Oenothera parviflora

Oenothera parviflora
Oenothera parviflora


Taxonavigation: Myrtales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Cladus: Core eudicots
Cladus: Rosids
Cladus: Eurosids II
Ordo: Myrtales

Familia: Onagraceae
Subfamilia: Onagroideae
Tribus: Onagreae
Genus: Oenothera
Sectio: O. sect. Oenothera
Subsectio: O. subsect. Oenothera
Species: Oenothera parviflora



Oenothera parviflora L., 1759.


  • Homotypic
    • Oenothera biennis var. parviflora (L.) Torr. & A.Gray in Fl. N. Amer. 1: 492 (1840)
    • Oenothera communis f. parviflora (L.) H.Lév. in Bull. Acad. Int. Géogr. Bot., sér. 3, 19: 330 (1909 publ. 1910)
    • Oenothera muricata subsp. parviflora (L.) P.Fourn. in Quatre Fl. France: 599 (1936)
    • Oenothera muricata subsp. parviflora (L.) Tischler in Chromosom. Gefässpfl. Mitteleur.: 58 (1950), nom. illeg.
    • Onagra chrysantha Spach in Nouv. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. 4: 355 (1835 publ. 1836), nom. superfl.
    • Onagra chrysantha var. parviflora (L.) Spach in Nouv. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. 4: 355 (1835 publ. 1836), nom. superfl.
    • Onagra parviflora (L.) Moench in Suppl. Meth.: 287 (1802)
  • Heterotypic
    • Oenothera ammophiloides var. flecticaulis (R.R.Gates) R.R.Gates in Rhodora 59: 11 (1957)
    • Oenothera ammophiloides var. parva (R.R.Gates) R.R.Gates in Rhodora 59: 12 (1957)
    • Oenothera angustifolia Mill. in Gard. Dict., ed. 8.: n.° 2 (1768)
    • Oenothera angustissima R.R.Gates in Rhodora 15: 46 (1913)
    • Oenothera angustissima var. quebecensis R.R.Gates in Philos. Trans., Ser. B 226: 324 (1936)
    • Oenothera apicaborta R.R.Gates in Canad. Field-Naturalist 65: 196 (1952)
    • Oenothera atrovirens Shull & Bartlett in Amer. J. Bot. 1: 239 (1914)
    • Oenothera biennis var. cruciata (Nutt.) Torr. & A.Gray in Fl. N. Amer. 1: 492 (1840)
    • Oenothera biennis subsp. muricata Bonnier & Layens in Tabl. Syn. Pl. Vasc. France: 105 (1894)
    • Oenothera biformiflora R.R.Gates in Philos. Trans., Ser. B 226: 303 (1936)
    • Oenothera biformiflora var. cruciata R.R.Gates in Philos. Trans., Ser. B 226: 305 (1936)
    • Oenothera cleistantha Shull & Bartlett in Rhodora 17: 43 (1915)
    • Oenothera communis var. cruciata (Nutt.) H.Lév. in Bull. Acad. Int. Géogr. Bot., sér. 3, 19: 330 (1909 publ. 1910)
    • Oenothera comosa R.R.Gates in Philos. Trans., Ser. B 226: 262 (1936)
    • Oenothera cruciata Nutt. in Boston J. Philos. Arts 2(6): 614 (1825)
    • Oenothera cruciata var. sabulonensis Fernald in Rhodora 51: 67 (1949)
    • Oenothera cruciata var. varia de Vries in Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 30: 76 (1903)
    • Oenothera deflexa R.R.Gates in Philos. Trans., Ser. B 226: 332 (1936)
    • Oenothera flecticaulis R.R.Gates in Philos. Trans., Ser. B 226: 269 (1936)
    • Oenothera hazeliae R.R.Gates in Philos. Trans., Ser. B 226: 272 (1936)
    • Oenothera hazeliae var. parviflora R.R.Gates in Philos. Trans., Ser. B 226: 275 (1936)
    • Oenothera hazeliae var. subterminalis (R.R.Gates) R.R.Gates in Rhodora 59: 11 (1957)
    • Oenothera intermedia R.R.Gates in Philos. Trans., Ser. B 226: 226 (1936)
    • Oenothera issleri Renner ex Rostański in Phytotaxa 343: 293 (2018)
    • Oenothera issleri var. silesiacoides Rostański & V.Jehlík in Phytotaxa 343: 296 (2018)
    • Oenothera laevigata Bartlett in Cybele Columb. 1: 47 (1914)
    • Oenothera laevigata var. scitula (Bartlett) R.R.Gates in Rhodora 59: 13 (1957)
    • Oenothera laevigata var. similis R.R.Gates in Philos. Trans., Ser. B 226: 312 (1936)
    • Oenothera lipsiensis Rostański & Gutte in Ber. Arbeitsgem. Sächs. Bot. 9: 69 (1971)
    • Oenothera muricata subsp. atrovirens (Shull & Bartlett) Á.Löve & D.Löve in Opera Bot. 5: 257 (1961)
    • Oenothera muricata var. issleri Á.Löve & D.Löve in Opera Bot. 5: 257 (1961)
    • Oenothera novae-scotiae R.R.Gates in Proc. & Trans. Nova Scotian Inst. Sci. 14: 142 (1918)
    • Oenothera novae-scotiae var. distantifolia R.R.Gates in Philos. Trans., Ser. B 226: 260 (1936)
    • Oenothera novae-scotiae var. intermedia (R.R.Gates) R.R.Gates in Rhodora 59: 11 (1957)
    • Oenothera pachycarpa Renner ex Rudloff in Gartenbauwissenschaft 3: 499 (1930)
    • Oenothera parva R.R.Gates in Philos. Trans., Ser. B 226: 296 (1936)
    • Oenothera parviflora var. angustissima (R.R.Gates) Wiegand in Rhodora 26: 3 (1924)
    • Oenothera parviflora subsp. angustissima (R.R.Gates) Munz in N.L.Britton & al. (eds.), N. Amer. Fl., ser. 2, 5: 123 (1965)
    • Oenothera robinsonii Bartlett in Rhodora 17: 42 (1915)
    • Oenothera rubricapitata R.R.Gates in Philos. Trans., Ser. B 226: 343 (1936)
    • Oenothera scitula Bartlett in Cybele Columb. 1: 45 (1914)
    • Oenothera silesiaca Renner in Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 60: 455 (1942)
    • Oenothera subterminalis R.R.Gates in Philos. Trans., Ser. B 226: 278 (1936)
    • Oenothera venosa Shull & Bartlett in Amer. J. Bot. 1: 241 (1914)
    • Onagra biennis var. cruciata (Nutt.) Britton in Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 5: 233 (1894)
    • Onagra chrysantha var. cruciata (Nutt.) Spach in Nouv. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. 4: 355 (1835 publ. 1836), nom. superfl.
    • Onagra cruciata (Nutt.) Small in Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 23: 169 (1896)


