Peter Neville Johnson
(Redirected from P.N. Johnson)
Peter Neville Johnson (1946– ), New Zealand botanist and lichenologist.
IPNI standard form: P.N.Johnson
Taxon names authored
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Published author of:
- Porina fluminea P.M. McCarthy & P.N. Johnson, 1995
edit(List may be incomplete)
- Heenan, P.B., Knox, E.B., Courtney, S.P., Johnson, P.N. & Dawson, M.I.. 2008: Generic placement in Lobelia and revised taxonomy for New Zealand species previously in Hypsela and Isotoma (Lobeliaceae). New Zealand Journal of Botany 46(1): 87–100. DOI: 10.1080/00288250809509756 Reference page.