanese.)
edit- Nakane, T. 1964. On some Scarabaeid beetles from the Goto Islands. Akitu 11: 48.
edit- Nakane, T. 1966. Coleoptera from Afghanistan. Results of the Kyoto University scientific Expedition to the Karakoram and Hindukush, (1955) 8: 231–248.Reference page.
edit- Nakane, T. 1967. Descriptions of few new forms of the genus Aphodius from Japan. The Entomological Review of Japan 19(1): 1–5.
- Nakane, T. & Masumoto, K. 1967. Studies on the subgenus Acrossus. The Entomological Review of Japan 19(1): 35–39.
edit- Nakane, T. 1968. New or little-known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions XXVII. Fragmenta Coleopterologica Japanica 19: 76–78; 20: 79–82; 21: 83–85. Reference page.
- Nakane, T. 1968. On some species of Endomychidae from Formosa with descriptions of a new species (Insecta, Coleoptera). Bulletin of the Natural Science Museum of Tokyo 11: 135–139.
edit- Nakane, T. 1970. The insects of the Bonin and the Volcano Islands. Nature of the Bonin and the Volcano Islands: 15–32.
edit- Nakane, T. 1972. A New Species of the Genus Pterostichus Bonelli from Shikoku, Japan . (Coleoptera: Caraboidea). Entomological Review of Japan 24(1-2): 8-10. Reference page.
- Nakane, T. 1972. Notes on the Synonymy and Some Types of Japanese Coleoptera in Certain European Collections: I.Lamellicornia. Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Tokyo 15: 421–428.
- Nakane, T. 1972. Coleoptera of Nepal collected by the Hokkaido University scientific expedition to Nepal Himalaya: Scarabaeidae I. Cetoniinae, Valginae and Dynastinae. Kontyû 40(2): 112–118.
- Nakane, T. 1972. Coleoptera of Nepal collected by the Hokkaido University Scientific Expedition to Nepal Himalya : Lucanidae and Passalidae. Kontyû 40(1): 41–46.
edit- Nakane, T. 1974. Tenebrionidae in Japan (introductory note) Gekkan. Mushi 3: 9–18.
edit- Nakane, T. 1976. Notes on the stag beetles described or recorded by V. Motschulsky from Japan. Coleoptera News 3: 6.
edit- Nakane, T. 1977. Eine neue art der gattung Oxyomus aus Japan. Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Tokyo A(Zool.) 3(3): 167–168.
edit- Nakane, T. 1978. New or little-known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions, XXIX. Report of the Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University (Earth Science and Biology) 11: 129–134. PDF Reference page.
- Nakane, T. 1978. On some interesting species of Coleoptera from Izu and Ogasawara Islands, with descriptions of new species. Memoirs of the National Science Museum 11: 155–161.
- Nakane, T. 1978. Two new forms of stag beetles from Japan. Kita-Kyushû no Kyushû 24(3): 77–79.
edit- Nakane, T. 1979. New or little-known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions. 31. Fragmenta Coleopterologica: 25–28.
- Nakane, T. 1979. On some specimens of Coleoptera in the collection of Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie. Kita-Kyushû no Kyushû 26(1): 1–2.
edit- Nakane, T. 1981. Notes on the Endomychidae of Japan (II). Kita-Kyushû no Kyushû 28: 55–58.
edit- Nakane, T. 1982. New or little-known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions, XXXIV. Report of the Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University (Earth Science and Biology) 14: 43–53.
edit- Nakane, T. 1983. New or little-known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions, 36. Fragmenta Coleopterologica 35/37: 139–150.
- Nakane, T. 1983. New name for genus Lioplax Nakane et K. Sawada. Fragmenta Coleopterologica 35/37: 148.
edit- Nakane, T. 1984. On the Coleoptera occurring in Yaku-shima Island. Pp. 587-631. In: Conservation Reports of the Yaku-shima Wildness Area, Kyushu, Japan, 59. Nature Conservation Bureau, Environment Agency of Japan, Tokyo.
edit- Nakane, T. & Makino, S. 1985. On the stag beetles belonging to Dorcus velutinus group from Japan and Taiwan. Gekkan-Mushi 169: 18–25.