Native distribution areas:
  • Continental: Northern America
    • Regional: Northern Central USA
      • Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode I., Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin
    • Regional: Canada
      • New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward I., Québec, Saskatchewan
    • Introduced into:
      • Austria, Belgium, British Columbia, Bulgaria, Cape Provinces, Central European Russia, China North-Central, Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Illinois, Italy, Japan, Manchuria, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland

References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition



Primary references

  • Linnaeus, C. 1759. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus II. Editio decima, reformata. Pp. [I–VI], 825–1384. Impensis direct. Laurentii Salvii, Holmiae [Stockholm]. BHL Reference page. : ed. 10, 2: 998.

Additional references

  • Flora of North America Editorial Committee (2021). Flora of North America North of Mexico 10: 1-456. Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford.
  • Meades, S.J. Schnare, D. & Lawrence, K. & Faulkner, C. 2004-. Northern Ontario Plant Database Website. Version 1, January 2004. Algoma University College and Great Lakes Forestry Centre, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada.

Vernacular names

čeština: pupalka malokvětá
Deutsch: Kleinblütige Nachtkerze
English: northern evening primrose, northern evening-primrose, small-flowered evening-primrose
hornjoserbsce: Małokwětna rěpnica
Nederlands: kleine teunisbloem
slovenčina: pupalka malokvetá
中文: 小花月见草
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