Ming-Li Zhang
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Ming-Li Zhang (张明理, 10 October 1959 – 13 December 2017), Chinese botanist.
IPNI standard form: M.L.Zhang
Taxon names authored
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- Zhang, M.-L. & Podlech, D. 2006. Revision of the Genus Phyllolobium Fisch. (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae). Feddes Repertorium: Journal of Botanical Taxonomy and Geobotany 117(1–2): 41–64. DOI: 10.1002/fedr.200511090 . Reference page.
- Wen, Z.B., Zhang, M.-L., Zhu, G.L. & Sanderson, S.C. 2010. Phylogeny of Salsoleae s.l. (Chenopodiaceae) based on DNA sequence data from ITS, psbB–psbH, and rbcL, with emphasis on taxa of northwestern China. Plant Systematics and Evolution 288(1–2): 25–42. DOI: 10.1007/s00606-010-0310-5 Reference page.
- Xue, J.J. & Zhang, M.-L. 2011. Monophyly and infrageneric variation of Corispermum L. (Chenopodiaceae), evidence from sequence data psbB-psbH, rbcL and ITS. Journal of Arid Land 3(4): 240−253. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1227.2011.00240 Reference page.
- Sukhorukov, A.P., Uotila, P., Zhang, M.-L., Zhang, H.-X., Speranskaya, A.S. & Krinitsyna, A.A. 2013. New combinations in Asiatic Oxybasis (Amaranthaceae s.l.): evidence from morphological, carpological and molecular data. Phytotaxa 144(1): 1–12. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.144.1.1 Reference page.
- Sukhorukov, A.P., Zhang, M.-L. & Nilova, M.V. 2014. The carpology and taxonomy of some Chinese Corispermum (Amaranthaceae s.l.), Phytotaxa 172(2): 81–93. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.172.2.3 PDF. Reference page.
- Wen, Z.-B., Zhang, M.-L. & Meng, H.-H. 2014. Salsola arbusculiformis and S. laricifolia (Chenopodiaceae) in China. Nordic Journal of Botany 32(2): 167–175. DOI: 10.1111/j.1756-1051.2013.00113.x. Reference page.
- Zhang, M.L., Hao, X.L., Sanderson, S.C., Byalt, V.V., Sukhorukov, A.P. & Zhang, X. 2014. Spatiotemporal evolution of Reaumuria (Tamaricaceae) in Central Asia: insights from molecular biogeography. Phytotaxa 167(1): 89–103. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.167.1.5 PDF Reference page.
- Sukhorukov, A.P., Zhang, M.-L. & Kushunina, M. 2015. A new species of Dysphania (Chenopodioideae, Chenopodiaceae) from South-West Tibet and East Himalaya. Phytotaxa 203(2): 138–146. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.203.2.3 PDF Reference page.
- Zhang, M.-L. & Chu, G.L. 2016. Resurrection of the genus Botrydium Spach (Chenopodiaceae), with a description of four new species from China, Peru and Burundi. Plant Diversity 38(6): 322–329. DOI: 10.1016/j.pld.2016.10.005 Reference page.
- Kang, Y. & Zhang, M.-L. 2017. A new combination of Phyllolobium (Leguminosae) from China. [中国膨果豆属(豆科)一新组合]. Guihaia 37(2): 225–227. DOI: 10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201511017 . Reference page.
edit- Zhang, X.-C. & Han, B. 2018. In memoriam: Ming-Li Zhang (1959–2017). Turczaninowia 21(2): 268–276. Turczaninowia