Eric B. Knox
Eric B. Knox (fl. 1993), U.S. American botanist.
IPNI standard form: E.B.Knox
Taxon names authored
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- Knox, E.B. & Kowal, R.R. 1993. Chromosome numbers of the East African giant senecios and giant Lobelias and their evolutionary significance. American Journal of Botany 80(7): 847–853. doi Reference page.
- Cron, G.V., Balkwill, K. & Knox, E.B. 2006. A Revision of the Genus Cineraria (Asteraceae, Senecioneae). Kew Bulletin 61(4): 449–535. JSTOR Reference page.
- Cron, G.V., Balkwill, K. & Knox, E.B. 2008. Phylogenetic evidence for the generic circumscription of Cineraria L. (Asteraceae - Senecioneae). Taxon 57(3): 779–798. DOI: 10.1002/tax.573010 Reference page.
- Heenan, P.B., Knox, E.B., Courtney, S.P., Johnson, P.N. & Dawson, M.I.. 2008: Generic placement in Lobelia and revised taxonomy for New Zealand species previously in Hypsela and Isotoma (Lobeliaceae). New Zealand Journal of Botany 46(1): 87–100. DOI: 10.1080/00288250809509756 Reference page.
- Knox, E.B. 2014. The dynamic history of plastid genomes in the Campanulaceae sensu lato is unique among angiosperms. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(30): 11097–11102. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1403363111 PDF Reference page.