ISSN 0289-4289
- Series title: Transactions of Essa Entomological Society
- Japanese titles: 越佐昆蟲同好會々報; 越佐昆虫同好会報 [more recent]
- Places of publication: Nagaoka, Japan (Nos. 1–34 [1946–196X]); Kurokawa-mura, Niigata (Nos. 35–67 [1966–1986]); Niigata (No. 68 [1989]); Tōkaichi, Niigata (No. 69– [1990–])
- Activity: October 1946 –
- Note: Special Bulletin of Essa Entomological Society shares the same ISSN with TEES.
edit(List may be incomplete)
- Ôhira, H. 1987. 日本産クロツヤハダコメツキとその近似種について (コメツキムシ科) [Notes on Hemicrepidius (Pseudathous) sececcus (Candèze, 1873) and its allied species from Japan (Coleoptera: Elateridae)]. Transactions of Essa Entomological Society (64): [3]–19. (Japanese) [with English summary]. Reference page.
- Sasaji, H. 1988. The Formosan Coccinellidae collected by Dr. K. Baba in 1986. Transactions of Essa Entomological Society 65: 37–52. Reference page.
- Ôhira, H. 1989. オオアカコメツキとその近似種について [Notes on Ampedus (Ampedus) optabilis (Lewis, 1894) and its allied species (Coleoptera: Elateridae)]. Transactions of Essa Entomological Society (67): [3]–17. (Japanese) [with English summary]. Reference page.
- Kishii, T. 1989. 台湾のコメツキムシ(1)”馬場金太郎博士による1986年度採集資料の研究” [Elateridae from Taiwan, with descriptions of some new taxa (1) (Coleoptera). A study of the materials collected by Dr. Kintarô Baba in 1986]. Transactions of Essa Entomological Society 67: 19–34. (Japanese) [with English descriptions] Reference page.
- Kishii, T. 1989. 台湾のコメツキムシ(2)”馬場金太郎博士による1986年度採集資料の研究” [Elateridae from Taiwan, with descriptions of some new taxa (2) (Coleoptera). A study of the materials collected by Dr. Kintarô Baba in 1986]. Transactions of Essa Entomological Society 67: 35–63. (Japanese) [with English descriptions] Reference page.
- Ôhira, H. 1989. 日本産 Dalopius 属のコメツキムシについて [Notes on Dalopius-species from Japan (Coleoptera: Elateridae)]. Transactions of Essa Entomological Society (68): [59]–79. (Japanese) [with English summary]. Reference page.
- Kishii, T. 1990. Elateridae from Taiwan, with descriptions of some new taxa (4) (Coleoptera). A study of the materials collected by Dr. Kintarô Baba from 1986 to 1989. [台湾のコメツキムシ(4)”馬場金太郎博士による1986-1987年度採集資料の研究”] Transactions of Essa Entomological Society 70: 9–39. Reference page.
- Kishii, T. 1991. 台湾のコメツキムシ(5)”馬場金太郎博士による1986–1989年度採集資料の研究” [Elateridae from Taiwan, with descriptions of some new taxa (5) (Coleoptera). A study of the materials collected by Dr. Kintarô Baba from 1986 to 1989]. Transactions of Essa Entomological Society 71: 3–32. (Japanese) [with English descriptions] Reference page.
- Sasaji, H. 1991. The Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) collected from the Island of Lan Yu, Formosa by Dr. K. Baba in 1987, with the description of a new species. Transactions of Essa Entomological Society 71: 48–52. Reference page.
- Kishii, T. 1991. 台湾のコメツキムシ(6)”馬場金太郎博士による1986–1989年度採集資料の研究” [Elateridae from Taiwan, with descriptions of some new taxa (6) (Coleoptera). A study of the materials collected by Dr. Kintarô Baba from 1986 to 1989]. Transactions of Essa Entomological Society 72: 17–60. (Japanese) [with English descriptions] Reference page.
- Kishii, T. 1991. 台湾のコメツキムシ(7)”馬場金太郎博士による1986–1989年度採集資料の研究” [Elateridae from Taiwan, with descriptions of some new taxa (7) (Coleoptera). A study of the materials collected by Dr. Kintarô Baba from 1986 to 1989]. Transactions of Essa Entomological Society 73: 5–27. (Japanese) [with English descriptions] Reference page.
- Miyamoto, S. 1994. Two Interesting Insects, Babacoris striatus gen. nov. and sp. nov. and Neopanorpa babai sp. nov., Collected by the Late Dr. Kintaro Baba in Taiwan (Heteroptera: Miridae and Mecoptera: Panorpidae). Special Bulletin of Essa Entomological Society 2: 115–118. Reference page.
- Uéno, S.-I. 1994. A New Oculate Trechiama (Coleoptera: Trechinae) Collected by the Late Dr. Kintaro Baba. Special Bulletin of Essa Entomological Society 2: 119–121. Reference page.
- Miyake, Y. 1994. New or Little Known Scarabaeid Beetles from Southeast Asia II. Special Bulletin of Essa Entomological Society 2: 139–156. Reference page.
- Satô, M. 1994. Notes on the Genus Pseudeucinetus Heller and its New Relative (Coleoptera. Limnichidae). Special Bulletin of Essa Entomological Society 2: 173–177. Reference page.
- Kishii, T. 1994. 台湾のコメツキムシ (8) “馬場金太郎博士による1986~1989年度採集資料の研究” [Elateridae from Taiwan, with Descriptions of some new Taxa (8) (Coleoptera). A study of the materials collected by the late Dr. Kintaro Baba in 1986 to 1989]. Special Bulletin of Essa Entomological Society 2: 179–209. (Japanese) [with English descriptions] Reference page.
- Kishii, T. 1994. Two New Elaterid-Species from Taiwan Collected by the late Dr. Kintarô Baba , with a Remainder of the Deceased (Coleoptera, Elateridae). Special Bulletin of Essa Entomological Society 2: 211–216. Reference page.
- Ôhira, H. 1994. 日本産チビコメツキ亜科の属・種について [Notes on the genera and species of Conoderinae (Coleoptera: Elateridae) from Japan]. Special Bulletin of Essa Entomological Society 2: 217–234. (Japanese) [with English summary]. Reference page.
- Sasaji, H. 1994. The Formosan Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) collected by the late Dr. K. Baba (Third Report). Special Bulletin of Essa Entomological Society 2: 235–240. Reference page.
- Nakane, T. 1994. 日本本土に産するハムシダマシ属の種について [On the species of the qenus Laqria Fabricius occurring in the main islands of Japan (Coleoptera, Laqriidae)]. Special Bulletin of Essa Entomological Society 2: 241–246. (Japanese) [description in English] Reference page.
- Sasakawa, M. 1994. Notes on the Japanese Agromyzidae (Diptera) 4. Two Cambium Borers of the Genus Phytobia. Special Bulletin of Essa Entomological Society 2: 335–338. Reference page.
- Inoue, H. 1994. 日本産 Scoparia 属のヤマメイガについて [On the Japanese species of Scoparia Haworth, with descriptions of three new species (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae, Scopariinae)]. Special Bulletin of Essa Entomological Society 2: 345–356. (Japanese) [with English summary]. Reference page.
- Sugi, S. & Sakurai, S. 1994. A New Species of Harutaeographa (Noctuidae, Hadeninae) from Western Nepal. Special Bulletin of Essa Entomological Society 2: 365–366. Reference page.