- Nakane, T. 1985. Notes on some leaf beetles from Japan (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Kita-Kyûshû no Konchû 32(1): 1–4, 1 pl.
- Nakane, T. 1985. 日本の甲虫類覚え書(3) ツヤヒゲブトコメツキ属(ヒゲブトコメツキ科) [Notes on some Japanese Coleoptera (3) Genus Drapetes Redtenbacher (Throscidae)]. Chô Chô 8: 30–32. (Japanese) [with English abstract] Reference page.
edit- Nakane, T. 1987. On the stag-beetles associated with me. Kita-Kyushû no Kyushû 34(2): 135–137.
- Nakane, T. 1987. On a stag beetle recently found at Hiroshima, Japan. Kita-Kyushû no Kyushû 34(2): 137.
- Nakane, T. 1987. Notes on some little-known beetles (Coleoptera) in Japan. 1 Kita-Kyushû no Kyushû 34(3) 171–176.
edit- Nakane, T. 1988. Notes on some little-known beetles (Coleoptera) in Japan. 3 Kita-Kyushû no Kyushû 35(2): 77–82.
edit- Nakane, T. 1989. Notes on some little-known beetles (Coleoptera) in Japan. 4. Kita-Kyushû no Kyushû 36(1): 1–10, 1 pl.
- Nakane, T. 1989. Notes on some little-known beetles (Coleoptera) in Japan. 5 Kita-Kyushû no Kyushû 36(3): 143–152.
edit- Nakane, T. 1990. Notes on some little-known beetles (Coleoptera) in Japan. 6. Kita-Kyushû no Kyushû 37: 61–68, 1 pl.
- Tanabe, T. & Nakane, T. 1990. Three new species in the genus Morana (Coleoptera, Pselaphidae) of Japan. Japanese journal of entomology 58: 24–30. Abstract & Access Reference page.
edit- Nakane, T. 1991. Notes on some little-known beetles (Coleoptera) in Japan. 7. Kita-Kyushû no Kyushû 38: 1–9.
- Nakane, T. 1991. Notes on some little-known beetles (Coleoptera) in Japan. 8. Kita-Kyushû no Kyushû 38: 111–115, 1 pl.
edit- Nakane, T. 1993. Notes on some little-known beetles (Coleoptera) in Japan. 10. Kita-Kyushû no Kyushû 40(1): 1–8, 1 pl.
- Nakane, T. 1993. Notes on some little-known beetles (Coleoptera) in Japan. 11. Kita-Kyushû no Kyushû 40: 155–162, pl. 17.
- Nakane, T. 1993. On two species of Scarabaeidae from Japan. Lamellicornia. Tokyo 9: 1–2.
edit- Nakane, T. 1994. Notes on some little-known beetles (Coleoptera) in Japan. 12. Kita-Kyushû no Kyushû 41(2): 81–86.
- Nakane, T. 1994. 日本本土に産するハムシダマシ属の種について [On the species of the qenus Laqria Fabricius occurring in the main islands of Japan (Coleoptera, Laqriidae)]. Special Bulletin of Essa Entomological Society 2: 241–246. (Japanese) [description in English] Reference page.
edit- Nakane, T. 1995. Notes on some little-known beetles (Coleoptera) in Japan. 13. Kita-Kyushû no Kyushû 42: 41–46.
edit- Nakane, T. 1996. The beetles collected by Drs. Keizo Kojima and Shingo Nakamura in Taiwan (Insecta, Coleoptera) II. Miscellaneous reports of the Hiwa Museum for Natural History, 34: 129–140.
edit- Nakane, T. 1997. Notes on some little-known beetles (Coleoptera) in Japan. 14. Kita-Kyushû no Kyushû 44(1): 1–6.